The Obvious Case for Corporate Welfare over Personal Welfare:


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
hey eddy...if you are laid off and down on your luck, taking welfare until you get back on your feet does not mean you are a leech and want the country to go under....and i do realize that there are people on it who are leeches and do abuse the system,but the ones who actually need it are not....and show where the founders wanted "liberalism" outlawed...
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
hey eddy...if you are laid off and down on your luck, taking welfare until you get back on your feet does not mean you are a leech and want the country to go under....and i do realize that there are people on it who are leeches and do abuse the system,but the ones who actually need it are not....and show where the founders wanted "liberalism" outlawed...

1) When Clinton and Newt ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed it. Why do you learn from that?

2) Founders gave Federal govt a few enumerated powers only.

67)James Madison in Federalist paper NO. 45: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce."
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
hey eddy...if you are laid off and down on your luck, taking welfare until you get back on your feet does not mean you are a leech and want the country to go under....and i do realize that there are people on it who are leeches and do abuse the system,but the ones who actually need it are not....and show where the founders wanted "liberalism" outlawed...

1) When Clinton and Newt ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed it. Why do you learn from that?

2) Founders gave Federal govt a few enumerated powers only.

67)James Madison in Federalist paper NO. 45: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce."
point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....and as shocking as it sounds things change over the years,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...including parts of the constitution....things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....
If we just all worship the wealthy as gods, which is really what the corporate american perceptual reality is all about, manna will fall from the skies.
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
hey eddy...if you are laid off and down on your luck, taking welfare until you get back on your feet does not mean you are a leech and want the country to go under....and i do realize that there are people on it who are leeches and do abuse the system,but the ones who actually need it are not....and show where the founders wanted "liberalism" outlawed...

1) When Clinton and Newt ended welfare as we know it by making it workfare fully half decided they no longer needed it. Why do you learn from that?

2) Founders gave Federal govt a few enumerated powers only.

67)James Madison in Federalist paper NO. 45: "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce."
point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....and as shocking as it sounds things change over the years,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...including parts of the constitution....things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....

point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....and as shocking as it sounds things change over the years,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...including parts of the constitution....things relevant back then may not be relevant today,and many things that are around today would not have been even concieved back then....
A different date on the calendar doesn't suddenly make it OK for the government to change from a protector from aggression, to being an aggressor itself.
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Soclialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

Same as it ever was.
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Corporations are creations of government. They have no more right to the fruits of my labor than does the next moocher down the street.
point no 1 does not give me an answer for what i said about those who may need it.....
sure it does you just lack the IQ to grasp that at least half on welfare don't need it, yet treasonous liberals always want more never less. Enough for a liberal is communism. Why do you think our liberals spied for Stalin and elected Obama/Sanders??
,im sure back in the founders day they could not imagine the problems with a country as big and populated like it has become....things have to change and adapt to what happens over time...

perfect liberal ignorance.Total ignorance of history so there is nothing to learn from it.

"I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion of the means. I think the best way of doing good to the poor, is not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. In my youth I traveled much, and I observed in different countries, that the more public provisions were made for the poor, the less they provided for themselves, and of course became poorer. And, on the contrary, the less was done for them, the more they did for themselves, and became richer."

Benjamin Franklin, On the Price of Corn and Management of the Poor, November 1766
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Which corporations were around in 10,000 BCE?
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Corporations are creations of government. They have no more right to the fruits of my labor than does the next moocher down the street.

LOL..........What? I think you said "you didn't build that" and you're lazy.
If we just all worship the wealthy as gods, which is really what the corporate american perceptual reality is all about, manna will fall from the skies.
Steve Jobs is a God. He invented the Iphone. What did you invent? Jealous, so rather than face your own reality you want govt to steal from Jobs for you-right? He didn't really invent the Iphone!! You did or at least you helped -right? We'll worship the poor instead of the rich. Trickle up economics- right!!
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
So GOP voters are liberals that get welfare..Ok...
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class

goof liberal lie!! Wall Street paid back the loans immediately and govt made a profit. Failed liberal leeches take welfare for a life and and never pay back a penny. And what do liberals want? Always more crippling welfare without end. Its never enough.
Corporations got us from the stone age to here with their ingenious products and the jobs that enable us to buy those products. It's a welfare program that allows the earth to support 7.28 billion people!! Liberal personal welfare programs and entitlements do the opposite. They encourage people not to participate or contribute to this great welfare program but instead to leech off it and otherwise diminish it despite how amazingly it has served humanity. Instead of cash handouts to liberal leeches why not subsidies to our great saintly corporations? Liberalism should be made illegal as our Founders intended because of such obvious and destructive ignorance.
Corporations are creations of government. They have no more right to the fruits of my labor than does the next moocher down the street.

LOL..........What? I think you said "you didn't build that" and you're lazy.
Nothing of the sort.
Corporations are creations of government.

when 2 people got together to hunt 10,000 years ago they were in effect
a partnership or corporation. Govt does not create corporations. It is too stupid to invent things or do real work. It just provides some administration.

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