...The Proud Boys Jury Got it right.....

yeah, sure, whatever. The fact is that the terrorists known as the proud boys, and many other will spend many years in prison for their crimes, enough time to reflect on their stupidity while simultaneously being sodomized by their cellmates :p :p :p

Funny how the terrorists didn't kill anyone.
Lol, yet a jury disagrees. Huh, imagine that. A place where evidence is required the trumptard loses. Lol, but you Trump tards sure do do like to run your mouth where no evidence is required. Hundreds upon hundreds of convictions of Trumptards. Gotta love it. Keeps me warm at night knowing the long arm of justice finds the traitorous scum that is the trumptard.
You mean the kangaroo jury set up by leftists?
One would need to be in a media blackout to have not heard or seen reports on the latest convictions on the 'Seditious Conspiracy' trial.
This jury like two others before them also considering the 'Seditious' charges.....found the defendants guilty. This time members of the 'Proud Boys'.

Eugene Robinson in a column today offers one of the most trenchant observations I've seen.
Let me offer a taster of quotes by him:

"That means three different sets of jurors have concluded that Jan. 6 was no spontaneous riot.
It was planned, organized, incited and led by individuals and groups in a conspiracy against our democratically elected government.

"We are still trying to process what happened on that shocking and unprecedented day. The wheels of U.S. justice are designed to grind slowly, and it has been frustrating to see accountability parceled out in dribs and drabs over two long years. The Proud Boys verdict ends the last remaining case involving charges of seditious conspiracy — so far. We do not know what charges, if any, Smith might bring against Trump and members of his inner circle."

"About 140 U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. police officers were injured, some to the point of disability. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who was horrifically assaulted by the mob, died the following day after a series of strokes. Four other police officers who had defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks and months after the insurrection. One rioter — Ashli Babbitt — was shot dead as she and other rioters tried to smash their way into the House chamber. Three other rioters died during the chaotic melee.

Trump now lionizes Babbitt as some kind of heroic martyr. He complains that the Justice Department is persecuting patriotic Americans who were doing nothing more than exercising their right to peacefully protest.
That is an outrageous, disgusting lie, and it is unconscionable that so many Republicans — including members of Congress whose lives were threatened that day — let him get away with it.
Jurors are getting it right. Leaders of the insurrection should face the most serious charges and suffer the most severe punishments. Now we wait to see whether the man without whose incitement Jan. 6 never would have happened — Donald Trump — is made to face his day in court as well."

Oh. Translation:

Chilliconfuzed just happens to like the verdict for partisan political reasons alone.

That’s it. Period. End of story.
To keep telling this lie that all know is a lie continues to reveal you as an immoral anti-America hater.

I watched real time in the tumult of the assault on the chamber. She was told repeatedly to not climb through the broken-out window vault into the chamber. She did it anyway.
She was told repeatedly not to climb through the window but she did and she was shot dead by a Capital Cop. Wouldn't it be a safer world if a store owner was entitled to shoot looters who were told repeatedly not to break and enter? Double standards are the rule in a democrat administration.
The left keep on saying that the Capital police were overwhelmed and yet, apparently they weren't. Which way was it? Were they overwhelmed or not?
The Capitol police were overwhelmed. It literally took the military to intervene and get control of the situation.
What hypocrisy? You expect us to get enraged when one of you fucktards fucks around and finds out? Why? Are you stupid? Do you think we support protesters just for the sake of protesting? We support democracy. Why the fuck would we have sympathy for some dumb bitch the police had to put down because her and her buddies were violently attempting to over turn our own votes? Seriously, are you just acting this stupid or are you really this fucking dumb because honestly if acting this stupid is a strategy I don't see what you hope to manufacture as a result other than people pointing and laughing at you.

Violently? How violent can a small unarmed white woman get?
Anything from Trump that breaks the law always fails.

America does not want MAGA or Trump.

75 million Americans disagree with you.

What they REALLY don't want is a senile old child molesting pervert in the white house. His abysmal approval ratings show this. He can go to hell and take that cackling hen with him.
You mean the kangaroo jury set up by leftists?
Lol, more blow hard bull pucky. Hilarious 😂 Yet where facts and evidence count ie court they disagree with your bull. Look at the score board, hundreds upon hundreds of convictions in a situation where you only have to convince one juror to aquit. I am laughing you are crying. Everything is just the way it should be.
Which kind of demonstrates how serious the violent insurrection was, wouldn't you say?
Serious? Let me tell you what is serious you bum: the stealing of a presidential election, and don't even bother to pretend ignorance, because the who, how, why and where of it was stupidity admitted to in national print, bragged about actually, and everyone knows the people who organized it, financed it and all of the secret shadow leftwing organizations involved who were the manpower who went out there and harvested the ballots, found people, paid people, created people whatever it took spending hundreds of millions to produce as many millions of fraud ballots, illegal ballots, and to keep finding and counting them in the new, open-ended, unlimited "elections" you goons invented under the guise of "saving people" during Covid that you never ever intended to ever let go of and give up ever again pouring in millions upon millions of cheap new "voters" for yourselves until you can control every last election to keep the people out and put the people in that your sick, demented Marxist globalist authoritacracy wants to use the USA for to serve its own needs. All the few people at J6 did was dare to be brave enough to let the world see people standing up as per the Constitution to use their right to demand redress of their grievances to that evil action only to be treated and condemned as worse than any enemy at Guantanamo Bay or heinous murderer has ever been treated in the worst Russian, Chinese or N. Korean prison. That makes people like you worse than anything any terrorist has ever done because you've attacked your own people and country to serve an illegal coup driven by foreign interests lower than the slimiest traitors who ever lived all the while pretending to be the wounded victims defending democracy, the same democracy you spat on for years when Trump was in office. You stink worse than a dead rat.

