The Mafia


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Cosa Nostra. Wise Guys.

Who else is fascinated? The "family" that will whack anyone, anytime, anywhere for any reason..even their own. How could they function knowing you never knew when it was your turn to be "removed"? "It's just business" always wound up being a "hit" on someone that thinks they are safe. It's mindboggling and fascinating at the same time.

Meanwhile, for your viewing pleasure, here is a list of common words they used and what it means:

administration: the top-level "management" of an organized crime Family -- the boss, underboss and consigliere.
associate: one who works with mobsters, but hasn't been asked to take the vow of Omertá; an almost confirmed, or made guy.
barone: a baron or landlord.
books, the: a phrase indicating membership in the Family. If there is a possibility for promotion, then the books are open. If not, the books are closed.
boss: the head of the Family who runs the show.He decides who gets made and who gets whacked. The boss also gets points from all Family business; also see: don, chairman.
borgata: an organized crime Family.
capo: the Family member who leads a crew; short for caporegime or capodecina.
captain: a capo.
clip: to murder; also whack, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
code of silence: not ratting on your colleagues once you've been pinched -- no longer a strong virtue in organized crime families. Also see omertá.
confirm: to be made; see made guy.
consigliere: the Family advisor, who is always consulted before decisions are made.
Cosa Nostra (This thing of ours): Mob term for the family or mafia
crank: speed; in particular, crystal meth.
crew: the group of soldiers under the capo's command.
cugine: a young soldier striving to be made.
don: the head of the Family; see boss.
eat alone: to keep for one's self; to be greedy.
family: an organized crime clan, like the Genoveses, the Gottis, or the Sopranos.
G: a grand; a thousand dollars; also see large.
garbage business: euphemism for organized crime.
Golden Age: The days before RICO.
goomah (sometimes pronounced "goomar"): a Mafia mistress; also comare.
heavy: packed, carrying a weapon.
hit: to murder; also see whack.
juice: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan; also see vig.
lam: To lay lown, go into hiding
large: a thousand, a grand, a G.
made man: an inducted member of the Family.
mock execution: to whip someone into shape by frightening the shit out of them.
mattresses, going to, taking it to, or hitting the: going to war with a rival clan or family.
message job: placing the bullet in someone's body such that a specific message is sent to that person's crew or family; see through the eye, and through the mouth.
mob, the: a single organized crime family; OR all organized crime families together.
mobbed up: connected to the mob.
mobster: one who is in the mob.
Omertà: to take a vow of silence in the Mafia, punishable by death if not upheld.
outfit: a clan, or family within the Mafia.
points: percent of income; cut.
spring cleaning: cleaning up, hiding or getting rid of evidence.
paying tribute: giving the boss a cut of the deal.
pinched: to get caught by the cops or federal agents.
program, the: The Witness Protection Program.
rat: one who snitches or squeals after having been pinched.
RICO: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Passed in 1970 to aid the American government in clamping down on organized crime activities, its scope has since been broadened to prosecute insider traders and anti-abortion protesters.
shakedown: to blackmail or try to get money from someone; also to give someone a scare.
shy: the interest charged on loans by loansharks.
shylockbusiness: the business of loansharking.
soldier: the bottom-level member of an organized crime Family, as in "foot soldiers."
tax: to take a percentage of someone's earnings.
This Thing of Ours (Cosa Nostra): a mob family, or the entire mob.
through the eye: a message job through the eye to say "We're watching you!"
through the mouth: a message job through the mouth to indicate that someone WAS a rat.
underboss: the second in command to the boss.
vig: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan. Abbreviation of vigorish; also see juice.
waste management business: euphemism for organized crime.
whack: to murder; also clip, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
wiseguy: a made guy.
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Mafia brought down Slovakia's government...

The mafia murders that brought down Slovakia's government
21 July,`18 - Jan Kuciak's desk was kept just as it was the day he left work for the last time. On it lay a book about Italy's 'Ndrangheta mafia.
The young investigative reporter had been working on a sensational story for his news website, Aktuality.SK. It was a scoop that would bring down the government of his native Slovakia. But it cost him his life. He and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova were found shot dead at close range at their home in the village of Vel'ka Maca outside the capital, Bratislava. They were only 27.


