The Left Is Racist and Sexist


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Obama basically saying that 'the boys should take it outside.' Really? Rice cannot take on 'the boys?' How then could she take on Morsi, Netanyahu, or Putin? Really, how sexist. (Not even going to go into voting with your female parts.)

I'm so sick of the left portraying the right as sexist racists, no comma, it's like a brand that should not be taken, indeed she be turned back on those that project.

This speaks to the nonsense, lots of links at site:

» Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card)
Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 6:38pm

I know I sound like a broken record.

Everytime I think the Democratic race card players could not get more vile, more deranged, more patronizingly demeaning to blacks, someone manages to defy even my vivid imagination.

This time, it is the Editorial Board of The Washington Post, which issued a truly amazing screed (h/t Gabriel Malor) claiming that critics of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice are motivated by race and sex, as demonstrated by the facts that most are male and a significant percentage come from former confederate states (emphasis mine):

Could it be, as members of the Congressional Black Caucus are charging, that the [97 Republican House] signatories of the letter are targeting Ms. Rice because she is an African American woman? The signatories deny that, and we can’t know their hearts. What we do know is that more than 80 of the signatories are white males, and nearly half are from states of the former Confederacy. You’d think that before launching their broadside, members of Congress would have taken care not to propagate any falsehoods of their own.

The WaPo Editorial Board must have forgotten the opposition to Condoleezza Rice’s confirmation, which was led by former Klansman Robert Byrd and a guy who left a girl to die:

Leading the charge against Rice on Tuesday were Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California.

Boxer, one of two Democrats to vote against Rice’s nomination in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Rice’s answers to her questions were “completely nonresponsive” and raised more issues about her credibility than they answered.
Rice, Condoleezza, reveived fewer favorable votes in her Secretary of State confirmation than any nominee in almost 25 years and more negative votes than any nominee in 180 years. Twelve of the thirteen votes against Rice were from White Males, including the aforementioned former Klansman.

Boxer accused Rice of lying about Sadaam Hussein’s WMD program, and Rice pushed back that they relied on the available intelligence, among other things.

This would become a theme in Boxer’s continuously demeaning conduct towards Rice, which included mocking the fact that Rice had no children during the Iraq Surge hearings in January 2007 (note, Boxer also used the term “dark cloud” which, had it been used by a Republican as to a black Democratic nominee, surely would have been called a dog whistle or worse)(full video here):

Barbara Boxer mocks Condi for "dark cloud" and being childless - YouTube

Boxer’s mocking of Rice, Condoleezza’s family status created a firestorm of controversy, but plenty of liberals defended the attack.

Rice, Condoleeza, also was physically attacked at the start of those hearings, by White Liberals:

Condoleezza Rice Attacked At Capitol Hill Hearing - YouTube

The Democrats’ often personal attacks on Rice, Condoleezza, continued unabated (Kerry Picket has more). Liberal cartoonists at major publications played on crude racial stereotypes in going after Rice, Condoleezza.

You get the point.

The criticisms of Rice, Condoleezza, on policy grounds were within the legitimate political realm, as are the criticisms of Rice, Susan.

In the criticisms of Rice, Susan, we have not seen from Republicans anything approaching the vitriol and crude racial and sexist comments directed at Rice, Condoleezza.

Does the Editorial Board of The Washington Post even belief what it writes? I doubt it. It’s all part of their race card game.
Obama basically saying that 'the boys should take it outside.' Really? Rice cannot take on 'the boys?' How then could she take on Morsi, Netanyahu, or Putin? Really, how sexist. (Not even going to go into voting with your female parts.)

I'm so sick of the left portraying the right as sexist racists, no comma, it's like a brand that should not be taken, indeed she be turned back on those that project.

This speaks to the nonsense, lots of links at site:

» Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card)
Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 6:38pm

I know I sound like a broken record.

Everytime I think the Democratic race card players could not get more vile, more deranged, more patronizingly demeaning to blacks, someone manages to defy even my vivid imagination.

This time, it is the Editorial Board of The Washington Post, which issued a truly amazing screed (h/t Gabriel Malor) claiming that critics of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice are motivated by race and sex, as demonstrated by the facts that most are male and a significant percentage come from former confederate states (emphasis mine):

Could it be, as members of the Congressional Black Caucus are charging, that the [97 Republican House] signatories of the letter are targeting Ms. Rice because she is an African American woman? The signatories deny that, and we can’t know their hearts. What we do know is that more than 80 of the signatories are white males, and nearly half are from states of the former Confederacy. You’d think that before launching their broadside, members of Congress would have taken care not to propagate any falsehoods of their own.

