The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...
I think you are terribly confused as to who actually supports American projection of military power.

You...and all other useful idiots like ya
So when I say that I have never supported an American war during my lifetime I'm lying? Who were all those right wing assholes calling me bad names then? Was I supporting terrorism when I opposed the two wars Dubya started? Are you supporting terrorism by opposing them now?
I think you are terribly confused as to who actually supports American projection of military power.

You...and all other useful idiots like ya
So when I say that I have never supported an American war during my lifetime I'm lying? Who were all those right wing assholes calling me bad names then? Was I supporting terrorism when I opposed the two wars Dubya started? Are you supporting terrorism by opposing them now?
Youre already supporting them if ya know it or not useful idiot

You must really hate that jugg eared ****** who won the Nobel peace prize then proceeded to drone strike a hospital......ironically run by an organization that also won the Nobel peace prize
I think you are terribly confused as to who actually supports American projection of military power.

You...and all other useful idiots like ya
So when I say that I have never supported an American war during my lifetime I'm lying? Who were all those right wing assholes calling me bad names then? Was I supporting terrorism when I opposed the two wars Dubya started? Are you supporting terrorism by opposing them now?
Youre already supporting them if ya know it or not useful idiot

You must really hate that jugg eared ****** who won the Nobel peace prize then proceeded to drone strike a hospital......ironically run by an organization that also won the Nobel peace prize
I support presidents or not on an issue by issue basis. Apparently you do too if you are trying to disavow the broad support republicans have generally had for the projection of military power. Why do you think that has changed? Because Trump said so for four years? He's gone, there will be a next war and you will demand it be fought.
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

Yep. Shit.........I have come across posts by Democrats on the board that are already making excuses for the shit. Already.

This ain't hard. folks. No more corporate wars.
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...
I think the term you meant was neocon:
Prominent neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Paul Bremer. While not identifying as neoconservatives, senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld listened closely to neoconservative advisers regarding foreign policy, especially the defense of Israel and the promotion of American influence in the Middle East. Many of its adherents became politically influential during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, peaking in influence during the administration of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq and invasion of Afghanistan.[3]
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

well lets have a history lesson on major wars in the past 40 years.

The 2nd gulf war - Bush

The first gulf war - Bush

Vietnam war - Eisenhower first sent in advisors in 1955 and then other presidents had to deal with it.

yeah fear the democrats and ignore the republicans, hey it probably works for you 'all
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

Yep. Shit.........I have come across posts by Democrats on the board that are already making excuses for the shit. Already.

This ain't hard. folks. No more corporate wars.

I said it a few weeks ago on usmb ...that if they succeeded with massive voter fraud and got in....the wars and shenanigans would start right back up
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

well lets have a history lesson on major wars in the past 40 years.

The 2nd gulf war - Bush

The first gulf war - Bush

Vietnam war - Eisenhower first sent in advisors in 1955 and then other presidents had to deal with it.

yeah fear the democrats and ignore the republicans, hey it probably works for you 'all

Gw bush was hitler before Trump was hitler
Thank goodness we now have Joe Biden who is working with great people like
Antony Blinken and Avril Haines.

Guess who these two worked for also morons...guess what they did ?
We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You should really watch the video.....and then maybe try again roflmao

Oh God the leftards are just sad and pathetic
Last edited:
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

well lets have a history lesson on major wars in the past 40 years.

The 2nd gulf war - Bush

The first gulf war - Bush

Vietnam war - Eisenhower first sent in advisors in 1955 and then other presidents had to deal with it.

yeah fear the democrats and ignore the republicans, hey it probably works for you 'all

Gw bush was hitler before Trump was hitler
Thank goodness we now have Joe Biden who is working with great people like
Antony Blinken and Avril Haines.

Guess who these two worked for also morons...guess what they did ?
We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You should really watch the video.....and then maybe try again roflmao

Oh God the leftards are just sad and pathetic

Why watch the video please tell us who they worked for
I think you are terribly confused as to who actually supports American projection of military power.
American projection of military power

There is a major difference between projecting as a preventive and being a pussy in negotiations which brings actual war.
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...
I think the term you meant was neocon:
Prominent neoconservatives in the George W. Bush administration included Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Paul Bremer. While not identifying as neoconservatives, senior officials Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld listened closely to neoconservative advisers regarding foreign policy, especially the defense of Israel and the promotion of American influence in the Middle East. Many of its adherents became politically influential during the Republican presidential administrations of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, peaking in influence during the administration of George W. Bush, when they played a major role in promoting and planning the 2003 invasion of Iraq and invasion of Afghanistan.[3]
Nice list, and I agree with it. But “neo-con” and “neo-liberal” imperialism are very much the same. Times change, enemies change, propaganda pitches change, but the fundamental commitment to U.S global supremacy and the financial empire of Wall Street remains.

