The Media Can Destroy Anyone If They Really Want To


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
I've been saying this for years and I'm getting pretty fed up with seeing it. I've talked about it but I'm gonna let Rush put in words because it fits.

I don't care if any Obama supporters read this because you already know this and support it, despicable as the practice is:


RUSH: I don't think a lot of people do, but some underestimate the news media's power. And if you do underestimate their power, you do so at your own peril. You watch the Herman Cain​ witch hunt, two things have happened. The media today is mad that he's still in there and that he's still smiling. The media is also mad that the women haven't come forward. They have been desperate to get these women. Politico has a story out there, which is basically a clarion call in the last paragraph of the story, "Please, please come forward, it's the next thing we need," begging the women to come forward. The women don't want to come forward from what I have been able to glean. They're mad that Herman Cain is still out there smiling. They're mad that he has not been disqualified. They're mad that he is still a viable candidate.

This was supposed to be over by the end of the day yesterday. Particularly they are stunned that in their view Herman can go change his story throughout the day -- i.e., be inconsistent -- and still survive this, and they are really ticked at me and others who are defending Herman Cain. They have assumed that we must really want Herman Cain to be the Republican nominee, otherwise we wouldn't be defending him and they have no clue why he's being defended. It's not about securing him the nomination, for any of you in the Drive-Bys who care. It's simply this. We are not gonna stand by idly and watch you try to take out another one of our own. You never turn this kind of reporting on people like Barack Obama​. You never turn this kind of reporting around on Bill Clinton​. You never engage in this kind of news coverage, reporting, character assassination of people in the Democrat Party.

We have no choice. We have our intelligence guided by experience in these matters. But there are some even on our side, I've done the usual perusal of conservative media, and there are plenty on our side who think Cain's a boob and he ought to quit, that it's bringing disfavor on the whole field and on the whole party, and there's gotta be something there or Politico wouldn't run with it. Those are the outlets not geared up for the fight, those are the outlets, our own conservative media outlets who don't think there's a fight. There's just the political game going on. And once one of our people's tainted, he's finished, 'cause they think the Drive-Bys determine who lives and dies in a political sense.

And as I watch this witch hunt of Herman Cain I'm reminded once again that whether they can do it or not, the media clearly believe that they can make or destroy any political candidate they choose. They do believe that. They do believe they can make or destroy anybody they choose. Now, they can in one circumstance, and that is if they have been responsible for making that person, then they can destroy that person. If the media has had no role in someone's success, then the odds of the media taking somebody out -- without any evidence, with a bunch of baseless charges -- is practically nil. But if you are the kind of person in entertainment, politics, the field of celebrity, what have you -- if your fame, if your presumed and assumed success owes exclusively to what the media has said about you then you're vulnerable -- they can take you out, like Anthony Weiner.

To read the rest click here: Rush talks about the abuse of the press
My point is this:

The media has the power to pick our President for us. They have that much power. Any GOP candidate has an uphill struggle fighting a press that can practically destroy them at will. It's remarkable that Bush lasted as long as he did. Is it any wonder why he refuses to talk in the open about his presidency?
The people in this country should be VERY upset at what OUR MEDIA is doing to Herman Cain to DESTROY HIM..

they are using UNNAMED accusers against him from 20 years ago...He doesn't STAND a chance to confront this story BECAUSE of a confidentiality clause.

People should cancel their subscriptions of the WashingtonCompost and BOYCOTT Politico..Let them know we are TIRED OF this shit.
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Yes, it is sort of true.

The media can turn bums into heros and heros into bums.

KILL your TVs and that toxic drip of propaganda that we are ALL constantly exposed to is greatly reduced.
People should cancel their subscriptions of the WashingtonCompost and BOYCOT Politico..Let them know we are TIRED OF this shit.

Right, people should only get their propaganda from right wing sources. :doubt:

where was that said?

In the muddled mind of Manifold. He thinks you said it, therefore you said it. See how that works? It's not his fault that his comprehension skills are lacking... it's yours.
My point is this:

The media has the power to pick our President for us. They have that much power. Any GOP candidate has an uphill struggle fighting a press that can practically destroy them at will. It's remarkable that Bush lasted as long as he did. Is it any wonder why he refuses to talk in the open about his presidency?

Yep, the media has that much power. So, try boycotting some of the sponsors and write the sponsor telling them why.

WE have the power to change the media and just about anything if we band together and take action.
Until they had names and people..they should have never went with this story. On the face of it, even if true, it was settled business. And it really has nothing to do with Cain's ability to govern.

It's appalling and it's character assassination.
The people in this country should be VERY upset at what OUR MEDIA is doing to Herman Cain to DESTROY HIM..

they are using UNNAMED accusers against him from 20 years ago...He doesn't STAND a chance to confront this story BECAUSE of a confidentiality clause.

People should cancel their subscriptions of the WashingtonCompost and BOYCOTT Politico..Let them know we are TIRED OF this shit.
You're in luck! Apparently he himself has already broken the confidentially clause so that will mean the women will be free to speak.

Bring it on!

There were legal settlements guys.

Talking about them is what vetting IS.

You want to talk media HIT then think back when the media called Howard Dean crazy for trying to rally his troops after a defeat.

He yelled Yaaaah to a group of supporters with a horse voice and the media repeted and repeted that he muct have lost his mind.

He was merely trying to cheer up the crowd who had been helping his cmapaign along.

CAIN had problems and they were solved by payment and silence.

We are allowed to talk about what this means about his character.

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