The behavior that you're defending is kind of unprecedented in how bad it was, which doesn't reflect well on you.
Suck diseased ass and die.
She wasn’t alone. She was a part of the unhinged violent Trump cult mob.

What is the list of all the violent acts committed by that unhinged, violent Trump cult mob?! Surely you must have it right by your elbow?! While you're looking for it, I will tell you about the REAL unhinged violent cult mob of the democrat party, our #1 domestic terror threat which committed HUNDREDS of J6's in over 350 US cities doing BILLIONS in damage ruining cities who now today still lay in ruin with whole city blocks shuttered and abandoned now rife with heavy crime as people move away by the thousands and the thousands of police you badly injured with bombs and weapons leaving dozens of police dead under the supposed objection to one felon who died of an OD while resisting arrest. And when you're not out rioting, looting and destroying, you act like unhinged, savage maniacs threatening to kill anyone who so much as dares to even show up at your campus to give a speech exposing students to an actual learning experience of letting them hear any POV other than the festering garbage that rots in your head.
Save the bloviation.
  1. These decisions will be overturned on appeal.
  2. Everyone knows now that it has been leaked how the whole J6 thing was a set up trying to frame Trump. They infiltrated the PB and likely instigated and directed their actions using them as pawns when, if they had really been up to no good, they could have reported it and stopped it but they didn't, they WANTED J6 to happen.
  3. Now the fed is bending every law to make their case of sedition hoping to then leverage their created crime against Trump in their 126th attempt to keep him from cleaning up DC.
It is all slowly blowing up in the Left's faces just as that whole J6 show trial fell flat.

At this time the RW’s record for predicting court outcomes is about as bad as it can get. You guys are what? Two wins and two hundred losses?

If you guys were a sports team they would Lynch the coach. If you were a stock broker with that kind of a record you would be applying to be an assistant manager at a fast food restaurant.
The left keep on saying that the Capital police were overwhelmed and yet, apparently they weren't. Which way was it? Were they overwhelmed or not?
Only you here are saying they were not overwhelmed. No one defending the police are saying they were not assaulted and overran. Only when Pence ordered the NG did the terrorists run away.

if it were political, the defense lawyers would have a defense.
Assault Congress whilst performing its Constitutional duty to certify an election, at the summoning and incitement and aiming of a con-man, and pay the price.

The Mad Orange Baboon-God is chuckling under his breath... and you're too dumb to even realize it... it's a pity that Hyper-Stupidity isn't a viable defense.
At this time the RW’s record for predicting court outcomes
Who has been predicting court outcomes? Give me names and dates!

You guys are what? Two wins and two hundred losses?
I bet a lot of Jews during WWII said the same thing. Guess that proves the Jews were in the wrong and Hitler was right because good guys always win and crooks never cheat, right?! :smoke:

If you guys were a sports team they would Lynch the coach. If you were a stock broker
Yeah and if Joe Biden were any kind of president, we wouldn't have wide open borders, 10 million illegals from terrorist countries pouring in, 80,000 a year dying from fentanyl brought in over the border, triple the normal crime, cities dying, spiraling costs for everything driving millions into bankruptcy, a depleted military, a collapsing dollar and banking system as Joe aids sweetheart deals for the Chinese, and war looming on two continents whiler his son and family flee from the law.
SURE there is! Every company that goes woke is going BROKE, yet you stupid fucks just keep lining up to try again and again, just as democrats keep shooting each other in crime ridden blue democrat cities over failed democrat policies, yet still keep going out to vote for more democrats!

There are just no adjectives for this.
Trump is fucked with the Proud Boys conviction. They have ties to Roger Stone. Stones and Trump have ties. All that Jack Smith has to do is connect the dots, Seditious Conspiracy \

Save the bloviation.
  1. These decisions will be overturned on appeal.
  2. Everyone knows now that it has been leaked how the whole J6 thing was a set up trying to frame Trump. They infiltrated the PB and likely instigated and directed their actions using them as pawns when, if they had really been up to no good, they could have reported it and stopped it but they didn't, they WANTED J6 to happen.
  3. Now the fed is bending every law to make their case of sedition hoping to then leverage their created crime against Trump in their 126th attempt to keep him from cleaning up DC.
It is all slowly blowing up in the Left's faces just as that whole J6 show trial fell flat.
Magaturds going to prison = blowing up in the left's faces. :auiqs.jpg:

Do you actually live on the turnip truck?

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