The radicalization of white Americans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
USMB is full of these examples.

The radicalization of white Americans
By German Lopez

We need to talk about homegrown extremism too.

The common causes of radicalization
One thing experts emphasize: There is no single pathway to radicalization, and there are many contributors to radicalization. But generally, radicalization takes root when someone has some sort of problem — whether about his own life, society at large, or something else entirely — and a radical ideology or group provides an answer to that problem. He may seek out that radical ideology himself, or a group will come to him.

J.M. Berger, an expert on terrorism and author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam, explained in a talk that sources of grievances can be broadly broken into two categories: personal issues and social issues.

For personal, he cited economic insecurity, loss of a loved one, exposure to violence, relocation, religious conversion, and some kinds of mental illness.

For social, he cited war and insurgency, rapidly changing demographics, swift changes in civil society or civil rights, watershed changes in communication technology, efforts to foment uncertainty by state actors, and economic upheaval.

Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist and author of Strangers in Their Own Land, provided an apt analogy for how many white Americans feel: As they see it, they’re all in a line toward a hill with prosperity at the top. But over the past few years, globalization and income stagnation have caused the line to stop moving. And from their perspective, other groups — black and brown Americans, women — are now cutting in the line, because they’re getting new (and more equal) opportunities through new anti-discrimination laws and policies like affirmative action.

A common thread among people who are radicalized is a lack of purpose in life, which radical views — especially if a person acts on them — can help fill. “People tend to be seeking some meaning in their lives,” Bloom said. “They want to be part of something bigger than themselves.”

Peter Bergen, an expert on radicalization at New America, put this bluntly: They’re people we would often consider losers. “If you look at the attackers in this country, that is not a bad description,” Bergen said. “They are often people whose lives aren’t going well.”

The radicalization of white Americans
We have had to do something to protect ourselves from the 12 percent of the population (blacks) who commit 90 percent of the violent crime. Trump is helping but there are so many uneducated white hating black criminals it's an epidemic.
In 1921 one of the most commercially successful black neighborhoods in the US was burned to the ground by whites.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Most AmerickKKans have never heard of this.

Can't you just feel the white love?

Even in 1921 folks wanted to Make AmeriKKKa White Again.

They still do.

The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.
USMB is full of these examples.

The radicalization of white Americans
By German Lopez

We need to talk about homegrown extremism too.

The common causes of radicalization
One thing experts emphasize: There is no single pathway to radicalization, and there are many contributors to radicalization. But generally, radicalization takes root when someone has some sort of problem — whether about his own life, society at large, or something else entirely — and a radical ideology or group provides an answer to that problem. He may seek out that radical ideology himself, or a group will come to him.

J.M. Berger, an expert on terrorism and author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam, explained in a talk that sources of grievances can be broadly broken into two categories: personal issues and social issues.

For personal, he cited economic insecurity, loss of a loved one, exposure to violence, relocation, religious conversion, and some kinds of mental illness.

For social, he cited war and insurgency, rapidly changing demographics, swift changes in civil society or civil rights, watershed changes in communication technology, efforts to foment uncertainty by state actors, and economic upheaval.

Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist and author of Strangers in Their Own Land, provided an apt analogy for how many white Americans feel: As they see it, they’re all in a line toward a hill with prosperity at the top. But over the past few years, globalization and income stagnation have caused the line to stop moving. And from their perspective, other groups — black and brown Americans, women — are now cutting in the line, because they’re getting new (and more equal) opportunities through new anti-discrimination laws and policies like affirmative action.

A common thread among people who are radicalized is a lack of purpose in life, which radical views — especially if a person acts on them — can help fill. “People tend to be seeking some meaning in their lives,” Bloom said. “They want to be part of something bigger than themselves.”

Peter Bergen, an expert on radicalization at New America, put this bluntly: They’re people we would often consider losers. “If you look at the attackers in this country, that is not a bad description,” Bergen said. “They are often people whose lives aren’t going well.”

The radicalization of white Americans

Yeah, I doubt there's many white American ISIS wanna-be's here, dumbass.

Matter-of-fact, the last American Jihadi they caught was black, 'sup?

American ISIS Member Caught on Syrian Battlefield, Militia Says

Minnesota dad-of-nine Abdirahmaan Muhumed killed fighting for ISIS in Syria: report - NY Daily News
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.

If he feels that way, wouldn't his life be better if he hopped a plane to Uganda, Zimbabwe, or maybe Sierra Leone? There ain't no whites to blame there and he'd save himself a lot of disappointments.
We have had to do something to protect ourselves from the 12 percent of the population (blacks) who commit 90 percent of the violent crime. Trump is helping but there are so many uneducated white hating black criminals it's an epidemic.

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."'
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

Just learn to deal with the truth son.
This is the race and racism section. Stop crying about topics posted about race and racism in this section..
USMB is full of these examples.

The radicalization of white Americans
By German Lopez

We need to talk about homegrown extremism too.

