The PLC approves the new government

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian Legislative Council which met on Thursday afternoon to vote on Ismail Haneyya’s new government after a major reshuffle has endorsed the new government.

The government’s information office published the names of ministers in a statement on Thursday:
Ismail Haneyya, Prime Minister.
Saleh al-Ruqub, Minister of Awkaf and Religious Affairs.
Fathi Hammad, Minister of Interior
Dr. Muhammad Awad, Minister of Planning and Foreign Affairs.
Dr.Muhammad al-Madhoun, Minister of Youth and Sports.
Dr. Basem Naeem, Minister of Health.
Dr. Ala’ Rofati, Minister of National Economy.
Dr. Yousef al-Mansi, Minister of Local Governance.
Jamila al-Shanti, Minister of Women.
Dr. Ahmad al-Kurd, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs.
Dr. Osama al-Eisawi, Minister of Transport and Communications.
Dr. Attallah Abu al-Sabeh Minister of National Affairs ( a new ministry which will deal with national files such as Jerusalem, refugees and captives.)
Dr. Muhammad al-Agha, Minister of Agriculture.
The ministry of Education remains unfilled, as Dr. Muhammad Askool who used to be Minister of Education has been appointed to the post of Government’s General Secretary.


The PLC approves the new government
Nice. Now maybe Fatah and Hamas can stop killing each other and begin a political process between themselves.

Where's the women btw?
Nice. Now maybe Fatah and Hamas can stop killing each other and begin a political process between themselves.

Where's the women btw?

The government in the West Bank has never received PLC approval as required by their constitution.

Fatah lost the elections but stays in power in the West Bank with US money and weapons.

BTW, there are about half dozen Hamas women in the Parliament.
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The Palestinian Legislative Council which met on Thursday afternoon to vote on Ismail Haneyya’s new government after a major reshuffle has endorsed the new government.
Ismail Haneyya, Prime Minister.
For life?
Jamila al-Shanti, Minister of Women.
They like them evil.

For life?

To replace a prime minister the president must nominate a new one and he can take office after PLC approval. Until another is approved by the PLC the current one stays in office.

Ismail Haneyya was nominated by Abbas and was approved by the PLC in March of 2007. Since then Abbas has nominated Fayyad but Fayyad has never received PLC approval and cannot take office.

Ismail Haneyya is still the prime minister of Palestine.
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