The Real Elitists Are at Fox News


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Yes, this is an opinion article from ex-Republican Tom Nichols. Read it anyway.

The Real Elitists Are at Fox News
Republicans and their media enablers despise ordinary Americans.

Right-wing political and media figures regularly level the accusation of “elitism” at other Americans. But new revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News and the Fox Corporation over claims of election fraud are reminders that the most cynical elites in America are the Republicans and their media valets.

Elected Republicans and their courtiers in the right-wing-media ecosystem deploy the word elite as an accusation, a calumny, almost a crime. To be one of the elite is to be a snooty, educated city dweller, a highbrow pretend-patriot who looks down upon the Real Americans who hunt and fish and drive pickup trucks to church. (It does not mean “rich people”; Donald Trump has gleefully referred to himself and his supporters as the “super-elite.”) The elites also support the production of “fake news” by liars who intend to hoodwink ordinary people into doing the bidding of wealthy globalists. They buy books and listen to National Public Radio and they probably read things like The Atlantic.

This shtick has been a remarkable success. Republicans have used it to convince millions of working people that super-educated gasbags such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron DeSantis are just ordinary folks who care deeply about kitchen-table issues that matter to their family and a secure future for their children, such as Hunter Biden’s sex life and whether public schools are letting kids pee in litter boxes.

In the entertainment hothouse, Fox News is the most prominent offender. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy. Every day they warn their viewers that democracy is in peril because of people who majored in gender studies. All of this nuttery is delivered with a straight face—or in Carlson’s case, the weird mien of a dog watching a magic trick.


Meanwhile, the Fox producer Abby Grossberg was more worried about the torch-and-pitchfork Fox demographic. After the election, she reminded Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Fox’s faithful should be served the toxic gunk they craved: “To be honest, our audience doesn’t want to hear about a peaceful transition,” Grossberg texted. “Yes, agree,” Bartiromo answered in a heroic display of high-minded journalistic principle.

In other words: Our audience of American citizens wants to be encouraged in its desire to thwart the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history as a nation. And Bartiromo answered: Yes, let’s keep doing that.

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money.
Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square. (New York City might be full of coastal “elitists,” but that’s where the Fox crew lives and works; we’ll know the real populist millennium has arrived when Fox packs off Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Jeanine Pirro to its new offices in Kansas or Oklahoma.)

More truth at the link.
Yes. Syndi places great stock in quoting those with whom he agrees.

In reality, though, as intelligent and honest people realize and say, the true elitists are almost always found in the liberal realm. Even their “objective” [guffaw] “news” media get their uniform scripts and dutifully intone it all over our land:

Yes. Syndi places great stock in quoting those with whom he agrees.

In reality, though, as intelligent and honest people realize and say, the true elitists are almost always found in the liberal realm. Even their “objective” [guffaw] “news” media get their uniform scripts and dutifully intone it all over our land:


And hammering his own threads, after it's become apparent that nobody else is interested in them.

Yes, this is an opinion article from ex-Republican Tom Nichols. Read it anyway.

The Real Elitists Are at Fox News
Republicans and their media enablers despise ordinary Americans.

Right-wing political and media figures regularly level the accusation of “elitism” at other Americans. But new revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News and the Fox Corporation over claims of election fraud are reminders that the most cynical elites in America are the Republicans and their media valets.

Elected Republicans and their courtiers in the right-wing-media ecosystem deploy the word elite as an accusation, a calumny, almost a crime. To be one of the elite is to be a snooty, educated city dweller, a highbrow pretend-patriot who looks down upon the Real Americans who hunt and fish and drive pickup trucks to church. (It does not mean “rich people”; Donald Trump has gleefully referred to himself and his supporters as the “super-elite.”) The elites also support the production of “fake news” by liars who intend to hoodwink ordinary people into doing the bidding of wealthy globalists. They buy books and listen to National Public Radio and they probably read things like The Atlantic.

This shtick has been a remarkable success. Republicans have used it to convince millions of working people that super-educated gasbags such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron DeSantis are just ordinary folks who care deeply about kitchen-table issues that matter to their family and a secure future for their children, such as Hunter Biden’s sex life and whether public schools are letting kids pee in litter boxes.

