The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

The video doesn't lie - progressives do...

A Facebook video from some unknown idiot? Really? You're proving your point by posting a video from someone who shares your same crazy views?

"Unknown". LOL! Keep telling yourself that chief.

Yep..............had to do the Google to find out who she was, and she's a brand new reporter (started in 2014) who takes extreme right wing views. But, in the grand scheme of things, she's still a nobody, because very few people (outside of far right circles) know who she is.

She damn sure isn't Ann Coulter.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.

You keep making these intellectual errors, and as usual your anger outweighs your argument.

The biggest enemy of fascism is the liberal tolerance of other peoples and cultures. Fascists believe in the absolute superiority of the "home" nation - its culture, tradition, language and race. This is the essence of rightwing ideology.

Hitler believed that Germany was polluted to its institutional core by outsiders, namely Jews, who were over-assimilated by the Liberal Weimar regime.

Hitler also belied that homosexuals and non-traditional lifestyles were destroying the genetic superiority of Germany. Study his eugenics. He claimed that gays were immoral and antithetical to nature & national health, including their affect on the young. This is pure rightwing ideology. The Left, on the other hand, celebrates homosexuality (and different races/nations/cultures).

There are a few white supremacist neo-nazis on this message board. They hate Obama, and they hate the Leftwing tolerance of other races and alternative lifestyles.

The only thing fascism shares with socialism is statism, but they arrive at that statism from different conceptual places. To call them variations of each other is to ignore massive differences. You keep making these kinds of mistakes.
  1. an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
It's a cute left-wing propaganda campaign. Doesn't change the fact that fascism is the polar opposite of right-wing extremism. Would you like to try again? Let me guess - you need me to explain the basic political spectrum for you?

So the dictionary is a left wing propaganda campaign?

It's part of the left-wing propaganda campaign.

You keep making these intellectual errors, and as usual your anger outweighs your argument.

The biggest enemy of fascism is the liberal tolerance of other peoples and cultures. Fascists believe in the absolute superiority of the "home" nation - its culture, tradition, language and race. This is the essence of rightwing ideology.

Hitler believed that Germany was polluted to its institutional core by outsiders, namely Jews, who were over-assimilated by the Liberal Weimar regime.

Hitler also belied that homosexuals and non-traditional lifestyles were destroying the genetic superiority of Germany. Study his eugenics. He claimed that gays were immoral and antithetical to nature & national health, including their affect on the young. This is pure rightwing ideology. The Left, on the other hand, celebrates homosexuality (and different races/nations/cultures).

There are a few white supremacist neo-nazis on this message board. They hate Obama, and they hate the Leftwing tolerance of other races and alternative lifestyles.

The only thing fascism shares with socialism is statism, but they arrive at that statism from different conceptual places. To call them variations of each other is to ignore massive differences. You keep making these kinds of mistakes.
Sadly, you have little clue what fascism is....And also as sad, we know where you stand....

Fascism can be seen as monarchy where the state has taken the place of the king. It is to the right of royalty. Therefore, the state being essentially God, the head of state runs things as a king would, by whim and will. Ideology has nothing to do with it. Power and survival are all that matter and everything is justified in their preservation and propagation. It is entirely top - down.
The video doesn't lie - progressives do...

You do realize that the U.S. Constitution is a liberal document. Your profile picture says we the people, a liberal concept for the time. Had we been more conservative we would never had broken from England or would had set up a monarchy ourselves. Yes the progressive French helped. So I assume your profile picture is just an attempt at trolling.

Liberals are facists because they want fair and equal practice and opportunity for everyone? So you advocate people should just discriminate based upon their religious doctrine and feelings. That is not America. You can find extreme people with extreme views on any issue, that does not make their views the norm. I guess from your view I should consider all christians have the views of the Westbrook baptist church, or the snake handler christians, or that all republicans are just like trump and his supporters.
Liberals are facists because they want fair and equal practice and opportunity for everyone?
Wanting something is not fascist. Forcing people into it at the barrel of a gun - as progressives do - is fascist. And whether your want to acknowledge it or not, everything your side of the aisle does, it does by force at the barrel of a government gun.

