The Other Casey Anthony and The American Public

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The Other Casey Anthony and The American Public


Next time some blowhard on the radio or internet, or some a-hole politician talks about how much they respect the American public...:doubt:

The...Pennsylvania man has gotten hundreds of Facebook...messages and postings, with people "making comments about the verdict; who am I to take a child’s life,”... “And then I’m sitting back like, excuse me? I’m not the Casey Anthony you think.”

Then there were the phone calls; Anthony had his number listed on his Facebook page.

He answered the first few calls that had Florida area codes, he said, but then he stopped: "You got to screen the calls, especially the out-of-town calls."


"It went from comical and scary to being just outright ... make you mad, you know, because these people don't even know you, they don't have a clue," he said.
Digital Life - Facebook's other Casey Anthony speaks out

I wonder how many of the women here (yes I think it's mostly women ... Nancy Grace nut/fans) are like this in real life?


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