The President will Remain Black in 2012

TPS, Misty made a great point. Black due seem to turn on Blacks Republicans. They are called Uncle Toms. Look a Justice Thomas!

But it will be a HIGHLY QUALIFIED BLACK REPUBLICAN (Herman Cain)!!! That will be the last time I will call him black, it will now be the best American candidate will be President in 2012.

Blacks will make sure a black Republican is NEVER elected. Just eww

Yeah, they would never have one lead their party.

Idiot! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


But it will be a HIGHLY QUALIFIED BLACK REPUBLICAN (Herman Cain)!!! That will be the last time I will call him black, it will now be the best American candidate will be President in 2012.

Blacks will make sure a black Republican is NEVER elected. Just eww
But it will be a HIGHLY QUALIFIED BLACK REPUBLICAN (Herman Cain)!!! That will be the last time I will call him black, it will now be the best American candidate will be President in 2012.

Even though his 30 second sound byte is feel-goody, I don’t think that most Americans will be hoodwinked into voting for yet another minority to represent the majority, ever again. It matters little if he is conservative, because he’s not truly conservative. Look at how our last “conservative” President acted. Warrant less wiretaps, eroding of constitutional freedoms, wars in which brave, blue collar Americans died to make Israel more secure. George Bush was cast in the media as a nincompoop, that is until he made the case for invading Iraq, and then since Israel was on board, he was cast in the media as an exceptional war-time leader. Even though liberal policies have bankrupted and demoralized this country, (AZ is activating their racial sanity) I feel many states are beginning to slowly wake up from their racial de-sensitization. Now conservatives may be slightly the lesser evil then liberals, but they still remain evil, as they do nothing to “conserve” the white race.
But it will be a HIGHLY QUALIFIED BLACK REPUBLICAN (Herman Cain)!!! That will be the last time I will call him black, it will now be the best American candidate will be President in 2012.

Even though his 30 second sound byte is feel-goody, I don’t think that most Americans will be hoodwinked into voting for yet another minority to represent the majority, ever again. It matters little if he is conservative, because he’s not truly conservative. Look at how our last “conservative” President acted. Warrant less wiretaps, eroding of constitutional freedoms, wars in which brave, blue collar Americans died to make Israel more secure. George Bush was cast in the media as a nincompoop, that is until he made the case for invading Iraq, and then since Israel was on board, he was cast in the media as an exceptional war-time leader. Even though liberal policies have bankrupted and demoralized this country, (AZ is activating their racial sanity) I feel many states are beginning to slowly wake up from their racial de-sensitization. Now conservatives may be slightly the lesser evil then liberals, but they still remain evil, as they do nothing to “conserve” the white race.

What an argument, you just convinced me, No ****** President for me!

Are you serious! Cain's business sense and record makes the VAST majority of Americans, white, black, brown or yellow look like peanuts. He is an economic genius and we are lucky to have him as a fellow American. You on the other hand are an embarrassment to hard-working tax-paying Americans!
No ****** President for me!

You claim that I am the racist, yet YOU are the one who uses racial pejoratives.

Are you serious!

Yes I am.

Cain's business sense and record makes the VAST majority of Americans, white, black, brown or yellow look like peanuts.

How does that even remotely make sense? This man's business record makes people look like peanuts, what? Look, what this man says and what he will do once he is in the halls of power are two totally different things. Barry Soetoro was all about "change", but once he got into Washington, politics "changed" him. Explain to me how this Cain character will be any different.

He is an economic genius and we are lucky to have him as a fellow American.

But what if he uses his "economic genuis" in a concertedly bad way? Any kind of genuis is only beneficial if utilized in the proper fashion. I'm certain that Barry Soetoro has specialized pockets of knowledge; certain areas where he acels. But he uses that genius in the wrong way. Example being his awesome speaking ability. If he would drop his anti-white schitck, generate jobs for millions of Americans, his inspirational speeches would be something to commemorate. But now, OTOH, his speeches are merely lip service and dragging his feet platitudes, for everyone knows where his true allegiance lies.

You on the other hand are an embarrassment to hard-working tax-paying Americans!

Mere opinion. I'm chastised for stating what I know to be no distinct differences between the 2 mainstream political parties. It would only make sense that if people want a real change, that they'd elect someone who isn't from any establishment party to represent them. It's not my fault if you can't handle the truth, and it speaks volumes that you resort to ad hominems.
After obama, I don't think we're going to see another black President for quite awhile. I think obama is going to leave a bad taste in the mouth of voters for blacks for quite some time to come. I could be wrong, but that's just my take.

EVENTUALLY, I asshats can look beyond the color of peoples' skin and support or decry them based on their ideas and achievements only. Eventually....

You know, I see conservatives living up to Dr King's dream far more than I see liberals.

Conservatives see people as individuals. Liberals see people as groups.
EVENTUALLY, I asshats can look beyond the color of peoples' skin and support or decry them based on their ideas and achievements only. Eventually....

Hey, dip shit, I'm making a prediction. I said nothing of how I feel or how I'd vote.