Tentacles of Italian organised crime

Kuciak had uncovered a story that takes in the mafia heartlands of southern Italy and led to the City of London. It involves mobsters, hit men, politicians and money launderers and reveals that the mafia has spread far beyond Italy. Slovakia's reaction to the double murder was immediate. There were huge street protests in Bratislava that eventually led in March to the fall of the government, then headed by Prime Minister Roberto Fico. Jan Kuciak's investigation was only published after his death.


Before he resigned, Roberto Fico stood beside a pile of banknotes offering a reward for help in solving the murders​

He had exposed the presence of the 'Ndrangheta in Slovakia. But he also discovered apparent business links between an alleged 'Ndrangheta member called Antonino Vadala and two senior government advisers. Both advisers worked for Prime Minister Fico, although no evidence has emerged that he knew of the links. They too stepped down temporarily while the matter is being investigated but vehemently denied any connection with "this horrid crime".


Police searched Antonino Vadala's house in Slovakia and he denies all charges against him​

Antonino Vadala claimed he was simply an entrepreneur, but he was subsequently extradited to Italy where he faces charges for cocaine smuggling. He faced separate charges in Slovakia for attempting to fraudulently obtain European Union subsidies. He denies all charges. Meanwhile the hunt for the killer of Jan Kuciak and Martina Kusnirova goes on. Kuciak discovered that Antonino Vadala was a member of the notorious Vadala clan based in the small town of Bova Marina in Calabria in the south of Italy. The family is one of 150 clans that constitute the highly secretive 'Ndrangheta.

'Ndrangheta: Rise of a mafia empire
Cosa Nostra. Wise Guys.

Who else is fascinated? The "family" that will whack anyone, anytime, anywhere for any reason..even their own. How could they function knowing you never knew when it was your turn to be "removed"? "It's just business" always wound up being a "hit" on someone that thinks they are safe. It's mindboggling and fascinating at the same time.

Meanwhile, for your viewing pleasure, here is a list of common words they used and what it means:

administration: the top-level "management" of an organized crime Family -- the boss, underboss and consigliere.
associate: one who works with mobsters, but hasn't been asked to take the vow of Omertá; an almost confirmed, or made guy.
barone: a baron or landlord.
books, the: a phrase indicating membership in the Family. If there is a possibility for promotion, then the books are open. If not, the books are closed.
boss: the head of the Family who runs the show.He decides who gets made and who gets whacked. The boss also gets points from all Family business; also see: don, chairman.
borgata: an organized crime Family.
capo: the Family member who leads a crew; short for caporegime or capodecina.
captain: a capo.
clip: to murder; also whack, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
code of silence: not ratting on your colleagues once you've been pinched -- no longer a strong virtue in organized crime families. Also see omertá.
confirm: to be made; see made guy.
consigliere: the Family advisor, who is always consulted before decisions are made.
Cosa Nostra (This thing of ours): Mob term for the family or mafia
crank: speed; in particular, crystal meth.
crew: the group of soldiers under the capo's command.
cugine: a young soldier striving to be made.
don: the head of the Family; see boss.
eat alone: to keep for one's self; to be greedy.
family: an organized crime clan, like the Genoveses, the Gottis, or the Sopranos.
G: a grand; a thousand dollars; also see large.
garbage business: euphemism for organized crime.
Golden Age: The days before RICO.
goomah (sometimes pronounced "goomar"): a Mafia mistress; also comare.
heavy: packed, carrying a weapon.
hit: to murder; also see whack.
juice: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan; also see vig.
lam: To lay lown, go into hiding
large: a thousand, a grand, a G.
made man: an inducted member of the Family.
mock execution: to whip someone into shape by frightening the shit out of them.
mattresses, going to, taking it to, or hitting the: going to war with a rival clan or family.
message job: placing the bullet in someone's body such that a specific message is sent to that person's crew or family; see through the eye, and through the mouth.
mob, the: a single organized crime family; OR all organized crime families together.
mobbed up: connected to the mob.
mobster: one who is in the mob.
Omertà: to take a vow of silence in the Mafia, punishable by death if not upheld.
outfit: a clan, or family within the Mafia.
points: percent of income; cut.
spring cleaning: cleaning up, hiding or getting rid of evidence.
paying tribute: giving the boss a cut of the deal.
pinched: to get caught by the cops or federal agents.
program, the: The Witness Protection Program.
rat: one who snitches or squeals after having been pinched.
RICO: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Passed in 1970 to aid the American government in clamping down on organized crime activities, its scope has since been broadened to prosecute insider traders and anti-abortion protesters.
shakedown: to blackmail or try to get money from someone; also to give someone a scare.
shy: the interest charged on loans by loansharks.
shylockbusiness: the business of loansharking.
soldier: the bottom-level member of an organized crime Family, as in "foot soldiers."
tax: to take a percentage of someone's earnings.
This Thing of Ours (Cosa Nostra): a mob family, or the entire mob.
through the eye: a message job through the eye to say "We're watching you!"
through the mouth: a message job through the mouth to indicate that someone WAS a rat.
underboss: the second in command to the boss.
vig: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan. Abbreviation of vigorish; also see juice.
waste management business: euphemism for organized crime.
whack: to murder; also clip, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
wiseguy: a made guy.

