The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

Gee, Loinboy...I thought the "topic" of this string was lies and misrepresentations? You when you progressives accuse conservatives of sending jobs overseas and giving sweetheart deals to big corportations? So you mention GE and I point out that President Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt is the CEO of GE and that GE didn't pay any taxes at all last year while they exported tens of thousands of jobs to China but THAT suddenly becomes "out of context"? You people are amusing.

The truth is that the lies and misrepresentations coming from your side to try and obscure what an abysmal job Barack Obama has done since taking over the Presidency is never ending. The fact that Barry's pet CEO, Immelt did what he did while serving as our "Jobs Czar" is just one more example of the total hypocrisy progressives utilize to justify another four years of incompetence by a man who never should have gotten the Democratic nomination, let alone won the election.
So I guess we're not going to finish the conversation on defense cuts? You want to move on to something else? I guess I would to, if I was getting as bitch-slapped as you were.

As far as jobs going overseas, you're such a fucking hypocrite! You don't care about jobs going overseas. You're perfectly okay with the trillion dollars we've spent on jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan. You say nothing about those jobs. You're a big, fuckin' phoney!

LOL...our conversation about defense cuts was pretty much over as soon as you declared that we needed a 50% cut. I'm always amused when progressives LOVE government stimulus spending on "infrastructure" and "anything green" because that's going to create jobs but then for some strange reason hate government spending on defense even though that would create as many if not MORE jobs.

You'd cut the military 50% and lay off highly skilled workers from that job sector and then turn around and try and find "shovel ready" jobs for infrastructure? You know...the jobs that Barry COULDN'T find last time? You think THAT would work?

As for jobs going over seas? You MSNBC disciples have been here for six months ranting about the jobs that Romney supposedly sent overseas when he was running Bain Capital...I simply pointed out how hypocritical that was when Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" was sending ten times as many jobs to China with his company now...all the while paying ZERO taxes!
LOL...our conversation about defense cuts was pretty much over as soon as you declared that we needed a 50% cut. I'm always amused when progressives LOVE government stimulus spending on "infrastructure" and "anything green" because that's going to create jobs but then for some strange reason hate government spending on defense even though that would create as many if not MORE jobs.

You'd cut the military 50% and lay off highly skilled workers from that job sector and then turn around and try and find "shovel ready" jobs for infrastructure? You know...the jobs that Barry COULDN'T find last time? You think THAT would work?

As for jobs going over seas? You MSNBC disciples have been here for six months ranting about the jobs that Romney supposedly sent overseas when he was running Bain Capital...I simply pointed out how hypocritical that was when Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" was sending ten times as many jobs to China with his company now...all the while paying ZERO taxes!
It wasn't over, it was just getting to the good part. But you quit, rather than face your impending doom.

More jobs are created in the commercial industry, than the defense industry. The defense industry is a private club. Only a few select companies get DOD contracts. Commercial and infrastructure projects, on the other hand, affect a wide range of companies, industry's and the communities for which they are located. More people get jobs building roads and bridges, than they do building drones.

And you still didn't address the jobs we have in Iraq and Afghanistan in the form of US troops and Blackwater mercenaries. You don't seem to be against those jobs overseas.
It wasn't over, it was just getting to the good part. But you quit, rather than face your impending doom.

More jobs are created in the commercial industry, than the defense industry. The defense industry is a private club. Only a few select companies get DOD contracts. Commercial and infrastructure projects, on the other hand, affect a wide range of companies, industry's and the communities for which they are located. More people get jobs building roads and bridges, than they do building drones.

And you still didn't address the jobs we have in Iraq and Afghanistan in the form of US troops and Blackwater mercenaries. You don't seem to be against those jobs overseas.

What the hell is the "commercial industry?" The term "commerce" pretty much encompasses all economic activity. The sure sign of an ignoramus is that they just make up terms because they don't know the proper ones to use.

The reason there are more jobs in building roads and bridges than building drones is the fact that the government spends less than a couple billion a year building the later while it spends $200 billion a year on the former.
Democrats lie just as much, partisan hack.

Yeah, no way. Conservatives lie through their teeth. Democratic politicians too. All politicians, but not like the present-day conservatives, and not just politicians, but their base. It's an art form for them.
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What the hell is the "commercial industry?" The term "commerce" pretty much encompasses all economic activity. The sure sign of an ignoramus is that they just make up terms because they don't know the proper ones to use.

