"The rape thing ... "

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
John Koster, GOP House Candidate: 'The Rape Thing' Does Not Excuse Abortions

"Incest is so rare, I mean, it's so rare," he said. "But the rape thing-- you know, I know a woman who was raped and kept the child, gave it up for adoption, and she doesn't regret it.

"On the rape thing, it's like, how does putting more violence onto a woman's body and taking the life of an innocent child that's a consequence of this crime -- how does that make it better? You know what I mean?" "

These asshole just can't help themselves. They are utterly ignorant and they like it that way.

First, incest is anything but rare and second, making up ONE woman who "doesn't regret it" doesn't give him the right to pass judgment on all women.

And third - stfu.
I know a woman who was raped and kept the child, gave it up for adoption, and she doesn't regret it.

This guy should produce the woman who could speak for herself. Even that is probative of nothing. Just an other asshole trying to justify his existence and get a job. He should sell used cars, left handed wenches or some other useless crap.
Lighten up... Nobody wants to infringe upon your right to murder babies.
Less than 1 percent of abortions are per.Gutmachter. 90+% are pure convenience
Thankfully Republicans have never been in power, otherwise we'd be back in the stone ages and women would be forced to stay at home and pop out babies.

Wait a minute....
How many women regret not having that abortion? Really, what are the stats of women who say "If I just hadn't decided to have that baby and aborted it instead, my life would be so much better." Compared to women who have had abortions and regretted that, how many?

No doubt liberals honestly believe that women who have lived their lives and are on their deathbed would be saying "I should have had an abortion".
Less than 1 percent of abortions are per.Gutmachter. 90+% are pure convenience

The reason for an abortion is beside the point.

No matter what garbage the rw's uses to try to muddy the issue, the only real point here is that no one but the woman has the right to make the decision to abort.

The R wants to put Big Government in charge of women's bodies. There is nothing that will make real Americans agree to that.
BTW, did anyone notice what this jackass said about incest?

How is it possible that so many Rs are so completely ignorant of reality?
Less than 1 percent of abortions are per.Gutmachter. 90+% are pure convenience

The reason for an abortion is beside the point.

No matter what garbage the rw's uses to try to muddy the issue, the only real point here is that no one but the woman has the right to make the decision to abort.

The R wants to put Big Government in charge of women's bodies. There is nothing that will make real Americans agree to that.

Uh-huh. A baby is an -other- body. You have no right to.destroy another persons body and kill them jusr because.their.existance is inconvenient for you
my gawd the obsession with rapes and abortions..

Liberals priorities are all screwed up..
I'm still waiting for all the anti-abortion nutters to put their money where their mouths are and start lining up to adopt drug addicted infants from the inner cities....lol.
I'm still waiting for all the anti-abortion nutters to put their money where their mouths are and start lining up to adopt drug addicted infants from the inner cities....lol.

holy cow, the cat dug up..OCA
I'm still waiting for all the anti-abortion nutters to put their money where their mouths are and start lining up to adopt drug addicted infants from the inner cities....lol.

holy cow, the cat dug up..OCA

Got in a big brawl with Jimmy about 6-9 months ago, remembered I was still a member here.

I kinda got bored with all that and came back here too..
only a few of us old timers still here. good to see you back..
How many women regret not having that abortion? Really, what are the stats of women who say "If I just hadn't decided to have that baby and aborted it instead, my life would be so much better." Compared to women who have had abortions and regretted that, how many?

No doubt liberals honestly believe that women who have lived their lives and are on their deathbed would be saying "I should have had an abortion".
Liberals simply believe that each woman is capable of making thst decision herself.
How many women regret not having that abortion? Really, what are the stats of women who say "If I just hadn't decided to have that baby and aborted it instead, my life would be so much better." Compared to women who have had abortions and regretted that, how many?

No doubt liberals honestly believe that women who have lived their lives and are on their deathbed would be saying "I should have had an abortion".
Liberals simply believe that each woman is capable of making thst decision herself.

And they do, after liberal counseling that having an abortion is just about the best thing they can do.
How many women regret not having that abortion? Really, what are the stats of women who say "If I just hadn't decided to have that baby and aborted it instead, my life would be so much better." Compared to women who have had abortions and regretted that, how many?

No doubt liberals honestly believe that women who have lived their lives and are on their deathbed would be saying "I should have had an abortion".
Liberals simply believe that each woman is capable of making thst decision herself.

And they do, after liberal counseling that having an abortion is just about the best thing they can do.

The majority of women do not regret their abortions. Those who do probably rushed into it without thinking about it first. That is why I support a 48 hour waiting period between the time you make the appointment until the actual procedure.
I'm still waiting for all the anti-abortion nutters to put their money where their mouths are and start lining up to adopt drug addicted infants from the inner cities....lol.
Why would one of us object to someone killing a person who might have had the Smithsonian named after them, bequested in his estate to some new country he never visited ever?


James Smithson
Let me think....



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