The LMM Go Loony on Psycho Sunday


Mar 12, 2004
Chapel Hill, NC
At times, I see things which I can't even START to believe, though I know my eyes & ears aren't lying to me.

Remember how I said Chris Matthews was going off the deep end? Well, I heard him screaming as, today, he fell over the cliff. He has always been a somewhat partisan liberal, but, of late, he isn't even trying to HIDE it.

Two points that stood out to me:

1) He ACTUALLY used the phrase "Condy's confession" to launch into his tirade, attempting to both discredit her and give the mere appearance of impropriety, the latest tool employed by the LMM.

2) As I knew he would, he showed "Bin"-Veniste trying to gotcha Dr. Rice by getting her to give the name of the August PDB. Just as I thought, he cut the clip right after the title, not showing what followed. Matthews said, "Gee, how much more warning do you need?"

I'm sorry, but Mattews is either gullible or not very bright....or both. {No, actually, I know that he is QUITE aware of his strategy.} When I heard that title, I thought, "Yeah, provocative title, but I seriously doubt that there are any specifics at ALL in that memo."

Matthews said he was hit so hard when he heard the title. What hit ME so hard, though it didn't surpise me, was that the name Clinton, the guy TRULY responsible for 9/11- except for UBL- was never brought up by the Matthews gang.

Here is a good analogy for blaming Bush, yet giving Clinton & his eight years of inaction, incompetence, & deceit a free pass:

It is like the French people, post-WW II, blaming the French Resistance for Hitler's reign in France, yet giving the French Nazi Collaborators a free pass.


Oh, but it seems like Tim Russert is drinking the same Kool-Aid. He spent most of his program, "Meet the Depressed"- aka. Kerry campaign commercial- bashing Bush, harping on only the BAD tidings in Iraq, and pointing out that we are in a quagmire- even using a former ba'athist's hatred of America to bolster his OWN Bush hating. Next, he interviewed his favorite Republican turncoat, John McCain. However, I will give McCain credit for not bashing Bush TOO much, and it was obvious by the looks of frustration & disappointment on Russert's face. Then, his panel was made up of THREE OTHER LIBERALS. Oh, it was a fun Bush-bashing party. Well, so much for dissent or counterpoints.

Side Note: The only reason ABC suffers George Will is because his comments & thoughts are so intellectually lofty & esoteric, most people can't even understand much about that which he is speaking. These shows always have "arch conservatives" like..........David Gergen & John McCain." LMFAO They rarely allow any of our hardcore commentators/pundits to show up, and we will probably see even less of them, now that Kerry has to be propped up.

And Matthews round table? ROTFLMFAO Again, all liberals....well, unless you count poor lil' Tucker Carlson. Again, two striking points:

1) The ONLY time Matthews EVER lauded poor lil' Tucker's points were when those specific points were made to the detriment of President Bush or at least set up a nice hole for the liberals to viciously counter & distort.

2) I have ALWAYS considered poor lil' Tucker a complete joke ever since I watched Janeane "Hundreds of Thousands of Innocent Iraqis Will Die" Garofalo hand him his ass in a Crossfire debate. JOSS! I could intellectually & verbally slice & dice that B-comedian......and that's if I were in a coma!

Sunday mornings have turned into Bush bashings/Kerry campaign commercials, and all of their strident rhetoric proves only one thing:
Even the LMM know that Kerry is going to lose big, and they are panicked, willing to employ any disgusting, twisted attack to try to prevent this from coming to fruition.

Joss, I can't WAIT until I can see all of their haggard & tear-stained faces on Novemer 3rd.
This is nothing new to many people on this board (except the few libs either in denial or just flat out lieing to themselves). But as for people at home, not all of them see through the Bullshit. Theres a huge information crisis in this country. When shows call themselves objective and bash one side or another without offering any counterpoints, thats not objective, thats partisan rhetoric.

Imagine how scorned a show would be if say a Panel of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others got together on Sunday morning (mind you they are religious so sunday would be for the family, so this is completely hypothetical) and just had a good ole liberal bashing time. Just 3 hours of nonstop Bashing of libs. Except instead of their usual precursor that they announce to everyone that they are partisan(like they do on their radio shows), they call themselves objective. What a hellish backlash of hate would stem from that show on the left.

And yet they dont see MAtthews as being the partisan hack that he is. Or perhaps they do and realize how much of a tool that really is in pushing forth their ideas and their agendas untouched and unscathed by criticism from their peers. With no accountability to their claims of "Objectivity", they can say whatever and at least some people will "drink the kool-aid" at home.

Thats one of the biggest problems we face in this country. Controlled media.
Originally posted by insein
This is nothing new to many people on this board (except the few libs either in denial or just flat out lieing to themselves). But as for people at home, not all of them see through the Bullshit. Theres a huge information crisis in this country. When shows call themselves objective and bash one side or another without offering any counterpoints, thats not objective, thats partisan rhetoric.