The reason there are more jobs in building roads and bridges than building drones is the fact that the government spends less than a couple billion a year building the later while it spends $200 billion a year on the former.
Commercial meaning, non-defense related construction. You can break that up into healthcare, educational, retail, industrial, residential, institutional, etc.

Nothing jump starts the economy more than housing starts.
What the hell is the "commercial industry?" The term "commerce" pretty much encompasses all economic activity. The sure sign of an ignoramus is that they just make up terms because they don't know the proper ones to use.

The reason there are more jobs in building roads and bridges than building drones is the fact that the government spends less than a couple billion a year building the later while it spends $200 billion a year on the former.
Commercial meaning, non-defense related construction. You can break that up into healthcare, educational, retail, industrial, residential, institutional, etc.

If you meant "non-defense related construction," then why didn't you just say "non-defense related construction?" However, industry includes a lot more than just construction, so even that formulation isn't correct.

Nothing jump starts the economy more than housing starts.

Really? When was this theory tested out? When did the government get into the business of building houses?
If you meant "non-defense related construction," then why didn't you just say "non-defense related construction?" However, industry includes a lot more than just construction, so even that formulation isn't correct.

Really? When was this theory tested out? When did the government get into the business of building houses?
Let me put it this way...

"Why are we spending trillions of tax dollars re-constructing country's on
the other side of the planet, when this country is falling apart?"

American's needs jobs. I don't give a shit what excuse you try to create, spending money in this country, benefits American's more than having it fleeced by greedy defense contractor's in country's we conquer.
Gee, Mitt gave over 4 million to charity last year...wonder how much John Kerry gave?

How much of that "charity" was to the Mormon church? And what the fuck difference does it make what John Kerry did?

I could care less if Romney is a mormon or not, it's irrelevant to fixing this economy. If the view by some is that mormons don't have a place serving in public office, then what's the excuse for Harry Reid? Obama even makes efforts to recognize and support ramadan in this country, does that mean we ought to also question Obama's religious views if it doesn't line up with our own? When have we become such religious haters in this country, or has that become the easier "scapegoat" issue to talk about than facing problems with the economy?

As far as John Kerry, he was a senator married to a very rich wife, who probably didn't contribute much to charity. YET, the left wants to talk about where Romney got his money from, that he is somehow too rich, too out of touch? That's got the most pathetic turn around of an excuse if I ever heard one. You got to feel pretty threatened and become very desperate to make that kind of accusation about Mitt, after nominating and supporting someone like Kerry for president.
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Higher tuition costs, higher gas prices (can't recall when it's dropped below $3.60 a gallon under THIS president), cost of food going up, all have one common denominator:

The Obama administration can't stop their need to print more money, so the US dollar has been losing value - a path to inflation.
Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that cutting 50% of the DOD budget would cause the loss of jobs for massive numbers of highly skilled, well paid workers that most likely would have an extremely hard time finding a new job?
Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

How is it that you're going to absorb THOSE workers into the job force? I don't think you have a CLUE how you're going to do that, Loinboy. I think you've got this liberal "notion" in your head that you can gut the DOD and everything will be rosy. It's as naive a notion as the liberal concept that if we can just get the rich to pay more in taxes then we can afford more entitlement programs.
You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.

I'm sure cutting back our military, scaling down funding for the department of defence, Obama spiking the ball on Bin Laden while touting our troops coming finally home under a mission accomplished messge, proved to be a wise decision with letting our nation's guard down and finding a dead US Diplomat on the anniversary of 9-11. Of course demonstrators of a video always use rocket propelled grenades on an embassy, right? Looks like all the reaching out and apologizing for the actions of previous administration, did a lot for Obama to cool down things overseas. I can tell it made a WORLD of difference.

By the way, how's Obama's progress looking on Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon since he has been in office? Any chance that Ahmadinejad has backed away at all, from his progress on uranium enrichment and defiance to the UN? I'm sure Obama has the situation well under control, doesn't he? No possible threats to be found to warrent any need to have a US military presence. Cutting our Department of Defence has proved to be the wiser, and of course makes us look more stronger and threatening (like the United States is serious what it's demanding from Iran and means business). Wait ...... we need more talks. Perhaps Ahmadinejad would like to sit down to some tea and crackers as well? A drink then perhaps? As Tony Stark would say ...... no, no, no, .... threatening. lol
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No they don't, all the GOP trash do is lie.

both sides lie OR exaggerate to get what they want.... the Republicans do it to your face and the Democrats do it behind your back....but they both do it.....