In the entertainment hothouse, Fox News is the most prominent offender. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy. Every day they warn their viewers that democracy is in peril because of people who majored in gender studies. All of this nuttery is delivered with a straight face—or in Carlson’s case, the weird mien of a dog watching a magic trick.


Meanwhile, the Fox producer Abby Grossberg was more worried about the torch-and-pitchfork Fox demographic. After the election, she reminded Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Fox’s faithful should be served the toxic gunk they craved: “To be honest, our audience doesn’t want to hear about a peaceful transition,” Grossberg texted. “Yes, agree,” Bartiromo answered in a heroic display of high-minded journalistic principle.

In other words: Our audience of American citizens wants to be encouraged in its desire to thwart the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history as a nation. And Bartiromo answered: Yes, let’s keep doing that.

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money.
Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square. (New York City might be full of coastal “elitists,” but that’s where the Fox crew lives and works; we’ll know the real populist millennium has arrived when Fox packs off Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Jeanine Pirro to its new offices in Kansas or Oklahoma.)

More truth at the link.
We'll see if Tucker is permitted by the establishment to twist the knife on the Nordstream affair. Last night MSNBC seemed to be going on a media barrage attack against Fox and especially on Tucker. I suspect that they understand that this incident has the potential to bring Biden down.

The big question remains though, will Americans face up to bringing out the truth on the Nordstream bombing or will it be too high a price to pay for Biden's hide on a rack?
Yes. Syndi places great stock in quoting those with whom he agrees.

In reality, though, as intelligent and honest people realize and say, the true elitists are almost always found in the liberal realm. Even their “objective” [guffaw] “news” media get their uniform scripts and dutifully intone it all over our land:

An "elitist" is not a wealthy person of privilege. An elitist can be such a person, but an elitist can also be a redneck, pick-up driving, racist in South Alabama wallowing in poverty. You are an elitist. In fact, anyone and everyone that supported Donald Trump, and especially those that supported his efforts to overthrow the election, are poster children for elitism. Additionally, almost the entire Republican party are elitist.

See, you elitist don't believe in democracy. You believe we should be led by a few people who you perhaps unknowingly, believe is somehow superior to all the rest of us. Voter suppression is one clear example. Gerrymandering another. Both are efforts to subvert the will of the people in order to have decisions made by a select few. But the biggest problem, as clearly demonstrated in the realization of FOX news actions revealed by the Dominion lawsuit, is the manipulation of simple minded individuals like yourself.

Look, there are strong arguments supporting elitism, famously penned by William Henry almost 30 years ago. History has shown us that a democracy dwelling within an unequal society almost always results in despotism. It can only be rescued by someone, not working up from the bottom, but a socially conscious member of upper society. Even a royal aristocrat can sometimes be that savior, but never has it been a "common man". But that is not what is happening today.

The powers that be don't care about the "common man". He is one to be manipulated and controlled, and in some cases, actually eliminated for the purpose of population control. These people want more of everything even if the result is all the rest of us living in conditions that serfs of medieval Europe would find appalling, or like I said, DEAD.

And I know the response, oh, it is the left that is doing that. But is the left banning books? Is the left engaged in attacks against personal decisions, like marriage or sexual identity? And ask yourself, what as the Republican party done for middle America? That puny ass tax cut that was accompanied by a massive giveaway to the wealthy? The trade war with China that led to tariffs that ate up all those gains from the tax cut? Failing to enforce laws and regulations against monopolies? Sitting by as countless industries, from airlines to meat packing, consolidate amongst themselves and extort "rents" from the people? Rolling back environmental protections and allowing industries to externalize their costs on the backs of the people?

Look, I know all that is far too advanced for most of you Trump supporters. But, like yesterday,

There is a clear example that even someone with a minimal amount of thought can see is "elitism" in action.
I suspect that Syntholic's purpose with this thread is for the same purpose as I've stated. If Rupert Murdoch decides that it's worth it to him to allow Tucker Carlson to twist the knife on the Nordstream issue, then this is the kind of meat that an American antiwar protest is made of.

Nordstream has 'Gulf of Tonkin' written all over it!

But are Americans' hearts still in the destruction and breakup of Russia? Old hate dies hard!

