The Real Truth About Jan6


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. A wise wonk penned this rule about Democrats:

Rule #2​

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

2. Whether they admit it or not, even Democrat supporters know who was responsible for the pushing and shoving they are calling a 'riot' at the Capitol. There is lots of evidence of agents provocateurs aligned with the Democrats, versus those who followed Trump's order to "peacefully and patriotically" protest.

3. Means, motives, and opportunity.
The Democrats have all three elements of the crime: they despirately need to hide the 12 THOUSAND riots, arsons, domestic terrorism acts that their voters perpetrated leadinf up to the stolen election. And a pretend riot at the capital was the means.

4. Trump asked for thousands of troops to be provided at the Capitol, and the Democrats denied the request.

5. "Watch Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th

One of the dumbest things the Democrats are now claiming is that a Donald Trump speech where he said "you have to fight like hell" caused the January 6th riot. By the way, they edit the clip and never play the second part of the sentence "you have to fight like hell - to win back the House and the Senate."​

If using the word 'fight' is what caused the riot, take a look here at the hundreds of times Democrats who used that word:​

Mark Simone.
Nope. We all heard his speech. He didn't tell them to riot. As much as you would like to believe he did.

You are the one who voted for an incompetent walking, talking disaster. I'd bet you regret that vote. LOL
Well, I'm convinced. Ashli Babbitt was Antifa and Ray Epps is FBI. The Proud Boys seditionists at the Capitol were Black Lives Matter provocateurs in disguise.

There was no insurrection. January 6 was just an ordinary tourist visit. I even have some still photos to prove it.

The 2020 election was stolen. We know this because there has been no evidence for the theft brought to court after 14 months. The Democrats hid the evidence of TH3 STEELE. The lack of evidence is therefore proof the election was stolen. We are a nation of laws but we don't need to go to court to prove the election was stolen. We want to bleev it was, so it was. Because Constitution.

Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

Only 9 people have died from Covid.

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the wildfires in California.

Oh, and we must never forget all Muslims are terrorists and Mexicans are stealing our jobs (even though we have full employment) and are causing inflation and the supply chain snarls.
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Well, I'm convinced. Ashli Babbitt was Antifa and Ray Epps is FBI. The Proud Boys who "attacked" the Capitol were Black Lives Matter provocateurs in disguise.

There was no insurrection. January 6 was just an ordinary tourist visit. I even have some still photos to prove it.

The 2020 election was stolen. We know this because there has been no evidence for the theft brought to court. The Democrats hid the evidence of TH3 STEELE. The lack of evidence is therefore proof the election was stolen.

Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

Only 9 people have died from Covid.

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the wildfires in California.

Oh, and we must never forget all Muslims are terrorists and Mexicans are stealing our jobs (even though we have full employment) and are causing inflation and the supply chain snarls.

Let's review everything you believed and still do:

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being ta,00ught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett,….

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710


Every single bought 'em like they were on sale.
Let's review everything you believed and still do:

Democrats lie about everything….on what basis would any of their fabricated data be considered valid???
Here the prism through which every Democrat pronouncement should be viewed: First collusion, collusion, collusion, Russia, Russia, Russia, Obstruction, Obstruction, Obstruction. Racist, Racist, Racist, Impeach, Impeach, Impeach, Recession, Recession, Recession, Emoluments, 25th amendment, “HandsUpDon’tShoot,”Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, Kurds, Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching,’ the Kavanaugh hoax, the GAO charges, Lev Parnas, impeachment, coronavirus ‘hoax,’ General Flynn perjury trap, no evidence of voter fraud in the stolen election.....and “More than 50 former intelligence officials signed a letter casting doubt on the provenance of a New York Post story on the former vice president's son."

Don’t forget the Democrats told you that Trump was colluding with Russia…and that wasn’t true. They also told you that so was Naval Academy grad Carter Page and so was George Papadopoulos and so was General Michael Flynn, a three star general and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….and all of that was a lie. How stupid must one be to keep believing what they say?
...and, and that ‘armed insurrection’ that never occurred, and AOC lying about her near-death experience in the Capitol Riots.....when she wasn't even in the Capitol. And, of course the 275 Democrat inspired riots were ‘mostly peaceful.’

And that Biden voters as agents provocateur weren't behind the Capitol Riot.....and that Pelosi knew and refused to allow extra security. They lie about everything.......yet Democrat voters are, ready to swallow the next lie.

And that the Wuhan Red Death did not come from a Chinese Communist lab that got its funding via Dr. Fauci, and its purpose was to remove Trump….

FakeStories: Three years of Russian Collusion stories; altering documents at the DoJ and FBI to railroad political opponents; the state media burying the Hunter Biden Scandal what with Joe getting 10% of the bribes; stories about Kavanaugh rape parties, and Covington Catholic School; Carter Page working for Russia when he was actually working for the CIA….where were those ‘fact checkers’? The great lie that there was an ‘insurrection’ January 6th. The lie that it was Republicans who wanted to defund the police. The lie that Critical Race Theory wasn’t being ta,00ught. The lie that 600,000 died from the Wuhan Red Death.
What should you do when they lied to you at least these 30 times already???????????

Democrats claimed it was Republicans who demanded defunding the police, AOC claimed ten people were killed Jan6th, Ilhan Omar blames the police for crime, they claimed that CRT wasn’t being taught in government school, men can become pregnant, and MAGA fans attacked Jussie Smollett,….

  • Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
  • President Michael Avenatti
  • The Covington KKKids Hoax
  • Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
  • George Zimmerman
  • Mostly Peaceful Black Lives Matter Riots
  • The Russia Collusion Hoax
  • Antifa Stormed the Beaches on D-Day
  • Cuomo (D-NY): King of Coronavirus Competence
  • The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
  • The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
  • The Russians Are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
  • The Russian Bounty Hoax
  • The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
  • The Very Fine People Hoax
  • Men Can Magically Transform into Women
  • And on and on and on
…what is the point of watching any corporate media outlet? All they do is lie. Even if you are an NPR wine mom, you do not want to be serially lied to.
The era of corporate media influence is ending thanks to the over the top bias, and that should be good for the future. Americans are rebelling against these exposed frauds, and 2022 should be a turning point."
Mark Simone 710

View attachment 590996

Every single bought 'em like they were on sale.
  • hillary-six-months-to-live.jpg

Sleepy Joe Biden will be determined to be too far mentally gone to continue in office within his first six months in the White House and Phony Kamala Harris will take over.

The Italian defense, security and aerospace company Leonardo SpA used military satellites to change votes for Trump to votes for Biden.

Deceased Venezuelan Marxist Hugo Chavez rigged Dominion voting machines to change Trump votes to Biden votes.

Donald Trump will be reinstated in the White House in August 2021.

The DNC servers are in Ukraine.

Windmill noise causes cancer.

Trump won the 2020 election.

Deep State! Deep State!

ObaMao is a Muslim. We know this because he attended the Trinity United Church of Christ for decades and killed more Muslims than any other president, including the Muslim responsible for the greatest attack on America since Pearl Harbor.

President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles, including Crooked Hillary, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, John Podesta, and other high-ranking Democrats.

Barack Obama was born in Kenya. We know this because there is zero evidence his mother ever visited there.

Deep State! Deep State!

Jeffrey Epstein was killed by Bill Clinton.

Every God-fearing American knows it is okay to cheat on your hot third wife as long as it is with a horse-faced whore who sells her body for money. After all, she has big fake tits and there’s a verse in the Bible somewhere about that being a loophole.

If you are a Christian who loves and observes the Holy Bible, it is entirely sensible to sell your mind, body, and eternal soul to a thoroughly unrepentant, thrice married, serial adulterer and pathological liar who bears false witness against others on practically a daily basis. Every good Christian must back an unapologetic con artist who made his fortune by exploiting every human weakness with gambling houses, contests of the flesh, and a reality TV show, and robbed the elderly through a fake university. It is also incumbent upon you to slander every other Republican candidate who you once vociferously supported. Because the Republican Party is the party of Family Values.

Lyin’ Ted Cruz was complicit in the assassination of JFK.

Deep State! Deep State!

It is the epitome of honesty to constantly whine aloud about Obama’s spending as he cut the deficit by more than half, and then be completely silent as Trump and the GOP Congress doubled the deficit in his first two years, because the Republican Party is the party of small government.

Anyone who lies has no credibility. Except Trump.

It is everyone’s job to meekly fall in line with Trump’s claim Saddam never had WMDs, after you spent 12 years claiming Saddam did have WMDs.

It’s okay to still vote for Trump if he commits murder on Fifth Avenue. What the hell, he’s broken all the other Commandments thousands of times, what’s one more?

Obummer used a “Muslim prayer curtain” as a backdrop in the East Room for public appearances.




Well, I'm convinced. Ashli Babbitt was Antifa and Ray Epps is FBI. The Proud Boys seditionists at the Capitol were Black Lives Matter provocateurs in disguise.

There was no insurrection. January 6 was just an ordinary tourist visit. I even have some still photos to prove it.

The 2020 election was stolen. We know this because there has been no evidence for the theft brought to court after 14 months. The Democrats hid the evidence of TH3 STEELE. The lack of evidence is therefore proof the election was stolen. We are a nation of laws but we don't need to go to court to prove the election was stolen. We want to bleev it was, so it was. Because Constitution.

Americans are dropping like flies after taking the Kung Flu vaccine.

The Covid vaccine alters your DNA.

Covid is no worse than the flu.

Covid is a hoax.

Only 9 people have died from Covid.

“Cheese pizza” is Democrat code for child pornography.

Jewish space lasers started the wildfires in California.

Oh, and we must never forget all Muslims are terrorists and Mexicans are stealing our jobs (even though we have full employment) and are causing inflation and the supply chain snarls.
And the hilarious thing is that you left out about 75% of the other shit you could have added in...

The dumb bitch in the OP thinks that there was election fraud using spies or some bullshit....
1. A wise wonk penned this rule about Democrats:

Rule #2​

To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.
2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

2. Whether they admit it or not, even Democrat supporters know who was responsible for the pushing and shoving they are calling a 'riot' at the Capitol. There is lots of evidence of agents provocateurs aligned with the Democrats, versus those who followed Trump's order to "peacefully and patriotically" protest.

3. Means, motives, and opportunity.
The Democrats have all three elements of the crime: they despirately need to hide the 12 THOUSAND riots, arsons, domestic terrorism acts that their voters perpetrated leadinf up to the stolen election. And a pretend riot at the capital was the means.

4. Trump asked for thousands of troops to be provided at the Capitol, and the Democrats denied the request.

5. "Watch Proof That the Democrats Caused January 6th

One of the dumbest things the Democrats are now claiming is that a Donald Trump speech where he said "you have to fight like hell" caused the January 6th riot. By the way, they edit the clip and never play the second part of the sentence "you have to fight like hell - to win back the House and the Senate."​

If using the word 'fight' is what caused the riot, take a look here at the hundreds of times Democrats who used that word:​

Mark Simone.


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