The Man On The Way Down

You have the TDS bad, old timer
I readily understand why some abashed Trumpers consider their disgraced binky to be Lord Voldemort, but can you bring yourself to speculate regarding the Cry baby Sore Loser's future, if any?
Funny that your cute little post completely misses the fact that there is a worldwide pandemic going on. That is the reason for the economic collapse, and skyrocketing unemployment.
There are always excuses, of course. Every president has them, but Trump declared that he had the pandemic "under control" and that there were "very few" with it, and they were all "getting better! They're all getting better!"

Your worship of Trump cannot account for 2.9 million more Americans voting against the Cry Baby Sore Loser in 2016.

Do you think he'll be able to pay off his debts and avoid conviction in his coming travails?
Trump on the way down is a fantasy. Trump, after a disastrous week by Biden, is at an all time high. Biden is exposed
Funny that your cute little post completely misses the fact that there is a worldwide pandemic going on. That is the reason for the economic collapse, and skyrocketing unemployment.
There are always excuses, of course. Every president has them, but Trump declared that he had the pandemic "under control" and that there were "very few" with it, and they were all "getting better! They're all getting better!"

Your worship of Trump cannot account for 2.9 million more Americans voting against the Cry Baby Sore Loser in 2016.

Do you think he'll be able to pay off his debts and avoid conviction in his coming travails?
That's not an excuse, it's a fact. The pandemic is responsible for the problems..

I don't worship Trump, another fact.

Don't care, yet another fact.
Trump on the way down is a fantasy. Trump, after a disastrous week by Biden, is at an all time high. Biden is exposed

Reality has a very different take on it.

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Would Reality be the name of your retarded son? My condolences and wishes for quick cure.
Desperate diversion attempt noted.

How do you think Trump will deal with his enormous loans coming do, his ongoing business failures, the refusal of banks and other concerns to deal with him, and his other imminent legal problems?
Would Reality be the name of your retarded son? My condolences and wishes for quick cure.
Desperate diversion attempt noted.

How do you think Trump will deal with his enormous loans coming do, his ongoing business failures, the refusal of banks and other concerns to deal with him, and his other imminent legal problems?
Trump will deal with anything that comes along, unlike your guy. That's the way it has been and it's the way it will always be.
Trump will deal with anything that comes along...
The cry baby sore loser will have no choice, of course.

He "dealt with" most American voters officially registering their consistent and relentless disapprobation of him throughout four years at their first opportunity by whining with no evidence whatever that he had won in a landslide.

He "dealt with" dozens of court challenges to the election being dismissed as frivolous and without merit by pressured elected officials to falsify the vote count to give him a victory.

He "dealt with" those public servants showing integrity by inciting a mob of his goons to violently attack Congress to prevent the Vice President from certifying the electoral votes of the 50 states and D.C.

The Loser will deal with his enormous debts accruing; he will deal with his revenue plunging; he will deal with hundreds of millions of dollars in personally-guaranteed loans coming due; he will deal with bank after bank refusing to do business with him; he will deal with private concerns, including the PGA, deeming association with him repugnant; he will deal with multiple litigations arising out of financial irregularities because he will have no choice.

Dream on.

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"Send me the pillow that you dream on.
Maybe time will let our dreams come true.
Send me the pillow that you dream on,
so darling I can dream on it too."

Trump will deal with anything that comes along...
The cry baby sore loser will have no choice, of course.

He "dealt with" most American voters officially registering their consistent and relentless disapprobation of him throughout four years at their first opportunity by whining with no evidence whatever that he had won in a landslide.

He "dealt with" dozens of court challenges to the election being dismissed as frivolous and without merit by pressured elected officials to falsify the vote count to give him a victory.

He "dealt with" those public servants showing integrity by inciting a mob of his goons to violently attack Congress to prevent the Vice President from certifying the electoral votes of the 50 states and D.C.

The Loser will deal with his enormous debts accruing; he will deal with his revenue plunging; he will deal with hundreds of millions of dollars in personally-guaranteed loans coming due; he will deal with bank after bank refusing to do business with him; he will deal with private concerns, including the PGA, deeming association with him repugnant; he will deal with multiple litigations arising out of financial irregularities because he will have no choice.

Dream on.

Man you're right - Trumpy Bear is gonna have a butt-ton to deal with. His only hope is continue to grift off the cult. And considering that deluded suckers have already mailed 250 million to his sleazy PAC .. One never knows. He MIGHT survive it. Jail not so much.
Trump was elected with a minority of the popular vote in 2016, because he had hyped himself as a business wizard on his reality-tv gig and elsewhere.

How did that work out for the United States?

Trump was bequeathed an unemployment rate of 4.7% and grew it to 6.7% after his one term.

It had been steadily declining since the end of the Bush Recession when Trump grasped the baton in his pudgy little mitts.

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He turned that steady trend around decisively.

In Trump’s final year in office, the U.S. economy shrank by the largest amount in 74 years.

The estimated drop in GDP for 2020 was the first such decline since a 2.5% fall in 2009, during the recession that followed the 2008 financial crisis.
That had the deepest annual setback since the economy shrank 11.6% in 1946, when the economy was demobilizing after World War II.

On the other hand, under the repeatedly bankrupted casino operator, the national debt soared by $7 trillion.

“I’m the ‘King of Debt’!” he had enthused.

No bravado there, to be sure.

The Man on the Way Down
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Losing a presidential election after only one term is a distinction, losing his Party both the House and the Senate during that one term is an achievement, and being impeached twice (the first time because he pressured a foreign ally to be complicit in his fake smear of a scary political rival, the second time for inciting his goons to attack the United States government because he did not like the result of a democratic election) is certainly a unique accomplishment that earns him a tawdry place in the history books.