I like the guy in the OP, and I like Alan Keys. I'd vote for either one of them. But just to add, how in the FUCK do think obama got elected? Because all those ASSHATS looked past the COLOR OF HIS SKIN!

Get a fucking clue moron.

I like this message board. You cannot go back and "massage" your original post now that I have captured it and no amount of bullshit from you now will change anything that you originally typed. I am glad you came out the way you did. No one will ever have to wonder whether you are racist ever again. By the way, syaing things like "I like Alan Keys", or "I have black friends too" only exacerbates your current situation...
Funny, when I point out homophobic comments by oh-so-tolerant leftists, they always say, "But I have gay friends!"
Apparently, you did not watch or read ANYTHING during the primaries nor the general election. Obama has been called everything from a ****** to a Muslim to a Kenyan to a terrorist since he began his run for POTUS. The fact that you have NO clue about these things, even though John McCain himself had to set one of his supporters straight on these accusations on National TV tells me all I need to know about your sorry ass. Welcome to the ignore list. Enjoy your time with Stephanie.
So, are you saying that because some conservatives hold racist views, that all do?

That's poor thinking.
Liberals see people as groups.

Collective salvation is one of their favz..... BS, I will take care of that one for me & only me.
And anyone who steps one foot out of the pigeonhole liberals have decreed he belongs in is called racist or sexist epithets, and is said to be "voting against his best interests".

Of course, I'm sure it's just coincidence that a liberal's definition of someone's best interests is anything that keeps liberals in power.
After obama, I don't think we're going to see another black President for quite awhile. I think obama is going to leave a bad taste in the mouth of voters for blacks for quite some time to come. I could be wrong, but that's just my take.

EVENTUALLY, I asshats can look beyond the color of peoples' skin and support or decry them based on their ideas and achievements only. Eventually....

You know, I see conservatives living up to Dr King's dream far more than I see liberals.

Conservatives see people as individuals. Liberals see people as groups.

Absolutely. Remember those ''yellow dogs'' ;)
I had him back in July of 2010!

But it will be a HIGHLY QUALIFIED BLACK REPUBLICAN (Herman Cain)!!! That will be the last time I will call him black, it will now be the best American candidate will be President in 2012.

We need an economic minded President to get the economy on the right track. We need a guy who knows how to run businesses, big and small. We need a guy that knows business period. We need a number cruncher. Not another community organizer (Obama), failed businessman (Bush) or Career Politician WHO NEVER WORKED ON ANYTHING BUT CAMPAIGNS FORM HIMSELF AND OTHERS (Clinton - Worst President ever)!

Yes, Cain supports some issues at odd with me (abortion and fag marriage - he is against both), but his economic and business success is undeniable and that should matter most to ALL OF US!!!

Look at his accomplishments IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR:
(1) Former president and CEO of Godfather's Pizza for 10 years - Ran a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Business
(2) Former president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association (ran a PRIVATE SECTOR Organization to promote and grow an important PRIVATE INDUSTRY)
(3) Former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (A MAN WHO ACTUALLY HAS BANKING EXPERIENCE)
(3) He's been vice president of Burger King (More experience running a large GLOBAL CHAIN)
(4) Vice president of Pillsbury Company (Ditto),
(5) A mathematician for the U.S. Department of the Navy (A HIGHLY Successful business man that knows numbers! Slight different than a failed community organizer)
(6) A business analyst for Coca-Cola (Analyst for one of the largest wholesalers in the world - NICE). .
(7) Author of a Best Seller - "They Think You're Stupid: Why Democrats Lost Your Vote and What Republicans Must Do to Keep It" – at the WND Superstore!
(8) Now president and CEO of The New Voice and host of "The Herman Cain Show"
(9) An associate Baptist minister at Antioch Baptist Church in Atlanta.
He is author of several books, including "They Think You're Stupid."

YouTube - Herman Cain

What Cain Supports:
(2) Suspend the Small Business Killing Payroll tax!
(3) Alternative to the Fair Tax is cutting taxes
(4) Cutting Spending
(5) Restructure Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security - Don't add new taxes to attempt to fund them.
(6) Maintain Military and Defense spending at, at least 4% of GDP
(7) Maximize US's natural resources - Drill Baby Drill!!!
(8) Promote Alternative Energy - including nuclear
(9) Get off foreign oil
(10) Be Tough on Illegal Immigration!
(11) Repeal Obamacare
(12) Abortion - Against it (I am at odds with him here)
(13) Fag Marriage - Against it (I am also at odds with him here)

Is this man Obama's worst nightmare?
After obama, I don't think we're going to see another black President for quite awhile. I think obama is going to leave a bad taste in the mouth of voters for blacks for quite some time to come. I could be wrong, but that's just my take.

Depends IMO. Another empty suit black candidate like Barry for sure, but Herman Cain's resume is loaded with successful business/management experience, a background I'd love to see in the White House for a change.
What does it matter what color his skin is?

Because if cain wasn't black how could white conservatives prove that they have a black "friend"?

LOL, you only wish that is true! The people that have been flocking to him are not basing it on race. They/I love his background of business successful, his plan, his ideology and the way he projects himself. You simply hate him because he is black and conservative!

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