The Party that can't say yes


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.
Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:
Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...

So where is the replugs written offer?? DUH!!:cuckoo:
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Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...

So where is th replugs written offer?? DUH!!:cuckoo:

For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:

No shit.

Obama is closer to Bush III than anything else.
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:

Yup.. steal from the corporations and give it to the government to spent.. Man, thats really been working out well so far...with the added bonus of less jobs and higher costs to consumers.... brilliant...:lol:

4.1 billion added to the deficit daily...that's the ... wrong direction...
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For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:

It looks as though a clue must be purchased with one's own money leaving Liberals without one.

Anybody with even the slightest understanding of how the world works knows this: Corporations don't pay taxes. Corporations collect taxes and then submit them to the taxing authority.

If you raise the tax on a corporation, you are raising the price of the product produced. The corporation collects the higher tax from the customer and then passes it to the government. A sales tax is a perfect example of this.

"...the rich, instead of the people..."

You not only tax the rich so they can pay the bill for your dreamland schemes, now you also strip them of citizenship?

To understand a Liberal's belief system, and the vacuum that supports it, just listen to what they say. They reveal their actual beliefs when they lie about their stated beliefs.

Didn't you just love the Big 0 last night saying that he was not there to point fingers or to blame and then attacked the people with whom he claims to be trying to comprimise. What a jerk.

If you were Boehner and this A-hole stood up before the country and lied about the whole scam the Big 0 is trying to swindle us with, how would you feel? This is not a way to reach an accord. If I'm Boehner, I pass a 6 month take it or leave it debt ceiling increase and leave the room.

The Constitution did not make the Big 0 a King, although he thinks he is one. Screw him. Let him be the first President to default on the debt.
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:

No shit.

Obama is closer to Bush III than anything else.

Socialism is gay

Make no mistake............k00ks like this dolt WANT to see a collapse of capitalism = state takeover of everything. These far left k00ks are motivated by intense misery. They loath ANYBODY who is successful in life. Every single one wants zero spending cuts. Zero. They want the president to have a blank check on spending. Yet they call people on the other side unreasonable.

They dont give a rats ass about THIS................

What is accomplished by a significant and sudden dollar devaluation? It is a way to pay off debt with suddenly-more-available dollars; cheaper dollars. We have been witnessing a slow meticulous devaluation of the dollar over the past two decades, with an acceleration over the past decade. This has come from an increase in the money supply via the credit creation route � debt. But that has served to replace income, and postpone a recession, at the great cost of hyperinflation of real estate, related taxes, and just about everything you buy. The result is debt. Once the debt creation train stops, then there will be no way to pay for things; no way to pay off that debt. There will soon be a point of no return, with an inevitable sudden and significant dollar devaluation as the only solution. It would require the Treasury printing an amount of money equal to the current entire money supply, more than 11 trillion dollars, and literally handing it out to each household so that the broadest spectrum of people have the ability to payoff their debt. Debt does not rise in value as the dollar devalues. It is a contracted amount in former-dollar-value, notional terms. Thus, if we suddenly hand several hundred thousand dollars to each and every household, a dollar will become worth 50 cents in real terms, but in debt terms, it will still be worth a dollar, and folks will have more of them.

FSU Editorial: "No Way Out: A 50% Dollar Devaluation" by Robet McHugh, PhD 01/14/2007

The attitude of the far left to this?


Sock the rich with even one trillion in tax hikes = effects on imminent devaluation negligible..........not to mention the catastrophy related to jobs, already in the toilet.

But conservatives are the retards!!!:2up:
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For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:

No shit.

Obama is closer to Bush III than anything else.

Anyone, ANYONE, with even the slightest ability to recognize similarities beyond party labels knows this to be true. Both W and the Big 0 are free spending Liberals who ask for and sign legislation that is not paid for by collected revnues.

The Big 0 spends money 8 times as fast as W, but he's some kind of a savant.

I've been saying this for years and you have finally caught up.

Good for you!
Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...

You cannot even come up with an original thought.
Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...

You cannot even come up with an original thought.

