“The NY Times is at it again, calling the GOP in disarray and racist”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Posted by allenwestrepublic on February 11, 2013 @ Allen West ?The NY Times is at it again, calling the GOP in disarray and racist? | AllenWestRepublic

My daily effort to drive Lefties up the wall – this comes from West's website:

It seems some writer at the NY Times is at it again, calling the GOP in disarray and racist. Perhaps this gent needs a little history lesson. The Democrat party gave America slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism. Jim Crow laws, poll tax, literacy tests, and providing women checks for having children out of wedlock are further examples of Democrat policies. President Lincoln broke the chains of physical bondage. President Reagan broke the chains of economic bondage. The writer thinks the GOP is in disarray, but it’s thanks to liberal progressive policies emanating from the Obama administration that America is in disarray. The demise of our economic, energy, and national security are evident and the State of our Union is horrific. I would much rather be a member of a political party that rewards my individual industrialism, than one which promotes my individual subjugation.

Read more at the above link. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Allen West will be the SecDef for the Republican president in 2016, assuming of course, we still have a country at that point
... be a member of a political party that rewards my individual industrialism

working together is a problem for the Tea Party - they Hate "We the People".
It looks more and more like the teepotters are dying out. Next election may see the sane rw voters dumping more because even they know we need less rhetoric and more jobs.

That's why they dumped Walsh and West and they just might dump the likes of whiny little Rand Paul and others who have been useless to the party AND the country.
Allen West will be the SecDef for the Republican president in 2016, assuming of course, we still have a country at that point

Wish you'd give some warning before posting something THIS ridiculous.

Damn near blew coffee all over my screen.
Hey now, let's not get too down on the New York Times.

Our new puppy highly endorses the New York Times. The paper absorbs her urine and shit better than those expensive "puppy pads"!

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