The Mainstream Media Really Can't Get Enough Of This Cain Harrasment Thing


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
No matter how much the radical RWers try to get them to shut up about it...

The good folks at FOXNews just can't seem to let this topic go.

They spent a half-hour earlier today on the topic of Cain of their one-hour show.

Fox News Panelists Mock Ann Coulter’s Cain Comments: ‘I Didn’t Know We Owned Blacks!’ | Mediaite

Laura Ingraham grilled him hardcore on her show, so did Greta Von Susteran and even that wingnut Hannity, who Herb ran to for refuge, thew him some more-than-softball questions this week.

Bill'O's on record saying that he's not handling it well, and these folks on FOXNews and RW radio have really been hammering him on this.

The mainstream media can't seem to give Herb a break.

Imagine that!
Everybody knows that Fox news is run by a bunch of libtards, meaning any position to the left of Osama bin Laden.
Appreciate an execllent article. Where else could anybody have that type of information in this perfect way with words? I've got a presentation in a few days, and i'm about the search for similarly info.
I don't like Cain, simply because I get the "we got a black guy too" vibe.. Frankly I never heard of him until this election campaign and that alone makes me wary. Just like I was with Obama..

My opinions aside, from what I see in the news so far it all seems like a media blitz to bury him under allegations. The truth in any of them will not matter if they get enough speculation and show enough allegations for a long enough period of time, his guilt or innocence won't matter in public opinion.

Thats sad.. Black, white, or purple with polka-dotted candidate its a sad example of how campaigns are run these days. Frankly I don't like the choices we have the next election. But that's based on the candidates policies and what I know of them so far, not because so many opportunistic women decide to suddenly come out and speak against a candidate once he is running for president...

I'm sorry but if he was such a lech why did they wait till now to say something? I mean come on already... If he was harassing them from a position of power they would have done something then or soon after, letting him get to the point he's running for president and then getting a conscience is too convenient for my tastes. he had power then they should have stopped him then, waiting till know makes it all seem contrived or exaggerated..
how many threads like this you need to start dude?


anyway , you should go ask Jillian how this fits in with the right-wing master cover up plan- they only pretend to like him, to hide their racism........

then ask her why it is amongst rightwing ala evil RW fox grilling etc. and polling his negatives have doubled....oh wait thats cuze we now found a reason to dump him, cuze we were going to do that all along anyway, cuze, we are racist.....humm, bit there is the black man white woman thang, so that should get him back in RW good graces...right?:eusa_think:

ahhhh, never mind:rolleyes:
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either that or we need some celebrity to do something really stupid like get 3 dwi/dui's, shave her heard, or just go completely nutz.

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