Glossary of Mafia-related words - Wikipedia
They can't wack another mafia member that's been made without consent from the you schmootzcka.
Had relatives who were Mafia in New Orleans and Milwaukee: bad people. All dead now.
Cosa Nostra. Wise Guys.

Who else is fascinated? The "family" that will whack anyone, anytime, anywhere for any reason..even their own. How could they function knowing you never knew when it was your turn to be "removed"? "It's just business" always wound up being a "hit" on someone that thinks they are safe. It's mindboggling and fascinating at the same time.

Meanwhile, for your viewing pleasure, here is a list of common words they used and what it means:

administration: the top-level "management" of an organized crime Family -- the boss, underboss and consigliere.
associate: one who works with mobsters, but hasn't been asked to take the vow of Omertá; an almost confirmed, or made guy.
barone: a baron or landlord.
books, the: a phrase indicating membership in the Family. If there is a possibility for promotion, then the books are open. If not, the books are closed.
boss: the head of the Family who runs the show.He decides who gets made and who gets whacked. The boss also gets points from all Family business; also see: don, chairman.
borgata: an organized crime Family.
capo: the Family member who leads a crew; short for caporegime or capodecina.
captain: a capo.
clip: to murder; also whack, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
code of silence: not ratting on your colleagues once you've been pinched -- no longer a strong virtue in organized crime families. Also see omertá.
confirm: to be made; see made guy.
consigliere: the Family advisor, who is always consulted before decisions are made.
Cosa Nostra (This thing of ours): Mob term for the family or mafia
crank: speed; in particular, crystal meth.
crew: the group of soldiers under the capo's command.
cugine: a young soldier striving to be made.
don: the head of the Family; see boss.
eat alone: to keep for one's self; to be greedy.
family: an organized crime clan, like the Genoveses, the Gottis, or the Sopranos.
G: a grand; a thousand dollars; also see large.
garbage business: euphemism for organized crime.
Golden Age: The days before RICO.
goomah (sometimes pronounced "goomar"): a Mafia mistress; also comare.
heavy: packed, carrying a weapon.
hit: to murder; also see whack.
juice: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan; also see vig.
lam: To lay lown, go into hiding
large: a thousand, a grand, a G.
made man: an inducted member of the Family.
mock execution: to whip someone into shape by frightening the shit out of them.
mattresses, going to, taking it to, or hitting the: going to war with a rival clan or family.
message job: placing the bullet in someone's body such that a specific message is sent to that person's crew or family; see through the eye, and through the mouth.
mob, the: a single organized crime family; OR all organized crime families together.
mobbed up: connected to the mob.
mobster: one who is in the mob.
Omertà: to take a vow of silence in the Mafia, punishable by death if not upheld.
outfit: a clan, or family within the Mafia.
points: percent of income; cut.
spring cleaning: cleaning up, hiding or getting rid of evidence.
paying tribute: giving the boss a cut of the deal.
pinched: to get caught by the cops or federal agents.
program, the: The Witness Protection Program.
rat: one who snitches or squeals after having been pinched.
RICO: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Passed in 1970 to aid the American government in clamping down on organized crime activities, its scope has since been broadened to prosecute insider traders and anti-abortion protesters.
shakedown: to blackmail or try to get money from someone; also to give someone a scare.
shy: the interest charged on loans by loansharks.
shylockbusiness: the business of loansharking.
soldier: the bottom-level member of an organized crime Family, as in "foot soldiers."
tax: to take a percentage of someone's earnings.
This Thing of Ours (Cosa Nostra): a mob family, or the entire mob.
through the eye: a message job through the eye to say "We're watching you!"
through the mouth: a message job through the mouth to indicate that someone WAS a rat.
underboss: the second in command to the boss.
vig: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan. Abbreviation of vigorish; also see juice.
waste management business: euphemism for organized crime.
whack: to murder; also clip, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
wiseguy: a made guy.

