The Next Generation of Republicans- and even Democrats


Conservative Babe
Feb 6, 2011
Very interesting article highlighting what I've said on this forum many times to liberals regarding race.. We grew up together, all races.. we don't hold the type of animus and obsession with skin color that liberals do, and that includes the new generation of democrats. This article details the sea change of attitude in the young generation of libs.

As to Republicans, we lean more libertarian but staunchly conservative fiscally- We choose abstinence and we are probably the most educated of any generation. It's a great article that shows growth in both ideologies.

Could the next generation of Republicans already be here? | New York Post
From the article:

According to a Pew survey, the “next-generation left” has a huge, generational disagreement with older, traditional left-liberals. Among the older liberals, for instance, 83% identify “circumstances” as the cause of poverty. Nexties are almost evenly split on this, with 47% blaming circumstances and 42% blaming “lack of effort.”
Fifty-six percent of the older Democrats think Wall Street does more harm than good, whereas 56% of the younger ones think the reverse. When asked whether blacks are primarily responsible for their condition or victims of discrimination, 80% of the older liberals said discrimination. Sixty-eight percent of the nexties said blacks are mostly responsible for their status, with only 19% blaming discrimination.
Less surprisingly, next-generation liberals tilt hugely left on social issues, and this, they say, is the reason they vote Democrat, in many cases against their stated economic beliefs. A commenter on a New York Times piece on the Pew survey ticked off a list of economic beliefs that placed him to the right of center, then concluded, “The Democrats hold onto us only because of the Republic[an] obsession with religion, sexual repression and environmental denial.”

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