Can I get at least one 'fake news sticker' for this one?
We'll see if Tucker is permitted by the establishment to twist the knife on the Nordstream affair. Last night MSNBC seemed to be going on a media barrage attack against Fox and especially on Tucker. I suspect that they understand that this incident has the potential to bring Biden down.

The big question remains though, will Americans face up to bringing out the truth on the Nordstream bombing or will it be too high a price to pay for Biden's hide on a rack?
WTF--Biden probably ordered the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, how the hell is that a problem?
WTF--Biden probably ordered the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipeline, how the hell is that a problem?
I can only guess that you don't understand what I write Winston? Or I don't understand you?

Anyway, I would suggest again that Biden did indeed give his stamp of approval for it. He's on record saying so, for dog's sake!
Fux news is just lies and coverup for the truth.
Many times they are and that is clearly understood as the best way to fight against the Nordstream facts if Rupert allows his media outlet to go for the big hit on Biden.

However, Seymour Hersh has MyLai, Abu Ghraib, and other big slamdunks to his credit.

This is Gulf of Tonkin stuff written in spades!
An "elitist" is not a wealthy person of privilege. An elitist can be such a person, but an elitist can also be a redneck, pick-up driving, racist in South Alabama wallowing in poverty.
Your own daffynition doesn’t control. But I never said or suggested that only a person of wealth could be an elitist.
You are an elitist.
False. Your lies also don’t control. You’re not an elitist. You’re just an asshole gasbag.
In fact, anyone and everyone that supported Donald Trump, and especially those that supported his efforts to overthrow the election, are poster children for elitism.
Another combination ^ of things divorced from the concept of “elitism.” And, of course, as always, you’re wrong anyway. “Elitism” isn’t defined by your idiotic, random and childish political preferences. Plus, President Trump did not try to “overthrow the election.”
Additionally, almost the entire Republican party are elitist.
Lol. Actually, EVERY one of your alleged brain cells are retarded.
See, you elitist don't believe in democracy.
False. One can disagree with democracy and not be an elitist. You jellyfish brained libtards falsely assume that we are or should be a democracy. We aren’t. We are a Constitutional republic. Thankfully. And by design.
You believe we should be led by a few people who you perhaps unknowingly, believe is somehow superior to all the rest of us.

Nope. I believe we lead ourselves. We tolerate political leadership for the government. And our governmental leadership doesn’t have to be superior to us. All we seek (and should insist upon) is that they limit their official behaviors to those authorized by our Constitution.
Voter suppression is one clear example.
It hasn’t happened. So, it isn’t an example at all.
Gerrymandering another.
Both of our main political Parties engage in that behavior. But it’s not an example of elitism. It’s an example of political opportunism.
Both are efforts to subvert the will of the people in order to have decisions made by a select few.
Nonsense. Your thesis requires your erroneous and simplistic belief in your idiotic premises.
But the biggest problem, as clearly demonstrated in the realization of FOX news actions revealed by the Dominion lawsuit, is the manipulation of simple minded individuals like yourself.
I haven’t addressed Dominion. And the fact that Fox News feels apparently compelled to back-peddle a bit is of no informational value admit pertains to
“Elitism.” You are far too simple
Minded to discuss anyone else’s allegedly simple mind, Winnie.

I realize you provided a verbose amount of additional silliness. But, yiur thesis is so lame and your arguments are so inadequately supported that wasting further time on you is obviously pointless.

Winnie, you are too stupid and ignorant to bother with.
Last edited:
Yes, this is an opinion article from ex-Republican Tom Nichols. Read it anyway.

The Real Elitists Are at Fox News
Republicans and their media enablers despise ordinary Americans.

Right-wing political and media figures regularly level the accusation of “elitism” at other Americans. But new revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News and the Fox Corporation over claims of election fraud are reminders that the most cynical elites in America are the Republicans and their media valets.

