The Mainstream Media Is Dead. We Won.


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
James O'Keefe: The Mainstream Media Is Dead. We Won.
Project Veritas President recounts his fight against the Clinton machine and her media enablers.
December 6, 2016


Below are the video and transcript to James O'Keefe's presentation at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2016 Restoration Weekend. The event was held Nov. 10th-13th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

James O'Keefe from DHFC on Vimeo.


So in closing, my mentor Andrew Brietbart, God rest his soul, you can really fight and defeat the mainstream media at their own game. There's a sort of performance art to it. Project Veritas is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. We're tax exempt. We have thousands of people who give us checks. I am crowd-source funded. I have no one who fiduciary controls me unlike the corporate mainstream media and we've got so much work to be done. A word about courage. Do you fear for your life, all these things? I don't want to address that, but I will say that there's physical and there's moral courage, and people go to Washington and they become corrupted, but what I've learned is that you can play the media, you can defeat the media and you can get the media to react. You can get the media to react to your narrative, but we've got to focus on the truth and we have to have both physical and moral courage. We need people in this country who are going to fight for something greater than themselves, but the politicians are never going to do it. It has to be the citizens. It has to be ordinary people who do extraordinary things. It was my team. Twelve full-time undercover journalists risking their lives to do this. We need more people risking their lives on our soil and on this soil because the war, as Marcus Luttrell said, is not overseas. The war is in the media trenches. That's where the war is now and we're going to have to continue that war and thank you very much for having me.

James O'Keefe: The Mainstream Media Is Dead. We Won.

You can't be serious.

O'Keefe's well known as a liar.

Either you're incredibly stupid for believing his crap, or you're incredibly dishonest for expecting us to believe his crap.

Which is it?
You can't be serious.

O'Keefe's well known as a liar.

Either you're incredibly stupid for believing his crap, or you're incredibly dishonest for expecting us to believe his crap.

Which is it?
You old libtart geezers believe the the daily krap, and all the george soros crap, so who's more gullible.


and the great news for america not so good for your kind

Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?
"Media" is a plural word.

"Media ARE ..." not "Media is ..."

Looks like you either did not go to college or else you slept through Freshman Bonehead Composition and Upper Division Technical Writing in college.
"Media" is a plural word.

"Media ARE ..." not "Media is ..."

Looks like you either did not go to college or else you slept through Freshman Bonehead Composition and Upper Division Technical Writing in college.
Wrong. Media can be both countable and uncountable. Many other words are too, like "experience" for example. Being pedantic with little knowledge is a tenuous thing.
"Media" is a plural word.

"Media ARE ..." not "Media is ..."

Looks like you either did not go to college or else you slept through Freshman Bonehead Composition and Upper Division Technical Writing in college.

I am a college grad (MBA and JD) and I disagree. It is proper to say the”the media is” or “the media are” depending on the circumstances. In my days things were taught in fifrth grade English.

I was taught the singular form was appropriate when referring to the group at large. For example, if the majority (but not all) of media outlets were seeing a decline in readership, it would be proper to say, “The media is seeing a decline in readership.” The example I remember from well over half a century ago involved a jury. I was taught a jury is a singular body composed of individual people (just as the media is a singular collective body composed of various news outlets); therefore it was proper to say the jury is divided rather than the jury are divided. Here is the best explanation I could find:

“The word media comes from the Latin plural of medium. The traditional view is that it should therefore be treated as a plural noun in all its senses in English and be used with a plural rather than a singular verb: the media have not followed the reports (rather than ‘has’). In practice, in the sense ‘television, radio, and the press collectively’, it behaves as a collective noun (like staff or clergy, for example), which means that it is now acceptable in standard English for it to take either a singular or a plural verb. The word is also increasingly used in the plural form medias, as if it had a conventional singular form media, especially when referring to different forms of new media, and in the sense ‘the material or form used by an artist’: there were great efforts made by the medias of the involved countries about 600 works in all genres and medias were submitted for review. “

media - definition of media in English | Oxford Dictionaries

Conclusion: You were too quick on the draw when it came to insulting another poster. There are a lot of highly educated people who routinely use the term “the media is.” My review of the Internet shows that the phrase “the media is” is used far more often than the phrase “the media are.”
Let me keep this simple, the media is, or the media are, severely compromised in the wake of the election. There is no question that it's power is diminished largely through its bias and condescension.
You can't be serious.

O'Keefe's well known as a liar.

Either you're incredibly stupid for believing his crap, or you're incredibly dishonest for expecting us to believe his crap.

Which is it?
You old libtart geezers believe the the daily krap, and all the george soros crap, so who's more gullible.


and the great news for america not so good for your kind

Dear White America: Your working class is literally dying—and this is your idea of an answer?
You can't be serious.

O'Keefe's well known as a liar.

Either you're incredibly stupid for believing his crap, or you're incredibly dishonest for expecting us to believe his crap.

Which is it?
You old libtart geezers believe the the daily krap, and all the george soros crap, so who's more gullible.


George Soros creates phony documentaries?

Link me to one.
You can't be serious.

O'Keefe's well known as a liar.

Either you're incredibly stupid for believing his crap, or you're incredibly dishonest for expecting us to believe his crap.

Which is it?
You old libtart geezers believe the the daily krap, and all the george soros crap, so who's more gullible.


George Soros creates phony documentaries?

Link me to one.
Listen up old bat, I can play the same game I use liberal tactics all the time.
Show me all of O'Keefe's lies, and don't just post some lame left wing soros site. Now get to work old biddy...
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