The MIT Of Israel: Technion Partners With Ivy League Cornell Univ.


Jun 29, 2011
Warren Buffett:
If you go to the Middle East looking for oil, you don't need to stop in Israel. But, if you're looking for brains, for energy, for integrity, for imagination, it's the only stop you need to make"
[ame=]Warren Buffet on Israel - YouTube[/ame]

The MIT of Israel: A Look at Cornell's Partner on the Roosevelt Island Tech Campus
Cornell University won a bid to build a $2 billion graduate school in New York City earlier this year – but it didn’t do it alone.

The Ivy League school partnered with an Israeli-based public research university — the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, sometimes called the MIT of Israel — to create the CornellNYC Tech campus and help fulfill the vision of fueling a start-up boom in the city.

The Technion is known for its expertise in educating engineers and for its strong ties to the growing Silicon Wadi — Israel’s version of Silicon Valley (“Wadi” is Arabic for “valley”).

Both were tapped separately by the city in December 2010 to submit proposals for an applied science campus in New York City. As an Israeli state university, the Technion couldn’t invest any money in an American campus, and quickly determined they would need a high-level American partner, according to the Technion’s president, Peretz Lavie.

They began meeting with Cornell, and found their vision similarly aligned.

Cornell saw in the Technion a university with a history of turning research into companies, according to CornellNYC Tech Campus’s founding dean and provost Dan Huttenlocher.

“It was a natural fit and will give the tech campus a unique global component in a tech industry that is increasingly global,” he said in a statement.

In the U.S., there are few household names among Israel’s start-ups. But Israeli engineers staff local offices of multinational tech companies like Yahoo and Apple as well as startups, with an emphasis on information technology.

“There’s more Israeli technology companies listed on the NASDAQ than European technology companies,” said Mayor Michael Bloomberg in response to a question about the Technion at a recent press conference. “The more engineering schools there are here, the more other engineering schools want to be here, the more companies that are here, the more people want to come here.”

Continued: The MIT of Israel: A Look at Cornell's Partner on the Roosevelt Island Tech Campus - WNYC

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