The most convincing evidence that the Assasination of JFK was a conspiracy


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
I think most have finally lost interest in the case....especially in government who may have the power needed to instigate a real investigation.

Chad Nagle, Attorney and Communications Consultant • Updated December 7
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Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go past the building he worked at. So he brought his rifle to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out
I think most have finally lost interest in the case....especially in government who may have the power needed to instigate a real investigation.

You are posting what 99% of Americans have realized for decades now.? :rofl:

You should have at least posted something far less know which is the rfk assassination was an even bigger joke the fact the worlds best auptisian however that’s spelled,who had done over 10,000 autopsy’s said that Rfk was shot in the back of the head which made it impossible for sirhan to be the shorter the fact the films show him in front of rfk the entire time.

Post something a lot less least

Just a matter of time before Allen Dulles grandson soupnazi finds this thread and details it shitting all over the floor so you know.:rofl:
I think most have finally lost interest in the case....especially in government who may have the power needed to instigate a real investigation.

It came up again during Donny's presidency. He chose not to declassify the rest of it.
Oswald read in the paper that the JFK motorcade would go past the building he worked at. So he brought his rifle to work, fired three shots and blew JFKs brains out

Once a Zionist Fascist liar, always a Zionist Fascist liar....

The odds of Oswald hitting one of three shots were 1 in 10,000
I think most have finally lost interest in the case....especially in government who may have the power needed to instigate a real investigation.

I think most have finally lost interest in the case....especially in government who may have the power needed to instigate a real investigation.

In Five Lives Remembered by Dolores Cannon, they said JFK was assassinated by a Communist conspiracy involving Russia and Cuba. Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist and one of the assassins.
The fact that LBJ blocked any Congressional investigation and appointed Allen Dulles and Gerald Ford to the panel should tell you anything you need to know.
Once a Zionist Fascist liar, always a Zionist Fascist liar....

The odds of Oswald hitting one of three shots were 1 in 10,000

There isn’t a Marine sharpshooter alive that couldn’t have hit two of three shots

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