The Little Old Lady

One only has only to look at the damage the XVII Amendment did to Congress to see the stupidity in mandatory voting.

Filthy Harry Reid retiring from the US Senate is a grand gift to the country:

President Obama On Harry Reid Retirement: ‘The Senate Will Not Be The Same Without Him’
by Charlie Spiering27 Mar 2015

President Obama On Harry Reid Retirement The Senate Will Not Be The Same Without Him - Breitbart

p.s. I do not want to put a damper on a celebration. Nevertheless, I must say that Reid’s departure is too long in coming. To be precise, retiring is a major disgrace made possible by the XVII Amendment. After 30 years of being up to his neck in all of the harm the Senate DID to the American people —— Reid’s involvement in the Senate’s acts of treason are too numerous to detail here —— none did more harm to the American people than did his personal share of the ACA.
Did he really fall down or did somebody beat him up?

Union goons from Pimps and Whores Amalgamated, AFL-CIO did it.

To whitehall & Roadrunner: Rush makes a good case against the exercise machine:

By the way, does anybody believe that Harry Reid really had an accident with his exercise machine? Does anybody really believe that's why Harry Reid is still bruised and is still wearing dark glasses, what, months after this accident with his exercise machine?

I don't believe for a minute that whatever happened to Harry Reid has anything to do with an exercise machine unless somebody repeatedly threw him into it. Harry Reid looks like and is acting like -- and now with this announcement, behaving like -- somebody who may have been beaten up. Nobody... I've never seen anybody have an accident with an exercise machine that ends up suffering symptoms much like Harry Reid's for as long as Harry Reid has.


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