The New Cold War


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
What with China making its way towards being a Superpower, probably within the next 20 years it'll be stronger militarily than the US, it could be a Russia/China v. US/EU sort of affair.
What with China making its way towards being a Superpower, probably within the next 20 years it'll be stronger militarily than the US, it could be a Russia/China v. US/EU sort of affair.
True. I'm expecting a nuclear exchange within that time. There are just to many weapons in too many hands. I'm thinking it will be either North Korea or terrorist. However, in war one event leads to another and another.
What with China making its way towards being a Superpower, probably within the next 20 years it'll be stronger militarily than the US, it could be a Russia/China v. US/EU sort of affair.
True. I'm expecting a nuclear exchange within that time. There are just to many weapons in too many hands. I'm thinking it will be either North Korea or terrorist. However, in war one event leads to another and another.

I think North Korea, like Iraq, Iran and Libya want nukes simply to ward off the US's advances. I don't think the North would dare attack with nukes, China wouldn't need to.

Terrorists are another matter. For them they don't have much to have a counter attack with nukes. It's all a matter of how they use them though.
Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
I'm more concerned with a terrorist organization setting off a nuke in a major city than I am with the US or another country starting a nuclear war.
Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
Then why did Warren Christopher (Secretary of State) refuse to sign off on the transfer because of national security concerns, prompting Clinton to reclassify it as a "commerce" issue to be sent to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce)?
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
I'm more concerned with a terrorist organization setting off a nuke in a major city than I am with the US or another country starting a nuclear war.
And with 8 years of inviting our enemies to bring nukes into the country through the southern border, they're probably already here.
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
I'm more concerned with a terrorist organization setting off a nuke in a major city than I am with the US or another country starting a nuclear war.
Yes, I think that is more likely. However, if a nuclear weapon were set off in the US, there would be a lot of pressure on the administration to punish the country that supplied the device or provided support. If it came from Russia, North Korea, or China then things could go wrong really fast.

China has a treaty with North Korea that would suck them into any retaliation from the US. Russia also has treaty with North Korea. Pakistan has military agreement also with China. Both Iran and Syria have military defense agreement with Russia.
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
I'm more concerned with a terrorist organization setting off a nuke in a major city than I am with the US or another country starting a nuclear war.
And with 8 years of inviting our enemies to bring nukes into the country through the southern border, they're probably already here.
Yes, that is a problem. Seems after 9-11, Bush would have closed off the southern border. Can you give a reason he did not? Perhaps the same reason he let Bin Laden go for seven years?
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
I'm more concerned with a terrorist organization setting off a nuke in a major city than I am with the US or another country starting a nuclear war.
And with 8 years of inviting our enemies to bring nukes into the country through the southern border, they're probably already here.
Yes, that is a problem. Seems after 9-11, Bush would have closed off the southern border. Can you give a reason he did not? Perhaps the same reason he let Bin Laden go for seven years?
And I see how fast Obama closed it when he took office. At least Bush didn't look for more terrorists to invite in or drug dealers to sell guns to.
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
I'm more concerned with a terrorist organization setting off a nuke in a major city than I am with the US or another country starting a nuclear war.
And with 8 years of inviting our enemies to bring nukes into the country through the southern border, they're probably already here.
Yes, that is a problem. Seems after 9-11, Bush would have closed off the southern border. Can you give a reason he did not? Perhaps the same reason he let Bin Laden go for seven years?
The terrorists didn't sneak across the boarder, they flew into the country with passports and visas, they talked about what they were going to do, lived in the country for months, took flying lessons, set off metal detectors in airport security and nobody did a thing till it was to late.
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
Can any rational American imagine hitlerys finger anywhere the glass parking lot button......
Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
Then why did Warren Christopher (Secretary of State) refuse to sign off on the transfer because of national security concerns, prompting Clinton to reclassify it as a "commerce" issue to be sent to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce)?
I have no idea but he then signed an agreement ending the ban on export to China of US high-technology, including satellite launch equipment and computer technology.
60 Minutes is doing a series called the New Cold War. It is a fascinating look inside U.S. Strategic Command and discovers the extraordinary measures the military takes to make sure only the president can launch a nuclear attack. This is something ever voter should watch because the next president may well have to make a decision that could destroy civilization.