The WaPo Editorial Board must have forgotten the opposition to Condoleezza Rice’s confirmation, which was led by former Klansman Robert Byrd and a guy who left a girl to die:

Leading the charge against Rice on Tuesday were Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California.

Boxer, one of two Democrats to vote against Rice’s nomination in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Rice’s answers to her questions were “completely nonresponsive” and raised more issues about her credibility than they answered.
Rice, Condoleezza, reveived fewer favorable votes in her Secretary of State confirmation than any nominee in almost 25 years and more negative votes than any nominee in 180 years. Twelve of the thirteen votes against Rice were from White Males, including the aforementioned former Klansman.

Boxer accused Rice of lying about Sadaam Hussein’s WMD program, and Rice pushed back that they relied on the available intelligence, among other things.

This would become a theme in Boxer’s continuously demeaning conduct towards Rice, which included mocking the fact that Rice had no children during the Iraq Surge hearings in January 2007 (note, Boxer also used the term “dark cloud” which, had it been used by a Republican as to a black Democratic nominee, surely would have been called a dog whistle or worse)(full video here):

Barbara Boxer mocks Condi for "dark cloud" and being childless - YouTube

Boxer’s mocking of Rice, Condoleezza’s family status created a firestorm of controversy, but plenty of liberals defended the attack.

Rice, Condoleeza, also was physically attacked at the start of those hearings, by White Liberals:

Condoleezza Rice Attacked At Capitol Hill Hearing - YouTube

The Democrats’ often personal attacks on Rice, Condoleezza, continued unabated (Kerry Picket has more). Liberal cartoonists at major publications played on crude racial stereotypes in going after Rice, Condoleezza.

You get the point.

The criticisms of Rice, Condoleezza, on policy grounds were within the legitimate political realm, as are the criticisms of Rice, Susan.

In the criticisms of Rice, Susan, we have not seen from Republicans anything approaching the vitriol and crude racial and sexist comments directed at Rice, Condoleezza.

Does the Editorial Board of The Washington Post even belief what it writes? I doubt it. It’s all part of their race card game.
The ultimate projection.
Typical commiecrat double standard. They love to accuse the right of doing crap they do on a regular basis. Their problem is that puny race card has been played so much it no longer trumps anything.
The left is racist and sexist. . . and they hate women. . . and they hate gays. . . and working people . . .and the environment . . .and education . . .and science . . .and foreigners . . .
They're not like us.
The left is racist and sexist. . . and they hate women. . . and they hate gays. . . and working people . . .and the environment . . .and education . . .and science . . .and foreigners . . .
They're not like us.

Hate is a term the left uses to influence the uneducated commiecrat voters, I don't know anyone on the right that hates anything. Hate is self destructing and good for nothing but a commiecrat talking point and most usually a total lie as applied to the right. But hey, hang on to that lie if it makes you feel better.
Obama basically saying that 'the boys should take it outside.' Really? Rice cannot take on 'the boys?' How then could she take on Morsi, Netanyahu, or Putin? Really, how sexist. (Not even going to go into voting with your female parts.)

I'm so sick of the left portraying the right as sexist racists, no comma, it's like a brand that should not be taken, indeed she be turned back on those that project.

This speaks to the nonsense, lots of links at site:

» Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card)
Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 6:38pm

I know I sound like a broken record.

Everytime I think the Democratic race card players could not get more vile, more deranged, more patronizingly demeaning to blacks, someone manages to defy even my vivid imagination.

This time, it is the Editorial Board of The Washington Post, which issued a truly amazing screed (h/t Gabriel Malor) claiming that critics of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice are motivated by race and sex, as demonstrated by the facts that most are male and a significant percentage come from former confederate states (emphasis mine):

Could it be, as members of the Congressional Black Caucus are charging, that the [97 Republican House] signatories of the letter are targeting Ms. Rice because she is an African American woman? The signatories deny that, and we can’t know their hearts. What we do know is that more than 80 of the signatories are white males, and nearly half are from states of the former Confederacy. You’d think that before launching their broadside, members of Congress would have taken care not to propagate any falsehoods of their own.

The WaPo Editorial Board must have forgotten the opposition to Condoleezza Rice’s confirmation, which was led by former Klansman Robert Byrd and a guy who left a girl to die:

Leading the charge against Rice on Tuesday were Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California.

Boxer, one of two Democrats to vote against Rice’s nomination in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Rice’s answers to her questions were “completely nonresponsive” and raised more issues about her credibility than they answered.
Rice, Condoleezza, reveived fewer favorable votes in her Secretary of State confirmation than any nominee in almost 25 years and more negative votes than any nominee in 180 years. Twelve of the thirteen votes against Rice were from White Males, including the aforementioned former Klansman.