Elected Republicans and their courtiers in the right-wing-media ecosystem deploy the word elite as an accusation, a calumny, almost a crime. To be one of the elite is to be a snooty, educated city dweller, a highbrow pretend-patriot who looks down upon the Real Americans who hunt and fish and drive pickup trucks to church. (It does not mean “rich people”; Donald Trump has gleefully referred to himself and his supporters as the “super-elite.”) The elites also support the production of “fake news” by liars who intend to hoodwink ordinary people into doing the bidding of wealthy globalists. They buy books and listen to National Public Radio and they probably read things like The Atlantic.

This shtick has been a remarkable success. Republicans have used it to convince millions of working people that super-educated gasbags such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron DeSantis are just ordinary folks who care deeply about kitchen-table issues that matter to their family and a secure future for their children, such as Hunter Biden’s sex life and whether public schools are letting kids pee in litter boxes.

In the entertainment hothouse, Fox News is the most prominent offender. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy. Every day they warn their viewers that democracy is in peril because of people who majored in gender studies. All of this nuttery is delivered with a straight face—or in Carlson’s case, the weird mien of a dog watching a magic trick.


Meanwhile, the Fox producer Abby Grossberg was more worried about the torch-and-pitchfork Fox demographic. After the election, she reminded Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Fox’s faithful should be served the toxic gunk they craved: “To be honest, our audience doesn’t want to hear about a peaceful transition,” Grossberg texted. “Yes, agree,” Bartiromo answered in a heroic display of high-minded journalistic principle.

In other words: Our audience of American citizens wants to be encouraged in its desire to thwart the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history as a nation. And Bartiromo answered: Yes, let’s keep doing that.

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money.
Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square. (New York City might be full of coastal “elitists,” but that’s where the Fox crew lives and works; we’ll know the real populist millennium has arrived when Fox packs off Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Jeanine Pirro to its new offices in Kansas or Oklahoma.)

More truth at the link.
They’ve been insulting the rubes for decades. Now it’s all out in the open. And it STILL won’t matter.
Your own daffynition doesn’t control. But I never said or suggested that only a person of wealth could be an elitist.

False. Your lies also don’t control. You’re not an elitist. You’re just an asshole gasbag.

Another combination ^ of things divorced from the concept of “elitism.” And, of course, as always, you’re wrong anyway. “Elitism” isn’t defined by your idiotic? random and childish political preferences. Plus, President Trump did not try to “overthrow the election.”

Lol. Actually, EVERY one of your alleged brain cells are retarded.

False. One can disagree with democracy and not be an elitist. You jellyfish brained libtards falsely assume that we are or should be a democracy. We aren’t. We are a Constitutional republic. Thankfully. And by design.

Nope. I believe we lead ourselves. We tolerate political leadership for the government. And our governmental leadership doesn’t have to be superior to us. All we seek (and should insist upon) is that they limit their official behaviors to those authorized by our Constitution.

It hasn’t happened. So, it isn’t an example at all.

Both of our main political Parties engage in that behavior. But it’s not an example of elitism. It’s an example of political opportunism.

Nonsense. Your thesis requires your erroneous and simplistic belief in your idiotic premises.

I haven’t addressed Dominion. And the fact that Fox News feels apparently compelled to back-peddle a bit is of no informational value admit pertains to
“Elitism.” You are far too simple
Minded to discuss anyone else’s allegedly simple mind, Winnie.

I realize you provided a verbose amount of additional silliness. But, yiur thesis is so lame and your arguments are so inadequately supported that wasting further time on you is obviously pointless.

Winnie, you are too stupid and ignorant to bother with.
Fox New's big win is lying on the table waiting for America to pick it up and pull the trigger! But the biggest question is on whether Americans will throw foreign policy on Russia out the window and take Biden down over what he had done to Nordstream.
Fox New's big win is lying on the table waiting for America to pick it up and pull the trigger!
Oh. 🙄
But the biggest question is on whether Americans will throw foreign policy on Russia out the window and take Biden down over what he had done to Nordstream.

That’s not the “biggest” question.

What was done to the Nord Stream pipeline (note the correct spelling) is attributed by Hersch (based on one anonymous source) to Brandon. Considering that President Potato actually verbalized as much ahead of time (he being a simpleton with dementia), it is realistic to conclude that he was probably behind the attack on the pipeline. Still and all, why not wait and see what supporting evidence may come to light.

As bad as that was, it’s far from the biggest problem.

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