:eusa_eh:.. sure I can..

where-as you .. can't come up with an original insult...:eusa_shhh:
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For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

But you see, every one of Obama's proposals has included tax increases, which Republicans have said in no uncertain terms they will not support. He can call them "closing loopholes" or some other euphamism, but it means taking money away from Americans and giving it to governemnt when government hasn't proved it can spend responsibly from the get go.
Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...

You cannot even come up with an original thought.

:eusa_eh:.. sure I can..

were-as you .. can't come up with an original insult...:eusa_shhh:

You're very lucky he hasn't insulted your avatar..:lol::lol::lol::lol::eusa_angel:
Chris calls the President having a temper tantrum "righteous fury". :lol:

Here's the crisis that all you Liberals dream of. A disaster so huge that real leaders will step forward and take the bull by the horns. Remember after 9/11 when you Libs were all upset, not by the bombings, but by the fact that Clinton missed his chance to shine? "If only Clinton had been President, he'd have shown the world true leadership and made the world rally around us."

Well here it is kiddies, your chance to shine. Your chance to show Americans real leadership. Your chance to show Americans how much you really care about them, the Country and the Constitution. and what does Obama do?

He has a temper tantrum

The Affirmative Action President who always got his way, whom no one dared question, who never really had any opposition to his ideas, now has to show real leadership.

But he can't, because he doesn't know how. He never had the father figure to show him how to be a man when the shit hits the fan. Only yes men who told him how wonderful he is, all the time. Kids like him can be saved if they serve a hitch in the Military, but Barack probably never even thought of it. No adult around him (if there were any) would have even suggested it. That would have forced Barry to submit to a cause greater than himself. He would have learned about sacrifice and service to others. But as it is we have an immature, self centered, man child as our Commander in Chief.

God help us.
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

What the hell is wrong with Obama? Why isn't he going after corporations and the rich, instead of the people? And the retards think he is a socialist? Dumb fucks!!:lol:

Yup.. steal from the corporations and give it to the government to spent.. Man, thats really been working out well so far...with the added bonus of less jobs and higher costs to consumers.... brilliant...:lol:

4.1 billion added to the deficit daily...that's the ... wrong direction...

Most of the money the government borrows ends up in the hands of corporations eventually.
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

Obama needs to wake up fully and realize that public opinion is overwhelmingly on his side in this fight,

and act accordingly.

Part of this is his own doing, i.e., past practice of caving in to GOP political terrorism, the best example being the tax battle in December when the Republicans threatened to let all the Bush tax cuts expire - as opposed to any compromise - if the president didn't give them everything they wanted.

Now they're conditioned to believe that their brand of extremist political terrorism works.
Yes.. Obama was quite childish and yet politically ambitious...

Soo, what has Obama offered exactly.. show me his written offer.. eh.. you can't. How about Harry and Nancy.. where's theirs..?

The Republicans are engaged in the debate with written offers and solutions.. Democrats are the party of NO...

You cannot even come up with an original thought.

:eusa_eh:.. sure I can..

were-as you .. can't come up with an original insult...:eusa_shhh:

Thank you for proving my point.
For days, the White House has infuriated its Democratic allies in Congress by offering House Republicans more and more in exchange for a deal to raise the debt ceiling and prevent default. But it was never enough, and, on Friday evening, it became clear that it may never be enough. Speaker John Boehner again walked away from the “grand bargain” he had been negotiating with President Obama, leaving the country teetering on the brink of another economic collapse.

At the White House podium a few minutes later, the president radiated a righteous fury he rarely displays in public, finally placing the blame for this wholly unnecessary crisis squarely where it belongs: on Republicans who will do anything to upend his presidency and dismantle every social program they can find. “Can they say yes to anything?” he asked, noting the paradox of Republicans, who claim that financial responsibility and debt reduction are their biggest priorities, rejecting yet another deal that would have cut that debt by at least $3 trillion.

But you see, every one of Obama's proposals has included tax increases, which Republicans have said in no uncertain terms they will not support. He can call them "closing loopholes" or some other euphamism, but it means taking money away from Americans and giving it to governemnt when government hasn't proved it can spend responsibly from the get go.

The American PEOPLE owe 14 trillion dollars in debt and counting. If the American taxpayer isn't responsible for that debt,

who is?

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