The Real Reason Leftists Hate Trump


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2016
Where I Is
He is everything they can never be but wish they could. Rich, powerful, with a beautiful wife and children.

The reality is leftists are poor, weak, and their wives look like And act like Roseann Barr and they have loser, drug addled deliquent offspring...So can we really blame them?
He is everything they can never be but wish they could. Rich, powerful, with a beautiful wife and children.

The reality is leftists are poor, weak, and their wives look like And act like Roseann Barr and drugg addled deliquent offspring...So can we really blame them?
A right winger speaking for the left. Now let us hear you speak for Blacks. Indians. Mexicans......
In all seriousness, the GOP could have elected Joe Lieberman, and the bed wetters would react the same. They would accuse him of all the same shit and more.

They hate anyone they're programmed too.

They're programmed to hate anyone who compromises their destructive agenda.

As of today, their agenda may be reversed. I'm quite optimistic.

Why do we dislike him?

Because he's made a career of ripping off working people.

Because he assaults women.

Because he lies more readily than normal humans breathe.

Because he's a sobbing manchild.

Because he sold out the USA.

Oddly, those are the reasons why his fans love him. Go fig.
They hate him because he stands right in front of them and calls them out for what they are, liars.

Just about any other GOP sap would had taken the high road and would had been smoked in the election. Trump was willing to go toe to toe with the media and progressive liars, and bitch slapped them every time.

The left can't stand anyone that exposes them for what they really are.
Trump is a RINO so I would expect both the Right and the Left to love and/or hate him equally.
Why do we dislike him?

Because he's made a career of ripping off working people.

Because he assaults women.

Because he lies more readily than normal humans breathe.

Because he's a sobbing manchild.

Because he sold out the USA.

Oddly, those are the reasons why his fans love him. Go fig.
Not as bad as Mitt Romney however.

And not nearly as stupid as the war hero McCain. "... the fundamentals of the economy are sound!"
He is everything they can never be but wish they could. Rich, powerful, with a beautiful wife and children.

The reality is leftists are poor, weak, and their wives look like And act like Roseann Barr and they have loser, drug addled deliquent offspring...So can we really blame them?

they don't like him because he doesn't want to follow the Communist views, which includes the things you mentioned.
They preach love, but punch ppl in the face for different views, they preach love but throw eggs in a Trump supporters face.
They can't tell you on a live interview WTF facisim even is............these dumb mother fkrs are following a cult based on pure BS they know nothing about.

That's like joining a cult you know nothing about then learn they want you to kill your mother because she liked JFK.
They hate him because he just might succeed with everything he wants to do.

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