Take your latest "achievement" - Obamacare. Where the fuck does the federal government derive the power to force citizens to purchase goods or services? No such power exists. But since the Dumbocrat Party has been completely hijacked by fascists, communists, marxists, socialists, etc. - I now have to purchase health insurance whether I want to or not. Same thing with Social Security. I can't opt out even though that is in the best interest of myself and my family. Nope. I'm forced into it at the barrel of a gun.
So you advocate people should just discriminate based upon their religious doctrine and feelings.
Yeah! Imagine that. Freedom. Liberty. Choice. Everything that the United States was built on and intended to be. What a "radical" concept!
That is not America. Timothy. That is America. Unfortunately the left has managed to sink their claws into you and dupe you with propaganda. Go back and read U.S. history from the very beginning. You'll see that religious doctrine was of the upmost importance - even if it meant some fragile little liberal might get their gentle little feelings hurt.
So you advocate people should just discriminate based upon their religious doctrine and feelings.
Yeah! Imagine that. Freedom. Liberty. Choice. Everything that the United States was built on and intended to be. What a "radical" concept!
That is not America. Timothy. That is America. Unfortunately the left has managed to sink their claws into you and dupe you with propaganda. Go back and read U.S. history from the very beginning. You'll see that religious doctrine was of the upmost importance - even if it meant some fragile little liberal might get their gentle little feelings hurt.
You need help. Greek and Roman philosophy were used in formation of the constitution, in fact look at the architechture in Washington DC. I don't see any mud huts, I see inspired archetechture of Rome, Greece, and Egypt. I suggest reading the federalist papers. Religion was important so much so that they never identified what religion or denomination. Republic and democracy are Greek concepts, although Aristotle did say that democracy was a bad form of government. They used Polybius's model which theorized a mixed form of governments that Aristotle proposed. None of these concepts are in your bible.

You need help and are all over the place. SS, health care, and religious freedom, discrimination. Are you sure you are not actually Donald?
You need help. Greek and Roman philosophy were used in formation of the constitution, in fact look at the architechture in Washington DC. I don't see any mud huts, I see inspired archetechture of Rome, Greece, and Egypt.
You need a lot more than help. You need education. Mostly about American history but spelling wouldn't hurt either. It's architecture genius. Please don't lecture me on American history when you spell architecture "archetechure".
I suggest reading the federalist papers.
I've read it buttercup. Cover-to-cover. Many times. I suggest you not make suggestions on things you know nothing about (such as what I've read).
Religion was important so much so that they never identified what religion or denomination.
Exactly. They wanted freedom. Including religious freedom. Hence the reason they didn't "identify" a specific religion for everyone to follow. You know - the polar opposite of what you and your fellow progressives are doing trying to force all of society into your bat-shit crazy ideology.
Republic and democracy are Greek concepts, although Aristotle did say that democracy was a bad form of government. They used Polybius's model which theorized a mixed form of governments that Aristotle proposed. None of these concepts are in your bible.
Perhaps you should've spent a lot more time opening American history books and a lot less time on Rome and Greece. :lol:
You need help and are all over the place. SS, health care, and religious freedom, discrimination. Are you sure you are not actually Donald?
Again junior - not nearly as much help as you need. The only thing that equal your atrocious spelling is your atrocious grammar. The highlighted section above isn't even remotely a coherent sentence. Would you like to try again so the rest of us can understand the insanity bouncing around in that skull of yours?
You need help. Greek and Roman philosophy were used in formation of the constitution, in fact look at the architechture in Washington DC. I don't see any mud huts, I see inspired archetechture of Rome, Greece, and Egypt.
You need a lot more than help. You need education. Mostly about American history but spelling wouldn't hurt either. It's architecture genius. Please don't lecture me on American history when you spell architecture "archetechure".
I suggest reading the federalist papers.
I've read it buttercup. Cover-to-cover. Many times. I suggest you not make suggestions on things you know nothing about (such as what I've read).
Religion was important so much so that they never identified what religion or denomination.
Exactly. They wanted freedom. Including religious freedom. Hence the reason they didn't "identify" a specific religion for everyone to follow. You know - the polar opposite of what you and your fellow progressives are doing trying to force all of society into your bat-shit crazy ideology.
Republic and democracy are Greek concepts, although Aristotle did say that democracy was a bad form of government. They used Polybius's model which theorized a mixed form of governments that Aristotle proposed. None of these concepts are in your bible.
Perhaps you should've spent a lot more time opening American history books and a lot less time on Rome and Greece. :lol:
You need help and are all over the place. SS, health care, and religious freedom, discrimination. Are you sure you are not actually Donald?
Again junior - not nearly as much help as you need. The only thing that equal your atrocious spelling is your atrocious grammar. The highlighted section above isn't even remotely a coherent sentence. Would you like to try again so the rest of us can understand the insanity bouncing around in that skull of yours?
I am totaly fascinated by your posts. Not only do you show your ignorance you blatantly flaunt it. The federalist papers are the primary source of interpreting and understanding the original intent of the US constitution and you have read it as you suggest. There are but 2 mentions of god within the 85 essays and one god mention is a pagan god, written by Hamilton, jay, and Madison. zero mentions of the bible. The meaning of this is clear we were meant to be a secular nation.

Do you mind if I use some of your posts in an essay I am writing? Along with some other questions, what location in the United States were you taught history? Was it a religious school? Do you look up definitions for words you do not know or do you make them up? Do you teach people the history you think you know? Do you research questions you have and look for unbiased sources?

