The Ninja Generation


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-media mockumentary inspired by the futurama-film Chappie.

Signing off,


A group of Lufthansa (German airlines) stewardesses connected to a powerful opium-smuggling ring stretching from Hong Kong to Miami are trying to decide if they should become informants for the police. The CIA was investigating the opium-ring's ties to unscrupulous governments looking to make narcotics a politically-profitable enterprise. The stewardesses were like modern age 'angels' wavering between heaven and hell in this new age of commerce-driven crusades. No one could predict the outcome. These stewardesses were gorgeous!


The spirits of a band of ancient Japanese samurai were resurrected from the grave as the modern world became 'embroiled' in this modern age of commerce-gauged political intrigue. These samurai were true defenders of traditional values and governance, but they were mere 'musketeers' in this age of profit and pirates. How would these idealistic samurai engage with these gorgeous 'angel-stewardesses' wrestling with the metaphysics/ethics of Lufthansa duties? It was a terrific modernism mystery. Maybe Steven Spielberg was cooking up a film-adaptation of such an imaginarium-tale for future archaeologists...


As with any 'crusade,' there is dangerous drama. A nefarious and evil hell-demon called Gray Goblin. This freak was on a jet-glider and wielded pumpkin-bombs which he intended to use to destroy the rebuilt World Trade Center. Gray Goblin cared nothing for the Lufthansa stewardesses nor for the idealistic Japanese samurai-ghosts. The samurai wanted to destroy Gray Goblin before he harmed the Lufthansa stewardesses, so they grouped together and used their swords to create a metaphysical circular-umbrella of metal, invoking the spirit of the Gray Goblin to defy their religious devotion. Gray Goblin was furious.


This was all irrelevant (as Gray Goblin knew), since the modern world belonged not to adult thinkers or spirits (stewardesses, samurai, statesmen, etc.) but to the youth of the world. Indeed, the youngsters formed a Utopian coalition led by a valiant self-proclaimed 'super-ninja' named Ryu. Ryu had one friend (a combat-ally) named Kato, and the two were the real 'figureheads' of all new age intrigue. Ryu and Kato personally dealt with Gray Goblin by hypnotizing him with video-games (e.g., Ninja Gaiden, GoldenEye, etc.) before banishing him to the underworld forever. Gray Goblin would be remembered as a real menace, but the Lufthansa stewardesses and the Japanese stewardesses knew that Ryu and Kato saved the world completely.


So peace once again reigned over the world. Families sat at home and enjoyed watching movies such as A Christmas Story, Coming to America, and Rhapsody in August on Netflix. Everyone had a smartphone or a laptop, and the world was once again media-optimistic. This was all thanks to Ryu and Kato who became 'netherworld celebrities.' Steven Spielberg did indeed make a movie, but it was about Ryu and Kato (not the stewardesses, samurai, or statesmen). It was an ironic fact that media (Internet, TV, smartphones, Facebook,, Neftlix, etc., etc., etc.) had changed the human phenotype, and now all comedians made the same joke --- "Aren't ninjas electricians?"



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