The media splits on showing “Islamic Terrorism”


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Well, of course most of us understand the media all too well....but we need to revisit the problem occasionally with the hope that some will pay attention and reconsider their devotion to the alphabet media aka the fake news outlets otherwise known as abc,nbc and cbs.

There are sins of 'omission' and sins of 'comission' .....but both sins have similar effects on the general public...helping to keep them coinfused and clueless.

I have a friend who is very intelligent and educated yet she takes the wrong position on just about everything concerning our security and national interests....probably more than one explanation for that but the fact that she gets most of her news from the alphabet media I am convinced plays a huge role in her world view.

Let us look at how two major media outlets reported the most recent Islamic Terrorist attack on London................First the Wall Street Journal--

Islamic Terrorism

The Wall Street Journal made no bones about the terrorist and his motives. In the opening lines of the lead article “London Rampage Leaves 4 Dead,” the paper wrote “A suspected Islamist Terrorist mowed down scores of pedestrians…

Now look at how the N.Y. Times reported the attack in London----
The New York Times ran an article “Deadly Attack Near U.K. Parliament; Car Plows Victims on Westminster Bridge,” which ran over 1700 words. At no time did the article mention the words Muslim or Islamic. One could easily get the impression the N.Y. times thinks the 'car' was responsible...oh my bad....a runnaway car...yeh dats da ticket!
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