The Next Loony Dilemma. Lets Say Kavanaugh Gets In. Will There Be Riots&Violence?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:CryingCow: Are we gonna see a repeat of what happened in Berkeley, OWS, Ferguson, Baltimore and what we see in Chicago every weekend?
Is some Liberal Billionaire gonna pay thousands of thugs to trash and burn particular downtowns?
Will Wal-Mart and Target run out of Vagina Costumes again?
What do you guys all think?
as much as i wanna see a justice kavanaugh, but,then, where am i gonna buy any future vagina costumes?
Moon Bats will always act like assholes until they turn America into a socialist shithole that they desire so much.

That is just the kind of turds they are.
Not during college football season. Too much partying going on
to be bothered with stuff like that.
Socialists are always looking for the next socialist revolution.
my prediction
Kava gets in.
within two weeks,, Yellowstone implodes.. the Canary Islands emplode.. Guam sinks to the abyss..Maxine Waters has a major brain freeze,, and one of Nancy Pelosi's ears falls off.
I would put the Deep State rolling over on the Ds in congress as the more likely cause of the next round of Blue Wall riots.
No one is going to riot. Protest, maybe. But what's the point. Protests usually are to try and change the pols' minds. It will be a done deal, won't it, if he is confirmed? The only thing to do then is "protest" at the polls, if your senator is up for reelection and you didn't like the way he/she voted.
My prediction is that within a week of his confirmation it'll be like the movie Tremors. Liberals will ridiculously contend there's a correlation between the two events. Trump will blame Mexico and use the situation as another example of why we need the wall. Or maybe not.
No one is going to riot. Protest, maybe. But what's the point. Protests usually are to try and change the pols' minds. It will be a done deal, won't it, if he is confirmed? The only thing to do then is "protest" at the polls, if your senator is up for reelection and you didn't like the way he/she voted.

I think you may be confused. The MSM routinely calls actual riots “protests,” one of the many indications of how stupid they think the American public is.
The Next Loony Dilemma. Lets Say Kavanaugh Gets In. Will There Be Riots&Violence?
There should be
the only violence there should be is against people like you who call for violence every time you dont get your way...
I believe this thread was started by a right winger, egging on the ridiculous idea of violence by the left.
so ridiculous that a lefty is here saying there should be will it still be ridiculous if that indeed happens?...

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