The origins of the Tea Party can be seen in this video

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
[ame=]Racism at McCain Palin rallies: Why whitey can't vote - YouTube[/ame]

Any difference between those people and the Tea Party? LMAO!
Racism at McCain Palin rallies: Why whitey can't vote - YouTube

Any difference between those people and the Tea Party? LMAO!

...the DICK; Armey's skilled-leadership!!!!!!

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating."

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That's an out and out lie. But please don't let facts bother you. No need to start caring about the truth now, Charlie.

Some "Christian". LMAO
That's an out and out lie. But please don't let facts bother you. No need to start caring about the truth now, Charlie.

Some "Christian". LMAO

CG, you can't tell me that the Tea Party, well some of them, share a lot in common with those retards in that video.
That's an out and out lie. But please don't let facts bother you. No need to start caring about the truth now, Charlie.

Some "Christian". LMAO

CG, you can't tell me that the Tea Party, well some of them, share a lot in common with those retards in that video.

I haven't watched the video.... frankly, I tend to ignore the "evidence" of foolish idiots trying to label other people as racists for political point scoring.

What I will tell you - and you will also ignore because it does not suit your agenda - is that my parents attended TEA Parties when Bush was POTUS. In fact, before Obama declared... and before most people knew his name.

My parents were invited to go to a TEA Party get together by one of his best friends, my brother's God Father.... who also happens to be black.

If you choose lies over truth, you are not much of a Christian.
Racism at McCain Palin rallies: Why whitey can't vote - YouTube

Any difference between those people and the Tea Party? LMAO!

Is there any difference between you and them? I honestly think all of the people I saw in the first few seconds of the video are more intelligent and better informed than you are, and I think they all should be in care because they are incapable of wiping their own ass. If you had a brain you would understand just how stupid I think you are.
Any difference between those people and the Tea Party? LMAO!

The gist if the vid seems to be that democracy is a pretty scary prospect when you consider how many stupid people are allowed to vote. So, what do we do about it? How can we protect minorities from the uninformed whim of the mob?

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