The Pfizer failure.....THIRD dose needed within a year

Not really surprising, this is Pfizer- a corporation that relies on repeat business.

With PFE's famous ED treatment, repeated doses are required as well. Its not "one and done" or even "two and done" for the little blue pill. Why expect anything different from their Rona medicine?
Yep, makes sense to need a booster shot, especially with these new strains/variants coming full force at us....

I love it that this new MRNA technology can easily change or boost the vaccine, depending on what happens with variants. This kind of vaccine is a huge medical advancement for all of society! It's like the discovery of penicillin! Fingers crossed, it continues to go well....
It's an operational system C4all, and most proprietary at that.....~S~
Round numbers. Give or take.


Yep, makes sense to need a booster shot, especially with these new strains/variants coming full force at us....

I love it that this new MRNA technology can easily change or boost the vaccine, depending on what happens with variants. This kind of vaccine is a huge medical advancement for all of society! It's like the discovery of penicillin! Fingers crossed, it continues to go well....
It's an operational system C4all, and most proprietary at that.....~S~
So do moderna and Pfizer both have their own separate proprietary methods, to do the same thing?
Wow, not one, not two but now you need THREE doses. What a way to ensure the money never stops coming in.

The third dose is in response to the variants that have emerged over the last six months..not rocket science conspiracy boy.
Current information has it that the B .1.351 variant with respect to virus specific memory B cells (vaccine responses) occurred in only 4/25 test subjects who developed neutralizing titers above limit of detection. Now, that doesn’t sound like any type of result to be happy about, if one is promoting Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. Further testing will likely continue to change medical recommendations and perhaps Pfizer will go back to recommending just the one vaccine, who knows since the experts don’t. I’ll be posting my source momentarily as I need to retrieve it.
Yep, makes sense to need a booster shot, especially with these new strains/variants coming full force at us....

I love it that this new MRNA technology can easily change or boost the vaccine, depending on what happens with variants. This kind of vaccine is a huge medical advancement for all of society! It's like the discovery of penicillin! Fingers crossed, it continues to go well....
It's an operational system C4all, and most proprietary at that.....~S~
So do moderna and Pfizer both have their own separate proprietary methods, to do the same thing?
Good Q
i really don't know the answer
Yep, makes sense to need a booster shot, especially with these new strains/variants coming full force at us....

I love it that this new MRNA technology can easily change or boost the vaccine, depending on what happens with variants. This kind of vaccine is a huge medical advancement for all of society! It's like the discovery of penicillin! Fingers crossed, it continues to go well....
It's an operational system C4all, and most proprietary at that.....~S~
So do moderna and Pfizer both have their own separate proprietary methods, to do the same thing?
Good Q
i really don't know the answer

The ongoing Phase 3 clinical trial of Pfizer/BioNTech's coronavirus vaccine confirms its protection remains high for at least six months after the second dose, the companies said Thursday.

Protection likely lasts even longer than that, vaccine experts say, but they say having data showing good protection six months after people were vaccinated is good news.

The vaccine remains more than 91% effective against disease with any symptoms for six months, the companies said in a statement. And it appeared to be fully effective against the worrying B.1.351 variant of the virus, which is the dominant strain circulating in South Africa and which researchers feared had evolved to evade the protection of vaccines, the companies said.

"The vaccine was 100% effective against severe disease as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and 95.3% effective against severe COVID-19 as defined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)," Pfizer and BioNTech said in a joint statement.

Not really surprising, this is Pfizer- a corporation that relies on repeat business.

With PFE's famous ED treatment, repeated doses are required as well. Its not "one and done" or even "two and done" for the little blue pill. Why expect anything different from their Rona medicine?
Is there any prescription medication that is 1 and done, for any medical condition treatment???
Wow, not one, not two but now you need THREE doses. What a way to ensure the money never stops coming in.

Dude, what the heck are you talking about "ensure the money stops coming in"? There's a worldwide pandemic. Have you been under a rock the past 14 months?

THIS IS where Big Pharma actually has a place in this world.
If you are under 65 and aren't morbidly obese or on the edge of the grave for other reasons, you have well over a 99% chance to survive this virus. WTF are you shilling a vaccine for? Are you THAT afraid to live? What will you voluntarily give up to them, next?
I'm so happy with my decision not to become one of tiny tony's lab rats. The stuttering fuck and his handlers have proven they can't be trusted to run a fruit stand. Filthy fucking animals.
So much for ''flattening the curve'' huh? Heh heh. What a racket.

This has always been about control. It's always been about the government aquiring power they want really, really badly. Power that they don't currently have. It's about full control over all of your healthcare decisions.

Clearly they're locking everything down and assaulting civil liberties as an active drill in order to gain that power. Why do you think you're not hearing about healthcare on the idiot box 24/7, like they used to do when they were in power? Duh. They don't have to, they're flat out stealing it. And they're doing it live.

Once they get that power, they will never let go of it. It'll get worse.
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So much for ''flattening the curve'' huh? Heh heh. What a racket.

That whole '4th wave' is revealing itself to be a rather ugly scenario Natural One>>>

page 10, #32>>>

32. The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively


So much for ''flattening the curve'' huh? Heh heh. What a racket.

That whole '4th wave' is revealing itself to be a rather ugly scenario Natural One>>>

page 10, #32>>>

32. The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively

View attachment 480859

eeyep. Not hearing more these days about Cuomo sending people to their deaths in order to pump up the death numbers and promote the fear porn either.

Odd how they operate, isn't it?
How many millions of Americans would you like to see suffer and die at the hands of the Trump Vaccine™?
Round numbers. Give or take.

Just how long are you going to be blaming Trump on life not going the way that you want?
Feet stink after a long day: must because of Trump.
Lost a ton of money on GameStop stock. Must be Trumps fault.
Can't get a job because somehow people just aren't looking for a person with a 4 year degree in gender studies? Yeah, that is all Trumps fault.
It was cold on my day off: damn you Trump.
I lost my job because the business closed from not making it past the covid shutdowns in your democrat controlled city? Trump
Got an STD from 'visiting' that prostitute on the corner. Yep, that has to be Trumps fault.

How about looking at facts for a change? Anyone want to take self accountability into the whole conversation? Nope, blame Trump.

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