Glossary of Mafia-related words - Wikipedia
They can't wack another mafia member that's been made without consent from the you schmootzcka.
Try telling that to former Gambino boss Paul Castellano.
Cosa Nostra. Wise Guys.

Who else is fascinated? The "family" that will whack anyone, anytime, anywhere for any reason..even their own. How could they function knowing you never knew when it was your turn to be "removed"? "It's just business" always wound up being a "hit" on someone that thinks they are safe. It's mindboggling and fascinating at the same time.

Meanwhile, for your viewing pleasure, here is a list of common words they used and what it means:

administration: the top-level "management" of an organized crime Family -- the boss, underboss and consigliere.
associate: one who works with mobsters, but hasn't been asked to take the vow of Omertá; an almost confirmed, or made guy.
barone: a baron or landlord.
books, the: a phrase indicating membership in the Family. If there is a possibility for promotion, then the books are open. If not, the books are closed.
boss: the head of the Family who runs the show.He decides who gets made and who gets whacked. The boss also gets points from all Family business; also see: don, chairman.
borgata: an organized crime Family.
capo: the Family member who leads a crew; short for caporegime or capodecina.
captain: a capo.
clip: to murder; also whack, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
code of silence: not ratting on your colleagues once you've been pinched -- no longer a strong virtue in organized crime families. Also see omertá.
confirm: to be made; see made guy.
consigliere: the Family advisor, who is always consulted before decisions are made.
Cosa Nostra (This thing of ours): Mob term for the family or mafia
crank: speed; in particular, crystal meth.
crew: the group of soldiers under the capo's command.
cugine: a young soldier striving to be made.
don: the head of the Family; see boss.
eat alone: to keep for one's self; to be greedy.
family: an organized crime clan, like the Genoveses, the Gottis, or the Sopranos.
G: a grand; a thousand dollars; also see large.
garbage business: euphemism for organized crime.
Golden Age: The days before RICO.
goomah (sometimes pronounced "goomar"): a Mafia mistress; also comare.
heavy: packed, carrying a weapon.
hit: to murder; also see whack.
juice: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan; also see vig.
lam: To lay lown, go into hiding
large: a thousand, a grand, a G.
made man: an inducted member of the Family.
mock execution: to whip someone into shape by frightening the shit out of them.
mattresses, going to, taking it to, or hitting the: going to war with a rival clan or family.
message job: placing the bullet in someone's body such that a specific message is sent to that person's crew or family; see through the eye, and through the mouth.
mob, the: a single organized crime family; OR all organized crime families together.
mobbed up: connected to the mob.
mobster: one who is in the mob.
Omertà: to take a vow of silence in the Mafia, punishable by death if not upheld.
outfit: a clan, or family within the Mafia.
points: percent of income; cut.
spring cleaning: cleaning up, hiding or getting rid of evidence.
paying tribute: giving the boss a cut of the deal.
pinched: to get caught by the cops or federal agents.
program, the: The Witness Protection Program.
rat: one who snitches or squeals after having been pinched.
RICO: Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act. Passed in 1970 to aid the American government in clamping down on organized crime activities, its scope has since been broadened to prosecute insider traders and anti-abortion protesters.
shakedown: to blackmail or try to get money from someone; also to give someone a scare.
shy: the interest charged on loans by loansharks.
shylockbusiness: the business of loansharking.
soldier: the bottom-level member of an organized crime Family, as in "foot soldiers."
tax: to take a percentage of someone's earnings.
This Thing of Ours (Cosa Nostra): a mob family, or the entire mob.
through the eye: a message job through the eye to say "We're watching you!"
through the mouth: a message job through the mouth to indicate that someone WAS a rat.
underboss: the second in command to the boss.
vig: the interest paid to a loanshark for the loan. Abbreviation of vigorish; also see juice.
waste management business: euphemism for organized crime.
whack: to murder; also clip, hit, pop, burn, put a contract out.
wiseguy: a made guy.

Glossary of Mafia-related words - Wikipedia
There is no such thing as the mafia! Just freinds helping freinds!

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