Imagine how scorned a show would be if say a Panel of Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others got together on Sunday morning (mind you they are religious so sunday would be for the family, so this is completely hypothetical) and just had a good ole liberal bashing time. Just 3 hours of nonstop Bashing of libs. Except instead of their usual precursor that they announce to everyone that they are partisan(like they do on their radio shows), they call themselves objective. What a hellish backlash of hate would stem from that show on the left.

And yet they dont see MAtthews as being the partisan hack that he is. Or perhaps they do and realize how much of a tool that really is in pushing forth their ideas and their agendas untouched and unscathed by criticism from their peers. With no accountability to their claims of "Objectivity", they can say whatever and at least some people will "drink the kool-aid" at home.

Thats one of the biggest problems we face in this country. Controlled media.

please, what do you think the nightly fox lineup of shows does?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
please, what do you think the nightly fox lineup of shows does?

Have commentators from both sides of the political aisle. Real ones.
yes as i recall Alan Combs is one of the biggest liberals ive ever seen. He defends KErry and CLinton and any other Democrat to the death and he has some rather convincing arguements. But he is countered by Sean Hannity, a well informed conservative. Together they are pretty equal as far as their politcal party goes. Plus as you'll notice, they rarey get into scuffles or altercations verbally. They ask their questions to the guests. Then they are allowed to counter each other to show both sides.

Thats Fair and Balanced. You hear both sides and you decide whats true and whats bullshit. You dont hear one side and then say well i guss that side won cause there wasnt any other opinions.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
please, what do you think the nightly fox lineup of shows does?

Also bunch in the Fact that Fox is one network and doesnt even have 2/3's of the ratings from anyone of the big 3. ABC, NBC, CBS and their spin-offs (CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, etc) control the media with little interference from Fox. And by and large they spin it towards the left. With the stories they tell and more importantly the ones they leave out.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
hannity and colmes is the exception. the rest, though, are so far from balanced it isn't funny.

No. They pretty much have commentators from both sides throughout all programs. SOrry.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
No. They pretty much have commentators from both sides throughout all programs. SOrry.

sorry you're wrong. and msnbc has scarborough, a right leaning show if ever there was one.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
sorry you're wrong. and msnbc has scarborough, a right leaning show if ever there was one.

Do you watch a lot of fox news? It seems you don't. I watch it pretty much all day. How about you?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Do you watch a lot of fox news? It seems you don't. I watch it pretty much all day. How about you?

I try to watch H & C alot. Both of them are about the smartest people on a political show I've ever seen. I watch O'reilly from time to time....once or twice a week maybe.

I'm sorry, but there is one thing that you are just not GETTING: The main thrust of my piece!

(Man, that sounded dirty!)


Rush & FOX make NO bones about being conservative news outlets, and FOX has even come out and SAID they have a tilt. See, that is the tragic, even criminal difference between FOX & the LMM.

The three majors- as well as CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, L.A. Times, Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, etc.....- CLAIM that they are objective! Actually, that's not true. They don't even dignify the CHARGE that they are liberal. It seems that they feel that THEY are mainstream and are incredulous that those wackos on the right would dare sully their good, journalistically-objective names!

They know exactly what they are doing, and I know because I was one of their unquestioning sheep before I got the truth that there were two sides........even though the liberal side is wrong 9 times out of 10.

They know that the normal viewer, turning on the tv after coming home from work to get a little news, will fall for all of their lies & propaganda, never thinking that the network is promoting a far left agenda.

Beyond their far left slant on stories; beyond their attempt to pass off editorials as news, without a disclaimer; beyond their picking & choosing of the most damaging stories on Bush & the Republicans; beyond their editing & sequencing of stories, they also use nuance to convey their point of view, but too subtle to be obvious.


Let me preface this by stating that Brit Hume, unlike cowards like Jennings, Rather, & Brokaw, holds a round table at the end of Special Report and blatantly gives his conservative take.

As for the difference between subtle messages, compare the major Three to FOX:

When Brit, one night, was reporting on some Kerry flip-flop, he barely had time to finish the last sentence before he started chuckling, nearly choking.

When The Dan wants to convey his opinion, he ends the story, pauses a second or two, gives an all-knowing stare & JUST A LITTLE bit of a smirk, thus making his viewer feel as though they, too, are in on the joke.

That difference might be small, but it makes ALL the difference in the world. When you really get right down to it, this isn't about bias, it is about transparency vs. hidden agendas. If, one night, all three of the major networks would start their programs by stating that they are liberal mouthpieces, give only the Left's side, they hate Bush, and have been pulling the wool over their viewers eyes immemorial, then I would have hardly ANY problem with them. The American people would now know the truth, and we, then, could engage in the open warfare of ideas and fight for the hearts & minds of the American people, FAIR & BALANCED!

