The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!
And how much of the predicted power generation is actually produced by solar generation? Make mountains out of molehills much?
To run a like 100 kW house, you need a like 500 m2 paneling array, in a sunny place like Florida. What is you are not tropical? Then there is the associated battery requirement. Can you store and dispose like 30 lead acid car batteries per households? How wil THAT affect the environment?
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.
No, because what do you do with all that endless tons of disposed battery acid?n
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.
No, because what do you do with all that endless tons of disposed battery acid?n
LOL My, you are really behind the technology. Do you hunt with a club?

Tesla Powerwall 2 is a game changer in home energy storage: 14 kWh w/ inverter for $5,500
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.
No, because what do you do with all that endless tons of disposed battery acid?n
LOL My, you are really behind the technology. Do you hunt with a club?

Tesla Powerwall 2 is a game changer in home energy storage: 14 kWh w/ inverter for $5,500

You still don't know anything about the price stability, reliability, life time, and chemical handling after disposal of this single vendor single secret technology. These are the kind of reasons why you can't go beyond small scale pilot projects. Also, the 14 kWh number seems to be way too low, as that would mean an only like 60 Ah battery which many widely available batteries outdo easily to 200 Ah or further.
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IsaacNewton said:
Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.

Do you really get free solar panels to make your electricity? Must be nice, the best my wife can do is free electricity as a fringe benefit of work. And what do you do when the sun goes down, how does that fit into your "unlimited" scheme? You should be more clear perhaps "Unlimited when the sun is shining, but only at a rate proportional to the size of the panels I use to collect sunlight".

Without all the caveats involved you just up sounding like an another advocate, telling people things that aren't true in the hopes they are dumb enough, or gullible enough, to believe you.
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.

Unlimited (except when it's dark or cloudy) free (except for the cost of the cells themselves, and maintenance) clean (except for the materials needed to make them) energy (well you got that right).

Why is it always progressives that think they can get something for nothing?
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.

Unlimited (except when it's dark or cloudy) free (except for the cost of the cells themselves, and maintenance) clean (except for the materials needed to make them) energy (well you got that right).

Why is it always progressives that think they can get something for nothing?

You want free stuff, it's what conservatives are about. You vote for politicians that promise to give you things.

Normal adults have already figured in the various costs associated with something and it is implied without ever being said. Except to conservatives who think they've mined some rare mineral by stating something 8 year olds already know without any discussion.

But call Faux News, they'll be dutifully impressed with all your brilliant observations Capt Obvious.
In spite of the negativety of the 'Conservatives' on this board, PV solar just continues to grow at a two digit compound rate year after year. Seems like their nonsense is not getting much reading by the utilities or home owners.
The rate of actual adoption of solar energy is vastly outstripping the IEA's predictions



This is a fascinating graphic
Source is Auke Hoekstra, a Dutch renewables researcher.
I'm guessing many countries use the International Energy Agency data & it's woefully underestimating the reality of a huge speed up in the switch to renewables.
This must scare the petro-nations.

This blows the shit out of skookerballs little graph!

Unlimited free clean energy. The rest of the world has figured it out.

You think solar energy is free? First, it is far from free. The panels are very costly.
2017, most homeowners are paying between $2.87 and $3.85 per watt to install solar, and the average gross cost of solar panels before tax credits is $16,800. Using the U.S, average for system size at 5 kW (5000 watts), solar panel cost will range from $10,045 to $13,475 (after tax credits).

If you spend 100/month on you electric bill, It will take over 12 years to recoup the investment if you get all your electric power from the array, which you won't, and hopefully the panels will still be fully functional after those years.

The raw materials required to build solar panels are expensive and finite.

Solar Panels

Zehner estimates that powering the world with solar panels would cost upwards of $64 trillion plus an additional $694 billion per year of maintenance expenses. The GDP of the United States is only worth about $14 trillion (Zehner 9). Even with improvements in technological advances and economies of scale, the California Energy Commission claims that cheaper photovoltaic cells will not offset non-technological costs such as insurance, warranties, materials, transportation, labor, and environmental externalities. Zehner concludes that the environmental and economic benefits of solar cells are “insignificant compared to the expense of realizing them” (Zehner 30). Despite high praise from scientists, environmentalists, and politicians alike, the future looks bleak for the solar industry.

Solar has the potential to provide a part of the world energy requirements, but it is not the panacea many believe it to be. I apologize for introducing you to reality.

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