The common causes of radicalization
One thing experts emphasize: There is no single pathway to radicalization, and there are many contributors to radicalization. But generally, radicalization takes root when someone has some sort of problem — whether about his own life, society at large, or something else entirely — and a radical ideology or group provides an answer to that problem. He may seek out that radical ideology himself, or a group will come to him.

J.M. Berger, an expert on terrorism and author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam, explained in a talk that sources of grievances can be broadly broken into two categories: personal issues and social issues.

For personal, he cited economic insecurity, loss of a loved one, exposure to violence, relocation, religious conversion, and some kinds of mental illness.

For social, he cited war and insurgency, rapidly changing demographics, swift changes in civil society or civil rights, watershed changes in communication technology, efforts to foment uncertainty by state actors, and economic upheaval.

Arlie Hochschild, a sociologist and author of Strangers in Their Own Land, provided an apt analogy for how many white Americans feel: As they see it, they’re all in a line toward a hill with prosperity at the top. But over the past few years, globalization and income stagnation have caused the line to stop moving. And from their perspective, other groups — black and brown Americans, women — are now cutting in the line, because they’re getting new (and more equal) opportunities through new anti-discrimination laws and policies like affirmative action.

A common thread among people who are radicalized is a lack of purpose in life, which radical views — especially if a person acts on them — can help fill. “People tend to be seeking some meaning in their lives,” Bloom said. “They want to be part of something bigger than themselves.”

Peter Bergen, an expert on radicalization at New America, put this bluntly: They’re people we would often consider losers. “If you look at the attackers in this country, that is not a bad description,” Bergen said. “They are often people whose lives aren’t going well.”

The radicalization of white Americans

Yeah, I doubt there's many white American ISIS wanna-be's here, dumbass.

Matter-of-fact, the last American Jihadi they caught was black, 'sup?

American ISIS Member Caught on Syrian Battlefield, Militia Says

Minnesota dad-of-nine Abdirahmaan Muhumed killed fighting for ISIS in Syria: report - NY Daily News

This is not about white Amercans wanting to be ISIS.

It is about how losers like you end up as white suprmacists.
Yeah we get it. Everything whitey do be bad. Everything the black man does is good. Let the black man rule over whitey. Give all whitey money to the black man. Give all of whitey possessions to the black man. Let the black man kill off whitey. Then the world will be perfection, it will be perfect, it will be heaven.

Too bad some blacks do not understand the idea that we if we tried to get along things would be better. If we each tried to excel on our own and not at the cost of someone else. But unfortunately some have the idea that the only way to make race relations better is to put down and degrade the other race.

The reason we are at this point is because whitey does not want to get along. Whitey has what he has at the expense of everybdy else.

"Racism has distorted reality for many whites. Teachings about history, the world, the pursuits of thought, expressions of culture, and personal relationships have for most whites been both limited and false."

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.

If he feels that way, wouldn't his life be better if he hopped a plane to Uganda, Zimbabwe, or maybe Sierra Leone? There ain't no whites to blame there and he'd save himself a lot of disappointments.

I'll do that when you hop on a plane to Iceland instead of complaining about what the government doesn't give whitey that whitey thinks he's entitled to.
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.

If he feels that way, wouldn't his life be better if he hopped a plane to Uganda, Zimbabwe, or maybe Sierra Leone? There ain't no whites to blame there and he'd save himself a lot of disappointments.

I'll do that when you hop on a plane to Iceland instead of complaining about what the government doesn't give whitey that whitey thinks he's entitled to.
Stop begging. Blacks already get free shit way out of proportion to their measly contributions.
You are a bunch of dumber than rocks white pieces of crap. Can one of you even accidently present an intelligent fact based argument?
The OP is the biggest pussy on this site. Period.
Dude gives a colic newborn a run for their money in the whining dept.
Grow up, faggot.

I've had nothing but disagreements with the OP, but wish you have challenged his thread rather than to dwell on his character.

I'm not sure what he even considers radicalization? Does he mean people that want their country back? I have no idea where he's going.
He posts this asinine shit daily. His character is all thats left.
It all has the same point. Whites are racist and blacks are victims. Thats all it boils down to, n00b.

If he feels that way, wouldn't his life be better if he hopped a plane to Uganda, Zimbabwe, or maybe Sierra Leone? There ain't no whites to blame there and he'd save himself a lot of disappointments.

I'll do that when you hop on a plane to Iceland instead of complaining about what the government doesn't give whitey that whitey thinks he's entitled to.
Stop begging. Blacks already get free shit way out of proportion to their measly contributions.

"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."
"Racism has produced in white society a mental health problem: characteristic responses among many whites are dominated by unfounded fear of blacks, hatred, suspicion, guilt, shame, and jealousy. These words are the language of disease."

2a. Freudian Projection
The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto another is called Freudian Projection.

  • “A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits.”
  • “The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual.”
  • “Attributing one’s own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile.”
  • “The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity.”
  • “People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way.”
  • “Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have.”

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