The Radical Right Wing Breitfart Site Caught Spreading Lies Once Again

Is this what breitfart is telling you right wing sheep to parrot? This has been at least the 5th "BWAAAAAAK!" of this BS in the thread.

**PRO TIP** If you right wingers actually called out your masters for their lies instead of defending them, you might actually earn some credibility,..

1) We don't have masters to call out (I know this is difficult for you to understand)
2) If we did, they would actually have to lie for us to call them out. The editor making a mistake and then admitting he made a mistake isn't a lie. Especially when it was a mistake originally posted by another media source and just repeated.

A lie is making a point the person knows to be untrue. Being duped by something meant to deceive isn't a lie. But of course, if all you're after is a "gotcha", I guess none of that matters. Either way, regardless of how many "Breitfart" jokes you make, Obama is still a sucky President. is the website that gave us the birther smoking gun about obozo's literary agency - and then breitbart was killed!!
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I've tried. Conservatives like myself who don't buy into conspiracy theories get slammed by the right because we *don't* buy into conspiracy theories. We also get slammed by the left because we don't buy into their beliefs.

I do fell bad for real conservatives like yourself. The ultra-right wing teabagger fringe has infested the party and turned it into a mockery of what the GOP once was.

Don't get me wrong, many democrats such as myself have no problem with real conservatives, and wish they would come back. Unfortunately until people like you trash these ultra-right wing morons that are destroying it, it will continue to be a extremist party that is a plague to america.
Is this what breitfart is telling you right wing sheep to parrot? This has been at least the 5th "BWAAAAAAK!" of this BS in the thread.

**PRO TIP** If you right wingers actually called out your masters for their lies instead of defending them, you might actually earn some credibility,..

1) We don't have masters to call out (I know this is difficult for you to understand)
2) If we did, they would actually have to lie for us to call them out. The editor making a mistake and then admitting he made a mistake isn't a lie. Especially when it was a mistake originally posted by another media source and just repeated.


In other words, Im right and you cant admit that because that expose your phoney outrage.
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1) We don't have masters to call out (I know this is difficult for you to understand)
2) If we did, they would actually have to lie for us to call them out. The editor making a mistake and then admitting he made a mistake isn't a lie. Especially when it was a mistake originally posted by another media source and just repeated.


In other words, Im right and you cant admit that because that expose your phone outrage.

A lie is making a point the person knows to be untrue. Being duped by something meant to deceive isn't a lie. But of course, if all you're after is a "gotcha", I guess none of that matters. Either way, regardless of how many "Breitfart" jokes you make, Obama is still a sucky President.

Funny that Breitbart had no issue posting an article about another media outlet making the same "gotcha" mistake.

Washington Post Falls for Hoax Palin Story, Palin Hits Back on Twitter
I do fell bad for real conservatives like yourself. The ultra-right wing teabagger fringe has infested the party and turned it into a mockery of what the GOP once was.

Don't get me wrong, many democrats such as myself have no problem with real conservatives, and wish they would come back. Unfortunately until people like you trash these ultra-right wing morons that are destroying it, it will continue to be a extremist party that is a plague to america.

No, many Democrats basically want to choose between two Democrats to vote for, and any time Republicans dare to clearly define themselves, they're labeled extremists. It's like deciding whether you want whole milk or 2%.

Notice nobody ever questions whether the Democratic party is more "far left" than it used to be. Nobody worries about left-wing extremism hurting America. It's always people who are uncompromisingly conservative who get labeled as hurting the country.
No, many Democrats basically want to choose between two Democrats to vote for, and any time Republicans dare to clearly define themselves, they're labeled extremists. It's like deciding whether you want whole milk or 2%.

Notice nobody ever questions whether the Democratic party is more "far left" than it used to be. Nobody worries about left-wing extremism hurting America. It's always people who are uncompromisingly conservative who get labeled as hurting the country.

The "far left" is the green party, and they have virtually no influence on american politics.

Those on the far right can keep trying to paint the democrats as being such, but it's going to cost you direly in 2014 just like it did in 2012.

You can only cry chicken little so many times, before the american people realize the far right are full of shit.
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A lie is making a point the person knows to be untrue. Being duped by something meant to deceive isn't a lie. But of course, if all you're after is a "gotcha", I guess none of that matters. Either way, regardless of how many "Breitfart" jokes you make, Obama is still a sucky President.

Funny that Breitbart had no issue posting an article about another media outlet making the same "gotcha" mistake.

Washington Post Falls for Hoax Palin Story, Palin Hits Back on Twitter

Of course. They were bitten by their own snake on this one. But at least they acknowledged that the writer fell for a hoax. They didn't claim they were purposely spreading lies, unlike the OP.
No, many Democrats basically want to choose between two Democrats to vote for, and any time Republicans dare to clearly define themselves, they're labeled extremists. It's like deciding whether you want whole milk or 2%.

Notice nobody ever questions whether the Democratic party is more "far left" than it used to be. Nobody worries about left-wing extremism hurting America. It's always people who are uncompromisingly conservative who get labeled as hurting the country.

There is no "left wing extremism", that is propaganda made up by outlets like breitfart and the rest of the right wing propaganda machine.

The GOP has gone so far to the radical right, they have programmed their sheep to think even moderate republicans are "far left libs"

You right wing idiots are eating yourselves alive from the inside out, not that I'm complaining :up:
There is no "left wing extremism", that is propaganda made up by outlets like breitfart and the rest of the right wing propaganda machine.

The GOP has gone so far to the radical right, they have programmed their sheep to think even moderate republicans are "far left libs"

You right wing idiots are eating yourselves alive from the inside out, not that I'm complaining :up:

What's sad is you are lying to yourself about it.
I don't know what kind of person besides perhaps a brainwashed subhuman that would ever take the breitfart site seriously, but unfortunately there are many of those among us.

This one is downright hysterical what the propaganda site is spreading now,..

"’s Big Journalism website on Monday fell for a fake report on a satire website which claimed that Nobel Price-winning economist had filed for bankruptcy.

Business Insider reported that Big Journalism’s Larry O’Connor ran with the satirical report from The Daily Currant in an effort to smear Krugman.

Krugman took to his New York Times blog on Monday to explain that he had been “Breaitbarted” and reminded readers that had also recently published a false story linking Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to the non-existent group “Friends of Hamas.”

“I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax,” Krugman wrote. “And came through!”

Breitbart uses satire website to smear Krugman with false bankruptcy report | The Raw Story

Huff Post, Media Matters, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, The Nation, etc...

Who could question their honesty...

Is this what breitfart is telling you right wing sheep to parrot? This has been at least the 5th "BWAAAAAAK!" of this BS in the thread.

**PRO TIP** If you right wingers actually called out your masters for their lies instead of defending them, you might actually earn some credibility,..

Yeah those intellectual rags keep you in that hole, it's OK with me...

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