The reason so many distrust the election results is because we lack a transparent system

Achievable? We've already had it! To fix elections, all we need to do is go back to mechanical machines that spit out a paper ballot, give a paper receipt, and are hand counted the old fashion way with no electronics, no software, no programming, and no internet connection.
Hand counting is likely just as error prone if not more so and will definitely take FAR longer.
VOTER ID proving legal citizen of the USA, no voting/tabulation machines hooked up to the internet, EVER, no access to (re)programming of voting/tabulation machines by an attendant, no access to adjudication by attendant without bipartisan witnesses, signature and finger print proof for chain of custody of all mail in ballots, records kept of every vote, available to ANYONE upon request including the public. One day of voting. All votes must be counted and recorded within 48 hours of voting end, and must be witnessed by bipartisan observers. Any votes counted without bipartisan witnesses are immediately declared invalid. All voting rules to be adhered to, and anyone breaking said voting rules to be immediately arrested and charged with voter fraud.
Having an ID doesn't prove citizenship, a voter in the US has the right to privacy when voting

But not when boarding an airplane, using a public library, buying liquor or using a bank. Among a myriad of other things. These are "private" things and you say no ID should be required?
Anyone denying that we have fraud in our elections are dead wrong...remember Al Franken's senate race?...he was behind his republican opponent by thousands of was day ten of counting blue districts with no end in sight...when they tallied the final count Franken was down and ready to concede....
Than all of a sudden some democrat found ballots in the trunk of her car...every ballot was counted no GOP poll watchers were allowed to see them and those ballots put Franken in the senate...and he was a disaster and ended up resigning because he couldn't treat women with don't forget history when you argue that our elections are honest....
Dems have made a mockery of our election system...a global joke....and now they want HR1??? if that ever passed civil unrest would be unpreventable....

True, and then an actual insurrection would occur.
Achievable? We've already had it! To fix elections, all we need to do is go back to mechanical machines that spit out a paper ballot, give a paper receipt, and are hand counted the old fashion way with no electronics, no software, no programming, and no internet connection.
How do you know that the hand counters won't cheat?
There is no fraud in US Presidential elections in any material way. Prove me wrong.
The problem isn't really that we know there was fraud (though if you listen to the hearings held in multiple states, watch the footage of poll watchers being kicked out or votes appearing from beneath tables, and check the odd statistical anomalies such as bellweather counties being COMPLETELY wrong, you'd say we have a bit of evidence there).
The problem is that we have no proof the election wasn't fraudulent. Chain of custody hasn't been kept, poll watchers have been kicked out, audits have been denied, and everybody who wants to check it out and tighten up the security is mocked and called a nutjob.]

You repeat a lie. I can speak the truth.
Though foolish, the Jan. 6 disturbance was hardly an insurrection, though I am willing to admit that a small number of those people were likely interested in insurrection. The majority were peaceful, many if not most were under the impression that they were behaving in a legal manner (partially because the capitol police were literally welcoming them in), and very little damage was done. The only death caused by the event was that of Ashli Babbitt, and the officer responible for that was likely acting illegally and at best acting very foolishly. Allegations of the police officer's death have since been disproven- he died, but from causes at best tangentially related to the event.

The reason they don't want good elections is that they are afraid of losing power. Additionally, if you beat the populace up enough, gaslight them enough, you can get the majority to go along with whatever you want, no matter how nonsensical, the same way you can abuse a person until they will just do whatever their abuser tells them to do from a combination of fear and delusion (delusion reinforced because many will legitimately believe that what they are being forced to do is good for them, even if its really, really not). Basic tactics for a corrupt institution (and I hold 98% of Republican politicians just as responsible as 99.999999% of Democrat politicians. The unelected administrative state even more so).
We need a system that is TRANSPARENT and fraud-proof so that nobody has to guess as to whether or not there is or is not fraud in the election process. We don't have that. Hence, so-called "conspiracy" theories arise.

Such a system is achievable, but the establishment doesn't want it. Now, why is that?
One of the things that some people are forgetting that there were some Democrats who were primaried by other Democrats in highly suspicious number number reversals similar to the Pennsylvania election night scandal.That's being kept on the QT. It's not just the Republicans that are suspicious of Dominion.
True, and then an actual insurrection would occur.
I'm still waiting. Seven months now.
The massive fraud was the insurrection.

The "insurrection" that wasn't is truly a false narrative.
Try robbing a bank without a gun. It was not an insurrection it is all hyperbole and was to distract from the fraud. The reason now is to bash Trump because they are scared shitless of him.
Try robbing a bank without a gun. It was not an insurrection it is all hyperbole and was to distract from the fraud.
Several drive-through banks have been robbed with a note and a fake bomb.

It sounds like you're saying that the tour group at the Capitol wanted to distract from the fraud. Hey, maybe they did!

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