The Left's Most Predominant Fear: AMERIPHOBIA/AMERIPHOBIC


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
the Obamas have shown they hate America
blacks hate America/cops/law and order/etc
....they hate America because they feel they have been ''kept down'''--this is a common/natural/human reaction ==blame others for your own faults
==blame others-get pissed when you make a mistake/break the law/etc
Is ameriphobia as bad as feds? Federal employee Derangement syndrome...or TDS Trump Derangement syndrome?
the Obamas have shown they hate America
blacks hate America/cops/law and order/etc
....they hate America because they feel they have been ''kept down'''--this is a common/natural/human reaction ==blame others for your own faults
==blame others-get pissed when you make a mistake/break the law/etc

Michelle Obama:

"For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country."
Is ameriphobia as bad as feds? Federal employee Derangement syndrome...or TDS Trump Derangement syndrome?

It's worse than FEDS and TDS. Those are just symptoms of Ameriphobia.
Donald Trump is the only true American in the whoooooooooooooooole world!
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
I just continue to call them "UnAmerican".
Donald Trump is the only true American in the whoooooooooooooooole world!

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is just a minor manifestation of your Ameriphobia.
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
You are really doing a great job of spreading the propaganda for the reich. No one I know has the affliction save cons.
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
You are really doing a great job of spreading the propaganda for the reich. No one I know has the affliction save cons.
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
I just continue to call them "UnAmerican".

I'm trying to be compassionate, tolerant, and understanding. Defining their irrational fear of America as a sickness leaves open the possibility that there's a cure for it. :biggrin:
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
You are really doing a great job of spreading the propaganda for the reich. No one I know has the affliction save cons.
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

the OP is right on --they HATE America
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
You are really doing a great job of spreading the propaganda for the reich. No one I know has the affliction save cons.

That's one of the problems with those who have psychological imbalances and irrational fears. They're often completely unaware that they do.
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A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.

An old word is being used to describe that ridiculous obsession the American right has with labelling the American left as "Ameriphobic", and that's "BULLSHIT".

Like the "Deep State", Americaphobia exists only in the fevered imaginations of Russian trolls, and those too stupid to recognize bullshit when they hear it.
A new word is being passed around to describe the single most pathological aversion the American left is afflicted with. It is called "Ameriphobia" or harboring "Ameriphobic" feelings.

That would be defined as the irrational fear of the American ideology, the rights of liberty, freedom, property, religion, self-defense, and self-determination, all of which are stated within the first ten amendments of the United States Constitution

The left's fear and loathing of America is compounded by their irrational and overwhelming desire to control the lives, liberties and properties of their fellow citizens. This onerous malady appears to have contaminated primarily the followers of the American Democrat Party, but has also infected many self-proclaimed "Republicans" as well.

For example: What's the most common response from the left when you say "Make America Great Again"?

If your response is "America never was great to start with", I'm afraid you have a really bad case of Ameriphobia.
You are really doing a great job of spreading the propaganda for the reich. No one I know has the affliction save cons.
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America

the OP is right on --they HATE America

Not sure if "hate" is the right word. More like they "fear" America.

According to the left, if I'm "Islamophobic", I don't really "hate" Islam. I "fear" it. I don't really "hate" gays, I am "homophobic", I'm "afraid" of them.

See what I mean? I think the left is just irrationally afraid of America, to the point that it's become obsessive and detrimental to their own well-being.

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