Like most people I considered those bad old days of the cold war over. Not so. The nuclear arsenal of the US and Russian today can effective destroy life as we know it. One nuclear submarine carries up to 200 atomic war heads all much more powerful than that used on Japan. The US currently has over a 1,000 atomic warhead ready to fire within seconds of the order of the president. The actual US arsenal is of course much larger. Both Russia and the US have increased their capability plus the number of countries with nuclear weapons have increased.

This is an awesome responsibility for the next president. Hopeful that person's experience and judgement is sound. Voters will make that decision in November. It could be the most important decision they will ever make.

The New Cold War
Can any rational American imagine hitlerys finger anywhere the glass parking lot button......
Either candidate can press the button. However, the question for voters is which candidate has the background to decide whether it should be pressed.
Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
Then why did Warren Christopher (Secretary of State) refuse to sign off on the transfer because of national security concerns, prompting Clinton to reclassify it as a "commerce" issue to be sent to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce)?
I have no idea but he then signed an agreement ending the ban on export to China of US high-technology, including satellite launch equipment and computer technology.
It was missile guidance system technology, the same kind used by our military. How could that not help China with nuclear strike capability?
Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
Then why did Warren Christopher (Secretary of State) refuse to sign off on the transfer because of national security concerns, prompting Clinton to reclassify it as a "commerce" issue to be sent to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce)?
I have no idea but he then signed an agreement ending the ban on export to China of US high-technology, including satellite launch equipment and computer technology.
It was missile guidance system technology, the same kind used by our military. How could that not help China with nuclear strike capability?
That really depends on the technology. People often assume that technology being transferred is something the receiving country is incapable of producing which is almost never the case. It's usually a matter of cost. For example, there is certainly nothing exotic or secret about explosive bolts. They are just expensive for satellites.
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Well, thanks to Bill Clinton, China now has the capability of launching a nuclear strike against the U.S. from China. They never had that capability before he gave them the technology to achieve it. Now we have a new cold war.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
Then why did Warren Christopher (Secretary of State) refuse to sign off on the transfer because of national security concerns, prompting Clinton to reclassify it as a "commerce" issue to be sent to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce)?
I have no idea but he then signed an agreement ending the ban on export to China of US high-technology, including satellite launch equipment and computer technology.
It was missile guidance system technology, the same kind used by our military. How could that not help China with nuclear strike capability?
That really depends on the technology. People often assume that technology being transferred is something the receiving country is incapable of producing which is almost never the case. It's usually a matter of cost. For example, there is certainly nothing exotic or secret about explosive bolts. They are just expensive for satellites.
The U.S. Congress disagreed with you, as well as the D.O.S. and D.O.D. It was technology that would enable them to develop ICBMs with MIRV capability. Long range. Before this technology transfer, all they had was intermediate range missile capability.
The technology transfer was satellite fuel and explosive bolts, which eject a satellite from its launch vehicle. I don't see how that would give China nuclear strike capability. Even if it did, they would certainly have developed it by now without our help.
Then why did Warren Christopher (Secretary of State) refuse to sign off on the transfer because of national security concerns, prompting Clinton to reclassify it as a "commerce" issue to be sent to Ron Brown (Secretary of Commerce)?
I have no idea but he then signed an agreement ending the ban on export to China of US high-technology, including satellite launch equipment and computer technology.
It was missile guidance system technology, the same kind used by our military. How could that not help China with nuclear strike capability?
That really depends on the technology. People often assume that technology being transferred is something the receiving country is incapable of producing which is almost never the case. It's usually a matter of cost. For example, there is certainly nothing exotic or secret about explosive bolts. They are just expensive for satellites.
The U.S. Congress disagreed with you, as well as the D.O.S. and D.O.D. It was technology that would enable them to develop ICBMs with MIRV capability. Long range. Before this technology transfer, all they had was intermediate range missile capability.
Never saw that information.

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