The essay is about the various opinions on factual history throughout the geographical United States. Teaching methodology, rhetoric methods, pathos Legos, and ethos.It's for extra credit and it's not due till December, also since you read the federalist papers, I would love to read your review of it.
Sadly, you have little clue what fascism is....And also as sad, we know where you stand....

View attachment 94313

That is a pretty idiotic graph, left and right have nothing to do with liberty vs. tyranny, I'm not even going to speculate what kind of idiot it takes to call Nazi Germany "extreme left".

Plus conservative and liberal have switched positions, keep in mind that conservatives are much more likely to "be tough on crime" and support the death penalty.
Sadly, you have little clue what fascism is....And also as sad, we know where you stand....

View attachment 94313

That is a pretty idiotic graph, left and right have nothing to do with liberty vs. tyranny, I'm not even going to speculate what kind of idiot it takes to call Nazi Germany "extreme left".

Plus conservative and liberal have switched positions, keep in mind that conservatives are much more likely to "be tough on crime" and support the death penalty.
You didn't say anything intelligent ....did you mean to do that?
The federalist papers are the primary source of interpreting and understanding the original intent of the US constitution and you have read it as you suggest. There are but 2 mentions of god within the 85 essays and one god mention is a pagan god, written by Hamilton, jay, and Madison. zero mentions of the bible. The meaning of this is clear we were meant to be a secular nation.
The Federalist Papers were a public debate regarding the size, scope, and powers of the federal government. It was a political debate. So why would there be mentions of God or the Bible, you nitwit? :eusa_doh:

Perhaps you should try reading original writings of the founders before illustrating your remarkable ignorance to the world on the internet. We were never intended to be a "secular nation". That is vintage progressive propaganda. That's why the founders put "freedom of religion" and not "freedom from religion" nitwit. A secular nation would have freedom from religion. The founders simply wanted a nation where people could worship as they wanted to worship.

“It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor” - George Washington, Thanksgiving Day Proclamation (October 3, 1789)

Excerpt From: Jay A. Parry. “The Real George Washington: The True Story of America's Most Indispensable Man.” National Center for Constitutional Studies, 2011-01-26. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Real George Washington

So the most respected and revered man of that time, and the first president of the United States, said that it was a duty of all nations to acknowledge God and obey His will in a national address. Yeah...sure sounds like an intent to be a "secular nation" to me. Idiot.
I am totaly fascinated by your posts. Not only do you show your ignorance you blatantly flaunt it. The federalist papers are the primary source of interpreting and understanding the original intent of the US constitution. There are but 2 mentions of god within the 85 essays and one god mention is a pagan god, written by Hamilton, jay, and Madison. zero mentions of the bible. The meaning of this is clear we were meant to be a secular nation.
Exactly. The U.S. Constitution. Not the religious doctrines of our founders.

“The American Union will last as long as God pleases. It is the duty of every American Citizen to exert his utmost abilities and endeavours to preserve it as long as possible and to pray with submission to Providence “esto perpetua”[may it last forever—Ed.]. - John Adams to Charles Carroll, August 2, 1820

Excerpt From: James H. Hutson. “The Founders on Religion.” Princeton University Press, 2009. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Founders on Religion

Wow! So the second president of the United States echos the sentiments of the first. It is the duty of people/citizens/nations to pray to God. How bizarre for people who you claim insisted on a "secular" nation. Idiot.
I am totaly fascinated by your posts. Not only do you show your ignorance you blatantly flaunt it. The federalist papers are the primary source of interpreting and understanding the original intent of the US constitution. There are but 2 mentions of god within the 85 essays and one god mention is a pagan god, written by Hamilton, jay, and Madison. zero mentions of the bible. The meaning of this is clear we were meant to be a secular nation.

“I shall need, too, the favor of that Being in whose hands we are, who led our fathers, as Israel of old, from their native land and planted them in a country flowing with all the necessaries and comforts of life; who has covered our infancy with His providence and our riper years with His wisdom and power, and to whose goodness I ask you to join in supplications with me that He will so enlighten the minds of your servants, guide their councils, and prosper their measures that whatsoever they do shall result in your good, and shall secure to you the peace, friendship, and approbation of all nations."
- Thomas Jefferson, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1805

Excerpt From: James H. Hutson. “The Founders on Religion.” Princeton University Press, 2009. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBooks Store: The Founders on Religion

Daaaaamn! Now the second most revered and respected man of that era, the architect of our entire system of government, and the third president of the United States states the importance of God - in his inaugural address to the nation no less! Put that in your junior high essay. Idiot.
I am totaly fascinated by your posts. Not only do you show your ignorance you blatantly flaunt it.
Says the guy who spelled architecture "architechture" and "archetechture" in the same post. :lmao:
I am surprised I did not misspell more things. I use an iPhone, and type rather fast, this isn't a paper I am turning in. And I ignored your misspelling but I see that is important to you, I guess more important than my point, you can see the influence by the architechture in our capital, which went over your head.

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