Both parties, and Liberals & Conservatives, have a lot to atone for in this respect. These days there are even Republicans against “endless wars.” If they are serious about this they should try to join with progressives in the Democratic Party whenever possible, and vice versa. When our rulers decide on war, it will take a huge nonpartisan effort to stop them.
Let us recall that the “patriotic” neo-conservative war party of Republicans were the biggest advocates of the Invasion and long Occupation of Iraq, the blunder that led to so many other troubles in the region. We all know that many DNC mainstream politicians like Biden and Hillary also supported that war, while Obama and Bernie campaigned against it.

Here are some official numbers:

“Although the war would not begin until March 2003, the House passed the Authorization of the Use of Military Force for Iraq in October 2002. The vote was 296 to 133. 215 Republicans and 81 Democrats voted for it. 126 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 1 Independent (Sanders) voted against it.”

Last edited:
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

well lets have a history lesson on major wars in the past 40 years.

The 2nd gulf war - Bush

The first gulf war - Bush

Vietnam war - Eisenhower first sent in advisors in 1955 and then other presidents had to deal with it.

yeah fear the democrats and ignore the republicans, hey it probably works for you 'all

Gw bush was hitler before Trump was hitler
Thank goodness we now have Joe Biden who is working with great people like
Antony Blinken and Avril Haines.

Guess who these two worked for also morons...guess what they did ?
We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You should really watch the video.....and then maybe try again roflmao

Oh God the leftards are just sad and pathetic

Why watch the video please tell us who they worked for

You should find out for yourself...start with the video and dig deeper .......nah
Ya Can't do that
Go back to
Weeeepublicans are wayciss warmonger full of hate

Then Certain Republicans they'll turn around and praise though
Like mitt ....and mcspain lol

Any uniparty cuck statist sell out whore they adore
Friggin simpletons

Thank God we have Joe Biden appointing experts like Avril Haines
And the one guy who likes Muppets ....hummmmmm
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

well lets have a history lesson on major wars in the past 40 years.

The 2nd gulf war - Bush

The first gulf war - Bush

Vietnam war - Eisenhower first sent in advisors in 1955 and then other presidents had to deal with it.

yeah fear the democrats and ignore the republicans, hey it probably works for you 'all

Gw bush was hitler before Trump was hitler
Thank goodness we now have Joe Biden who is working with great people like
Antony Blinken and Avril Haines.

Guess who these two worked for also morons...guess what they did ?
We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You should really watch the video.....and then maybe try again roflmao

Oh God the leftards are just sad and pathetic

Why watch the video please tell us who they worked for

You should find out for yourself...start with the video and dig deeper .......nah
Ya Can't do that
Go back to
Weeeepublicans are wayciss warmonger full of hate

Then Certain Republicans they'll turn around and praise though
Like mitt ....and mcspain lol

Any uniparty cuck statist sell out whore they adore
Friggin simpletons

Thank God we have Joe Biden appointing experts like Avril Haines
And the one guy who likes Muppets ....hummmmmm

Obviously you can't explain it because you might have to defend it.
Nov 28,2020
The Neoliberal War Machine Is Back
Like most of us who have been paying attention, Paul Joseph Watson is not looking forward to a Joe Biden’s handlers presidency with anything but dread. You don’t have to be American to be alarmed that the invade the world, invite the world neoliberal war machine is ready to return, personified by characters like Antony Blinken and Avril Haines:

Unless the election is overturned, the awesome power of the US military will be back in the hands of bloodthirsty globalist moonbats who do not even pretend to act in American interests.
On tips from KirklesWorth, Kate P, and Lyle.

All links highlighted....

Gee which third world shithole needs to be destabilized or turned into rubble for globo homo Inc?
Thanks ass wipe cheating democrats...

well lets have a history lesson on major wars in the past 40 years.

The 2nd gulf war - Bush

The first gulf war - Bush

Vietnam war - Eisenhower first sent in advisors in 1955 and then other presidents had to deal with it.

yeah fear the democrats and ignore the republicans, hey it probably works for you 'all

Gw bush was hitler before Trump was hitler
Thank goodness we now have Joe Biden who is working with great people like
Antony Blinken and Avril Haines.

Guess who these two worked for also morons...guess what they did ?
We don't call it the uniparty for nothing

You should really watch the video.....and then maybe try again roflmao

Oh God the leftards are just sad and pathetic

Why watch the video please tell us who they worked for

You should find out for yourself...start with the video and dig deeper .......nah
Ya Can't do that
Go back to
Weeeepublicans are wayciss warmonger full of hate

Then Certain Republicans they'll turn around and praise though
Like mitt ....and mcspain lol

Any uniparty cuck statist sell out whore they adore
Friggin simpletons

Thank God we have Joe Biden appointing experts like Avril Haines
And the one guy who likes Muppets ....hummmmmm

Obviously you can't explain it because you might have to defend it.

Whats a matter? The reality of it all might hit ya upside the head?

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