The Left Lies. Why Do We Allow Them to Define Every Debate

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Interesting article Exposes the games the left play in their continuing effort to destroy the rule of law in this country.

How many "children" are being brought here by "coyotes" (is that what we call them), for who knows what puropse.

Yet the left wants to release these children to nto the custody of these adults, and they want these adults released into th USA with no consequences.

The Trump administration isn’t changing the rules that pertain to separating an adult from the child. Those remain the same. Separation happens only if officials find that the adult is falsely claiming to be the child’s parent, or is a threat to the child, or is put into criminal proceedings.

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review
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... for who knows what puropse.
Oh we KNOW what the "purpose" is. The new hijacked radical democrat party considers these illegal aliens their new VOTING BASE, period, common knowledge.

They have ZERO compassion for them otherwise. They know that without this continued flow of illegal invaders into America, their chances of being reelected and holding onto power are diminished.
Interesting article Exposes the games the left play in their continuing effort to destroy the rule of law in this country.

How many "children" are being brought here by "coyotes" (is that what we call them), for who knows what puropse.

Yet the left wants to release these children to nto the custody of these adults, and they want these adults released into th USA with no consequences.

The Trump administration isn’t changing the rules that pertain to separating an adult from the child. Those remain the same. Separation happens only if officials find that the adult is falsely claiming to be the child’s parent, or is a threat to the child, or is put into criminal proceedings.

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review

Let me essplain it to you.

The corporate bastards who profit from this shit also own the media. They hire leftwing screwballs to run their propaganda machines to protect their thralls in the Deep State.

But that shit just doesnt work so much any more, dude.
... for who knows what puropse.
Oh we KNOW what the "purpose" is. The new hijacked radical democrat party considers these illegal aliens their new VOTING BASE, period, common knowledge.

They have ZERO compassion for them otherwise. They know that without this continued flow of illegal invaders into America, their chances of being reelected and holding onto power are diminished.

And what happens when cheaper robotic labor comes out that costs about $2k and works 24/7?

The leftwing Dims and the corporate whores get a divorce. A very angry and violent divorce.
Interesting article Exposes the games the left play in their continuing effort to destroy the rule of law in this country.

How many "children" are being brought here by "coyotes" (is that what we call them), for who knows what puropse.

Yet the left wants to release these children to nto the custody of these adults, and they want these adults released into th USA with no consequences.

The Trump administration isn’t changing the rules that pertain to separating an adult from the child. Those remain the same. Separation happens only if officials find that the adult is falsely claiming to be the child’s parent, or is a threat to the child, or is put into criminal proceedings.

Separating Kids at Border: The Truth | National Review

Both sides lie. The problem is, when you tell the truth, no one cares. You have to lie to keep the voters' attention. It's politics.
Both sides lie. The problem is, when you tell the truth, no one cares. You have to lie to keep the voters' attention. It's politics.

Damn,m you said something half intelligent.

I might have to take you off my ignore list.

Stop it.
Partisans lie. That's just what they do.

If you don't, they take away your badge.
This is why you can't be trusted with the he vote. No, some are actually driven by principle beyond politics.

Leftists, and leftists ALONE need to LIE to maintain power.

The point of this thread is that nearly EVERY THREAD started but a leftists is designed to destroy the rule of law and overturn a legitimate election.

THEY, AND THEY ALONE are devoid of ideas so all they know is to parrot the lies of their left wing media.
Partisans lie. That's just what they do. If you don't, they take away your badge.
This is why you can't be trusted with the he vote. No, some are actually driven by principle beyond politics.
Leftists, and leftists ALONE need to LIE to maintain power.
The point of this thread is that nearly EVERY THREAD started but a leftists is designed to destroy the rule of law and overturn a legitimate election.
I know, your "side" is pure, the other "side" is evil.

I get that one every day here. Sounds good.
Partisans lie. That's just what they do.

If you don't, they take away your badge.
This is why you can't be trusted with the he vote. No, some are actually driven by principle beyond politics.

Leftists, and leftists ALONE need to LIE to maintain power.

The point of this thread is that nearly EVERY THREAD started but a leftists is designed to destroy the rule of law and overturn a legitimate election.

THEY, AND THEY ALONE are devoid of ideas so all they know is to parrot the lies of their left wing media.

No, the right lie all the time.

They lie about why the current voting system should be kept. They don't say "It's because we get an unfair advantage", they claim it's because of other reasons that are just not true.

I could go on all day with lies from the right, but this one specifically meets the requirements of lying to stay in power.

One time in the last 3 decades have the Republicans gained the most votes in Presidential elections, they haven't had a non-president win since Bush snr in 1988.

Yet they've had half the presidents.

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