The Ouija Dilemma: American Questionnaire


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
American capitalism should inspire us to be more proactive with forms of 'taboo-instruction.'

This 'mosaic/questionnaire' was inspired by Something Wicked This Way Comes (Ray Bradbury).



"Are you an American? Are you a fan of socialization-intrigue (e.g., Facebook), commercial aesthetics (e.g., Vanity Fair), consumerism frivolity (e.g., Xbox), and society bravado (e.g., NASCAR)? If you're an American, you appreciate lifestyle drama and intrigue and perhaps enjoy iconic soap-operas and films such as The Young & the Restless and Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps."


"Are you an American? If you're American, you enjoy patriotism-pageantry such as the Mummers Parade, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero, Dances with Wolves, and Black Friday. As an American, you might meditate on the civilization-value of intellectualized courage (e.g., The Military Channel). As an American, you crave great Rapture storytelling."


"Are you an American? Do you like spooky-tales about the morality-intrigue associated with great ambitions, fortresses, and competitive instincts? Do you like horror-films and vampire-lore such as A Nightmare on Elm Street and Buffy the Vampire-Slayer? As an American, you might purchase Barbie dolls for your daughter and then watch a more 'mature' humanism-idolatry imagination movie such as Whore or The Crush. As an American, you might contemplate the 'social wisdom' of fashion and adventure."


"Are you an American? Do you like eccentric/strange comic book 'super-villains' such as Toyman, Black Manta, Red Skull, Poison Ivy, Lex Luthor, and Cobra Commander? Are you fascinated by the 'contours' of networking 'tremors' such as 9/11 and the Los Angeles Race Riots? As an American, do you seek wild stories about succumbing to the forces of anarchy?"


"Are you an American? Do you worry about your daughter doing mischief with a Ouija board, an Annabelle play-doll, or a deck of Tarot-cards? Do you worry about the presence of 'darkness' seeping into the everyday experiences with lifestyle metaphysics (e.g., EWTN, Al Jazeera, Touched by an Angel, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, etc.)? As an American, do you contemplate the temptations of entreating dangerous curiosities about Golems, hypnosis, obsession, and stalkers? Are you a fan of movies such as The Craigslist Killer, Monster, and A Beautiful Mind?"


"After you've answered all these 'complex questions,' you might consider yourself a 'worthy candidate for an intriguing Saturday-evening game of the spirit-invocation immersion known as 'Ouija.' A Ouija-board is used by moving a alphabet-message indicator with your hand and 'mental imagination' while 'daydreaming' that the spirit/ghost/demon you're invoking is actually moving your hand for you to send you messages. As you play with your Ouija-board, you might think that the spirit you've 'contacted' is actually the 'real' Toyman or Poison Ivy or Black Manta or even the Devil. You're ready to experiment with 'American convenience'..."


TRUMP: This whole 'Ouija-craze' worries me, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, consumers today seem fascinated by eccentric games.
TRUMP: You can purchase a voodoo-Ouija board on eBay or Amazon!
CARTER: That's true; it's no wonder American kids love bizarre comic book villains.
TRUMP: We should be encouraging our kids to embrace Captain America...not Poison Ivy!
CARTER: Perhaps consumerism has made access to 'idol-worship' very convenient.
TRUMP: To each his own, Carter; to each his own...
CARTER: That's a wise 'proverb,' Mr. President.
TRUMP: America has to deal with North Korea and ISIS terrorists now...
CARTER: Consumers in America should cheer on the government's efforts to hype capitalism!
TRUMP: It's challenging to feel optimistic about Wal-Mart after 9/11.
CARTER: Yes, and that's especially true, since American kids fantasize about 'super-villains.'
TRUMP: We can't espouse censorship, but parents should watch what their kids watch...
CARTER: There are parental-controls on cable-TV boxes now, Mr. President!
TRUMP: I know that; but we need to do more; we need to supervise Ouija-games with kids.
CARTER: Yes; perhaps the new horror-film Ouija: Origin of Evil promotes temperance.
TRUMP: With a dose of storytelling, American consumers may become more...self-conscious.
CARTER: The 'mission' of capitalism is to normalize toys while socializing youth-education.



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