Some of my fellow Republicans are dead wrong when they say that all of this is ONLY a result of unbridled arrogance. It is MORE than just that!......

It is subconscious partisan manipulation of the highest order and criminal mass Thought Control!

However, FOX is turning the tide and slowly breaking their evil grip on America's psyche.
First off, Fox is unashamedly reich wing and not afraid to admit it. The audience they tend to attract, other than the curious, tend to think the same way and that sells for them.

Secondly, the media in general has become decidedly more reich wing in the last 12 or so years and that is more due to corporate profit motive, tangible asset reallocation and the abilities and success of the target audience to contribute (advertise).

Thirdly, failures of proper and ideological Americans to counter the messages of the reich wing with truth and actual overall perview sets in the predicament we find ourselves presently in.

Is it profit or truth that drives our sources of information? Considering the propensities of the last 100 years of corporate history, I'd bet on the profit motive. P. T. Barnum was correct. There is a fool born every minute.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
First off, Fox is unashamedly reich wing and not afraid to admit it. The audience they tend to attract, other than the curious, tend to think the same way and that sells for them.

Secondly, the media in general has become decidedly more reich wing in the last 12 or so years and that is more due to corporate profit motive, tangible asset reallocation and the abilities and success of the target audience to contribute (advertise).

Fair and balanced programming (reich wing in your partisan parlance) appeals to a vast number of Americans. This is why advertisers seek these outlets: the ratings. Why are the ratings good? Americans are more conservative than the the elite leftist media wants us to believe. They can more easily marginalize conservative ideas if they can convince us that only a minority of idiots believe conservative ideas. Too bad the jig is up, and the light of day has been cast on the elite left media, which is apparently suffering in the death throws of a case of terminal denial.

God bless America. Too bad that what's good for America is bad for democrats. Too bad for democrats.
Thirdly, failures of proper and ideological Americans to counter the messages of the reich wing with truth and actual overall perview sets in the predicament we find ourselves presently in.
Proper ideological Americans? You sound like a nazi. Actually the entire liberal attack machine, including the elected officials and their media collaborators, has been mobilized. All you hear on most channels is a constant stream of negativism. But the Americans are seeing through the lies. Do you realize your party is going up in flames, psycho? Why is zell miller, a respectable man in your own words, voting for Bush? Kicks?
Is it profit or truth that drives our sources of information? Considering the propensities of the last 100 years of corporate history, I'd bet on the profit motive. P. T. Barnum was correct. There is a fool born every minute.

Well most journalists are unashamed partisan liberal liars. Why don't you ask them about their sources of info?

And more unrelated corporate villainization to boot. You're a hack. Good thing you're retired.
Chris "Hardball" as I like to call him is an idiot. I thought he was going to pee his pants the night of the election when he thought Gore won. I haven't yet figured out if he is supposed to be an O'Reilly type where he is SUPPOSED to give his opinion,or if he is just horrible at what he does,because he shows his a$$ when he reports. Tim Russert,he just isn't loud,but is hte same way. As far as that Republicrat,John McCain(sp?) I think he still has a stick up his but because he didn't get the Republican nomination. Get over it John. I used to think a lot of him and still do in some ways,but in all his whining and compaing,he is bringing his whole party down. If he is a true Rep/Con,he needs to shut up and realize it's election year and we all need to stick together.
Originally posted by SPIKESMYGOD
Some of my fellow Republicans are dead wrong when they say that all of this is ONLY a result of unbridled arrogance. It is MORE than just that!......
Actually, I detect few, if any, dramatic differences in our respective viewpoints. Perhaps we just word things differently.
It is subconscious partisan manipulation of the highest order and criminal mass Thought Control!
While I couldn't agree with that statement more, I believe it addresses the methods of the LMM, not their motives.

And what subtle, hateful methods they are. The raised eyebrow, the incredulous look, the nauseatingly scolding and professorial tone-all these, and more are there by design, no doubt about it.

But my question is this: Who the hell are the LMM, anyway, to presume to tutor us? And the tragicomic answer is: from their viewpoint, they are our betters. They are the truly enlightened. We, who do not subscribe to their worldview, are not only intellectually inferior- we're morally deficient! Thus, all the lies, chicanery and sleight of hand are justified, for they are employed in the furtherance of a great and noble cause. These people make me want to vomit.

Therefore, sir, I reiterate- the primary force driving the LMM is their boundless wellspring of arrogance. They are the kindly, but increasingly exasperated teachers; we are a nation of drooling superstitious retards. They despise us, even as they attempt to indoctrinate us.

How maddening FOX's very existence, let alone it's success, must be for them! How dare anyone usurp the LMM's rightful monopoly on information?

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