The Potty Dance


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
I find this disturbing, on many levels. Sadly, we are out of brain and eye bleach (need to add them to the Costco list). Why this is being shown during "What Not To Wear" is another issue.

[ame=]Potty Dance[/ame]
Watching a middle-aged hippie is disturbing!!! Still, I didn't see anything wrong with it. This is what we used:

[ame=] Once Upon a Potty--Boy (0038332164152): Alona Frankel: Books[/ame]

Getting the song out of my head has taken years. The pianist on the video, btw, is awesome.
I find this disturbing, on many levels. Sadly, we are out of brain and eye bleach (need to add them to the Costco list). Why this is being shown during "What Not To Wear" is another issue.

Well, I think I've grown beyond being "disturbed" by anything short of Care4all's pathological deletions of Octoerotic Art.

But I am curious: Why are you watching this video?

At any rate, perhaps this will heal you:

[ame=]Free Credit Guy[/ame]
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It was a random assault during What Not To Wear!
J'adore What Not To Wear. It's the only reality TV I watch.

There's something uplifting about seeing schlumpy people learn how to dress and groom themselves properly.
It was a random assault during What Not To Wear!

Is that guy on 'What Not to Wear' gay? And that lady has a big nose. Just sayin...


Clinton is totally gay; it could not possibly be in doubt. And Stacy does have quite a schnozola. Neither one of them is a traffic stopper; but they make the best with what they've got.
Little kids seem to like it well enough.

What's the problem?

Aren't little kids entitled to like stuff that speaks to them, too?

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