You're right, Harry...we live in the era of "spin". You have to be intelligent enough to look at what's going on and discern what's bullshit and what's an honest appraisal.

That old cliche about things looking too good to be true comes into play quite often these days. If someone is telling you that all you need to do is vote for them and they'll give you A, B and C, all of which isn't going to cost you a dime...then you have to have enough common sense to know that they are blowing smoke up your skirt.[/QUOTE]

WOW. YOU ever take your own advice?

Like the idea that Mitt is gonna cut your taxes, rasie military spending and not add a single dime to the deficit.

YOU really believe that bullshit? Especially after taking your own advice.

..... and the unemployed are SO much better off now, aren't they? After all we got rid of the oil tycoon in the White House (no more high gas prices) and families now have even more money in their pockets to spend. Higher paying jobs, no need for expanding food stamps. Not to mention the success Obama had with that Government investment on a very successful production line of the Chevy Volt! (can't seem to keep enough of those battery cars in stock). Obama even lived up to his promise and actually CUT government spending. Who would have thought that? Can't find any need for this President to lay up a bunch of excuses and simply "blame Bush" in THIS election.
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Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.

The average American gets no benefit from the Department of Defense? Really? Do I have to even respond to that ignorant statement? You might want to actually THINK before you make posts like this, Loinboy.

The average American doesn't get nearly the benefit no-bid contractors do, or the global corporations that the DOD stabilizes or, sometimes more to the point, Destabilizes other nation states for. YOU might want to actually actually
THINK before YOU make posts like this, Oldstyle.

So the Federal Government should just give money to those who are unable to support themselves, add a few perks like a free cell phone, and pay no taxes to the Federal Government? Is this government assistance or really just a rather expensive "assisted living" program? Exactly how many of the poor, who have gotten help from the Federal Government, have actually worked their way out of poverty and are no longer in need of Government dependency programs? Please tell me we are doing something more than the Federal Government simply throwing hard working taxpayer dollars at the problem. Where is all the boast by Democrats showing the progress that's been made in pulling people OUT of poverty? Where are all the sucessful statistics by liberal Democrats: on how these once poverty stricken citizens are no longer dependent on government checks, but are now responsible hard working Americans paying taxes? Does the left have any succesful statistics over the last 30 years to show the rest of us?
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So basically what you're saying is that it's TERRIBLE that Mitt Romney obeys the tax code and pays 14% tax but it's FINE that GE obeys the tax code and pays 0% tax?
No, that's not what I'm saying. You need to try to understand my point, instead of trying to create one for me. Mitt Romney has nothing to do with this conversation. It's about the effect of reduced tax revenue, from defense budget cuts. Why am I having to remind you what topic we're discussing, when you're the one who raised this topic in the first place? Do you have ADD?

Don't have a come back on Immelt and GE getting a free pass on not paying taxes...exporting tens of thousands of American jobs to China...AND being our "Jobs Czar", do you, LoinBoy? I'll be honest with you...I knew that before I even asked the question. I just love to watch you progressives squirm and then run for cover every time it gets brought up.
I have no intention of discussing everything under the sun in one post.

Then you should not have brought it into the discussion under post 294:

Hi Mitt,

We're GE. And we don't pay taxes either.

We just wanted to give you a word on the downlow, that unless you want your campaign defunded, don't go there!

OldStyle brought up a valid point. Why does Jeffery Immelt, a great supporter of Obama, have a place within the administration while paying zero in corporate taxes. Seems that if corporate tax breaks is to become a major campaign issue to throw at Mitt Romney, Obama would start by cleaning his OWN house. Do you have an answer on that statement? ..... or do you enjoy throwing out your little comments about Romney, then change your tone and avoid the issue completely when someone brings up a valid issue concerning Obama's OWN administration? [calling the kettle black as it were, or finding yourself inside a glass house throwing stones, whichever metaphor you'd rather prefer] Do you have an answer to his claim with regard to Obama or not?
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