The March 9th Quiz


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. 1796- Josephine de Beauharnais marries.....who?

2. 1451- Amerigo Vespucci born. He is immortalized in what way?

3. 1841-The Supreme Court of the United States rules in the Amistad case...the decison?

4. 1862- Monitor fires on Merrimack for the first time at Hampton Roads. Who won?

5. 1500- Pedro Cabral left with 13 ships and 1200 men for India. The nation that sent him was the greatest sailing and exploring nation at the time......what nation was that?

Bonus: At that time, the Pope had engineered a treaty that divided the world between two trading nations....

a. The nations?

b. The treaty?
1. His wife.
2. Invented the banjo.
3. Native Americans are required to speak English in all government offices.
4. Monitor -32. Merrimack - 31. Monitor won.
5. Mexico
a. Iceland and The Congo
b. The Treaty of the Shaken Hand

What did I win?
1. 1796- Josephine de Beauharnais marries.....who?

2. 1451- Amerigo Vespucci born. He is immortalized in what way?

3. 1841-The Supreme Court of the United States rules in the Amistad case...the decison?

4. 1862- Monitor fires on Merrimack for the first time at Hampton Roads. Who won?

5. 1500- Pedro Cabral left with 13 ships and 1200 men for India. The nation that sent him was the greatest sailing and exploring nation at the time......what nation was that?

Bonus: At that time, the Pope had engineered a treaty that divided the world between two trading nations....

a. The nations?

b. The treaty?
1. Napoleon
2. AMERICA as our county's name.
3. Freedom for the slaves, anger from Spain.
4. The North ; ) Not sure which ship won the battle.
5. Portugal.
BONUS:SPAIN, PORTUGAL, Treaty of Tordequellis?
I got three:

1. Who was the only president that also served in the US House of Representatives after his presidency was over?

2. Who was the only president that also served in the US Senate after his presidency was over?

3. Who was the only president that also served on the Supreme Court after his presidency was over?
I got three:

1. Who was the only president that also served in the US House of Representatives after his presidency was over?

2. Who was the only president that also served in the US Senate after his presidency was over?

3. Who was the only president that also served on the Supreme Court after his presidency was over?

I got Johnson and Adams backwards, didn't I.....
I got three:

1. Who was the only president that also served in the US House of Representatives after his presidency was over?

2. Who was the only president that also served in the US Senate after his presidency was over?

3. Who was the only president that also served on the Supreme Court after his presidency was over?
John Quincy Adams, A. Johnson, TAFT.
I got three:

1. Who was the only president that also served in the US House of Representatives after his presidency was over?

2. Who was the only president that also served in the US Senate after his presidency was over?

3. Who was the only president that also served on the Supreme Court after his presidency was over?

Do you know who is the only President to hold a US patent?

What was the patent?
I got three:

1. Who was the only president that also served in the US House of Representatives after his presidency was over?

2. Who was the only president that also served in the US Senate after his presidency was over?

3. Who was the only president that also served on the Supreme Court after his presidency was over?

Do you know who is the only President to hold a US patent?

What was the patent?

Hint: I wrote about it in my thread on presidents and presidential elections
I got three:

1. Who was the only president that also served in the US House of Representatives after his presidency was over?

2. Who was the only president that also served in the US Senate after his presidency was over?

3. Who was the only president that also served on the Supreme Court after his presidency was over?

Do you know who is the only President to hold a US patent?

What was the patent?
Lincoln; he also advocated the ironclads, I remember a patent concerning ships, but not the details. :(
I went through my posts on presidents, couldn't find where I wrote about it. Maybe I wrote it but didn't post it for some reason. Anyway, in the 1840s when Lincoln was a US Rep from Illinois, he made the trip to DC partly by boat around the great lakes. Maybe it was cheaper, I dunno. Anyway, once in awhile the boat would ground on a sandbar, which was a royal pain in the butt and took a lot of time cuz you had to unload cargo and passengers to float the boat off the sandbar and then load it back up.

So, Lincoln gets the idea for inflatable chambers that you could fill with air and make the boat bouyant a lot quicker. "Manner of Buoying Vessels", it was called, patent #6469, in 1849. It apparently wasn't very practical cuz it was never manufactured, but the idea would be used in modern submarines a century later.
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I went through my posts on presidents, couldn't find where I wrote about it. Maybe I wrote it but didn't post it for some reason. Anyway, in the 1840s when Lincoln was a US Rep from Illinois, he made the trip to DC partly by boat around the great lakes. Maybe it was cheaper, I dunno. Anyway, once in awhile the boat would ground on a sandbar, which was a royal pain in the butt and took a lot of time cuz you had to unload cargo and passengers to float the boat off the sandbar and then load it back up.

So, Lincoln gets the idea for inflatable chambers that you could fill with air and make the boat bouyant a lot quicker. "Manner of Buoying Vessels", it was called, patent #6469, in 1849. It apparently wasn't very practical cuz it was never manufactured, but the idea would be used in modern submarines a century later.
Thanks Wise; one from me:

What US ship was the first to be NICKNAMED "OLD IRONSIDES"?
Johnson being sworn in on AF1 before Kennedy's death was revealed?
I went through my posts on presidents, couldn't find where I wrote about it. Maybe I wrote it but didn't post it for some reason. Anyway, in the 1840s when Lincoln was a US Rep from Illinois, he made the trip to DC partly by boat around the great lakes. Maybe it was cheaper, I dunno. Anyway, once in awhile the boat would ground on a sandbar, which was a royal pain in the butt and took a lot of time cuz you had to unload cargo and passengers to float the boat off the sandbar and then load it back up.

So, Lincoln gets the idea for inflatable chambers that you could fill with air and make the boat bouyant a lot quicker. "Manner of Buoying Vessels", it was called, patent #6469, in 1849. It apparently wasn't very practical cuz it was never manufactured, but the idea would be used in modern submarines a century later.
Thanks Wise; one from me:

What US ship was the first to be NICKNAMED "OLD IRONSIDES"?

There is/was more than one?
Don't know Wise; I remember the first; WAS LBJ the only President sworn in secrecy?

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