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"We don't need no stinkin' books!"

But an exit befouled by pettiness, petulance, prevarications, and incitement to an insurrection against democracy is not only letting the door whack you on the ass on the way out, but attaching a big, flashing neon "Kick me!" sign to it in perpetuity.

Nicolas Graf, associate dean at New York University’s Jonathan M. Tisch Center of Hospitality. “The biggest hit is going to come from the corporate travel side of it and sending people to Trump hotels. The other piece is businesses that partnered with the Trump Organization on any kind of joint investment. People very likely want to pull out. I don’t think anyone wants to be publicly associated with Trump.”
Ignoble Prospects:

Amidst hundreds of millions of personally-guaranteed loans coming due, banks refusing to do business with him, and other corporate interests (conspiracy crackpot Pillow Boy excepted) avoiding association with him as if he had just had one of his sordid rutting sessions with a bevy of incontinent skunks rather than accommodating bimbos) his various financial improprieties are destined for the courts (those arbiters of justice that just laughed at dozens of his feeble, meritless challenges to democracy that he had tried foisting off on them.)

He could still frolic in those super-spreader jamborees where he leads flocks of red-capped parrots calling for the incarceration of anyone who has upset him, I suppose, but what do you envision for Trump in his dotage?

Please spare me the pissy ad hominens for asking the troubling question Whither Trump?

He has the capacity to put incandescent lipstick on the most unattractive of swine: Witness his dead-man-strutting cake walk in the limited shade under the 1/50th of his "big, beautiful wall" that he had made Mexico pay for, courtesy of the American taxpayer.

I am genuinely interested in the auguries. He's a real pistol, ain't he?

In 30 years, you'll still be bitching about Trump and the completely irrelevant popular vote.

look, I know Trump is a huge real estate mogul, but there's no need for you and millions of other "Americans" to make him even more so by letting him rent space in your head.
Man you're right - Trumpy Bear is gonna have a butt-ton to deal with. His only hope is continue to grift off the cult. And considering that deluded suckers have already mailed 250 million to his sleazy PAC .. One never knows. He MIGHT survive it. Jail not so much.
Even some of his groveling goons feel betrayed. Sadly, their despondency in many hopeless cases may be just a case of "Bartholomew and the Thousand MAGA caps."

It didn’t take long for the neo-Nazis to show up. Minutes after Joe Biden’s inauguration, as followers of QAnon were trying to understand how had not come to fruition, white nationalists saw a slate of potential recruits. “Don’t let this moment slip by. Capitalize on their anger. Radicalize!” read one message that circulated among far-right channels on Telegram, a messaging app favored by the alt-right and once populated by terrorists.
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QAnon and its followers are at a crossroads. More than at any point since the QAnon conspiracy began, there is a tremendous opportunity to pull disaffected followers out of the conspiracy. But their disillusionment could also harden into anger, and they could drift even further into conspiracies and hate. With extremist groups already looking to seize the moment, Q believers are facing at least three major paths. The next few months could determine which they go down.
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Any pathetic crackpot sufficiently delusional to fantasize that Democrats, aided by Hollywood and a group of “global elites”, are running a massive ring devoted to the abduction, trafficking, torture, sexual abuse and cannibalization of children, all with the purpose of fulfilling the rituals of their Satanic faith, and that a failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer, according to their fantasy, is the only person willing and able to mount an attack against them, is vulnerable to the allure of goose-stepping through our land sporting MAGA Pickelhauben.
In 30 years, you'll still be bitching about Trump and the completely irrelevant popular vote.
In 30 years, I expect Trumpery to be remembered primarily for the failed casino operator and faded reality tv-performer's unique status as a double-impeachee, his being the only POTUS to ever incite an insurrection against Congress, and his well-documented, persistent dismissal of the ominous threat of a pandemic as it ravaged the U.S.

His losing the GOP the Executive, House, and Senate in a single term was only equalling Herbert Hoover's then unique hat trick.
Trump losing the WH, Senate, and House is the first since Herbert Hoover.
Whadda LOSER!! :D

Fake leftyvirus mailin ballots doofus
Fake leftyvirus mailin ballots doofus
Even some diehard trumpers have now recognized that the Cry Baby's whining about mail-in ballots was a counterproductive attack upon democracy based on lies.

It only reduced the numbers of Republicans voting despite Republicans' proven record of success with it:

It is in the interests of Republicans to erect barriers to Americans voting, but this caper backfired.

Trump losing the WH, Senate, and House is the first since Herbert Hoover.
Whadda LOSER!! :D

oh no, trump didn't lose, stop with that, it was stolen. proof is out there.
oh no, trump didn't lose, stop with that, it was stolen. proof is out there.
After four years of relentless disapproval numbers by most folks in independent survey after independent survey, his winning in a landslide was quite a surprise for anyone still on this side of the rabbit hole.

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"Wow! That sure looks like a 'landslide'
for that big fat cry baby down there!"
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One can't begin to understand the depths of Hell they dwell until you watch Demonicrats & PROGS destroy all they can only to blame it on someone else.

That show host you speak of was the most accomplished POTUS (tangibles). He was anti-establishment which is why dumbfucks were potty trained to despise him on the paper.

Remember when leftists claimed they desired change and were anti-establishment? Actions speak louder than words, it was all talk, normal procedure. They desire the status quo, and that's become more than evident over the last four years.

We've never witnessed such dishonesty than these Demonicats & PROGS. Even many slave owners had more character than this bunch, but then of course the Demonrats are the party of slavery, and they never really left.

Hey OP, what does your left have in store to harm the country in the name of blacks for 2022? You fuckers are like clock work, cock roaches too.
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