The Libs should sure be proud


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Man, I've not been on this earth as long as some of you aging Hippies but with all of the tax cheats, communist, Chicago scum, and sex poodles you lefties keep electing to represent us it won't be long before it all falls apart and then common sense people can take over and fix it all.
Because the righties never elect someone who is later involved in a scandal?:confused:
Man, I've not been on this earth as long as some of you aging Hippies but with all of the tax cheats, communist, Chicago scum, and sex poodles you lefties keep electing to represent us it won't be long before it all falls apart and then common sense people can take over and fix it all.
Common sense people like Sen. David [diaper] Vitter? Sen. Larry [wide stance] Craig? Tom DeLay?
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Man, I've not been on this earth as long as some of you aging Hippies but with all of the tax cheats, communist, Chicago scum, and sex poodles you lefties keep electing to represent us it won't be long before it all falls apart and then common sense people can take over and fix it all.
I don't know where you find those common sense people. They don't go into politics and they sure don't frequent this board.
Man, I've not been on this earth as long as some of you aging Hippies but with all of the tax cheats, communist, Chicago scum, and sex poodles you lefties keep electing to represent us it won't be long before it all falls apart and then common sense people can take over and fix it all.
I don't know where you find those common sense people. They don't go into politics and they sure don't frequent this board.

Take a look at how Palin was treated by the media. Take a look at how Hanniity treats Obama. Take a look at how Obama treated Bill Clinton. Take a look at how Pelosi treated Bush. Take a look at how MSNBC treats any republican. Take a look at how Hannity treats any democrat.

Exactly where is the incentive for any decent person to go into politics nowadays? You try to do good, the opposition will trash your name, your family, your children, your life.

And people like us come onto boards like this and blogs and spread it around like a cancer.
Man, I've not been on this earth as long as some of you aging Hippies but with all of the tax cheats, communist, Chicago scum, and sex poodles you lefties keep electing to represent us it won't be long before it all falls apart and then common sense people can take over and fix it all.

Thanks for that asutue observation, lad.

Clearly you've given this subject a lot of thought.

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