Boxer accused Rice of lying about Sadaam Hussein’s WMD program, and Rice pushed back that they relied on the available intelligence, among other things.

This would become a theme in Boxer’s continuously demeaning conduct towards Rice, which included mocking the fact that Rice had no children during the Iraq Surge hearings in January 2007 (note, Boxer also used the term “dark cloud” which, had it been used by a Republican as to a black Democratic nominee, surely would have been called a dog whistle or worse)(full video here):

Barbara Boxer mocks Condi for "dark cloud" and being childless - YouTube

Boxer’s mocking of Rice, Condoleezza’s family status created a firestorm of controversy, but plenty of liberals defended the attack.

Rice, Condoleeza, also was physically attacked at the start of those hearings, by White Liberals:

Condoleezza Rice Attacked At Capitol Hill Hearing - YouTube

The Democrats’ often personal attacks on Rice, Condoleezza, continued unabated (Kerry Picket has more). Liberal cartoonists at major publications played on crude racial stereotypes in going after Rice, Condoleezza.

You get the point.

The criticisms of Rice, Condoleezza, on policy grounds were within the legitimate political realm, as are the criticisms of Rice, Susan.

In the criticisms of Rice, Susan, we have not seen from Republicans anything approaching the vitriol and crude racial and sexist comments directed at Rice, Condoleezza.

Does the Editorial Board of The Washington Post even belief what it writes? I doubt it. It’s all part of their race card game.

Anybody that says the left is this, or the right is that, is a fucking moron.

I swear we have a bunch of fucktards who think there are only 2 types of people in the world. Hard left and hard right. Anyone they see who differs from them is automatically called an extremist from the other side.

It's pretty pathetic really, and clear indicator of the trouble this country is in.
If anyone wants an ongoing example of the BIG LIE this place is it.

On one hand we have ten or twelve people here whose sole mission is to promote WHITE supremacy on behalf of the GOP.

ON the other we have GOP apologists here telling us that the GOP is not essantially the political choice of White racists.

BOTH parties use RACE as an issue to motivate fearful racists to vote on their behalf.

Racism religiosity and sexism are TOOLS the masters use to manipulate the truly stupid.

And since there are so many fitting into that catagory, they can pretty much eschew the REAL issues that matter to this republic.
You have to laugh at people that spend six years questioning Obama's right to be an American for whining if someone thinks they are racist.
The left is racist and sexist. . . and they hate women. . . and they hate gays. . . and working people . . .and the environment . . .and education . . .and science . . .and foreigners . . .
They're not like us.

Hate is a term the left uses to influence the uneducated commiecrat voters, I don't know anyone on the right that hates anything. Hate is self destructing and good for nothing but a commiecrat talking point and most usually a total lie as applied to the right. But hey, hang on to that lie if it makes you feel better.

You employ the word "commiecrat" but you don't hate. That's funny. Your post and your life is a lie. But hey, hang on to that lie if it makes you feel better.
Obama basically saying that 'the boys should take it outside.' Really? Rice cannot take on 'the boys?' How then could she take on Morsi, Netanyahu, or Putin? Really, how sexist. (Not even going to go into voting with your female parts.)

I'm so sick of the left portraying the right as sexist racists, no comma, it's like a brand that should not be taken, indeed she be turned back on those that project.

This speaks to the nonsense, lots of links at site:

» Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Saturday Night Card Game (WaPo plays the Rice card)
Posted by William A. Jacobson Saturday, November 24, 2012 at 6:38pm

I know I sound like a broken record.

Everytime I think the Democratic race card players could not get more vile, more deranged, more patronizingly demeaning to blacks, someone manages to defy even my vivid imagination.

This time, it is the Editorial Board of The Washington Post, which issued a truly amazing screed (h/t Gabriel Malor) claiming that critics of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice are motivated by race and sex, as demonstrated by the facts that most are male and a significant percentage come from former confederate states (emphasis mine):

Could it be, as members of the Congressional Black Caucus are charging, that the [97 Republican House] signatories of the letter are targeting Ms. Rice because she is an African American woman? The signatories deny that, and we can’t know their hearts. What we do know is that more than 80 of the signatories are white males, and nearly half are from states of the former Confederacy. You’d think that before launching their broadside, members of Congress would have taken care not to propagate any falsehoods of their own.

The WaPo Editorial Board must have forgotten the opposition to Condoleezza Rice’s confirmation, which was led by former Klansman Robert Byrd and a guy who left a girl to die:

Leading the charge against Rice on Tuesday were Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California.

Boxer, one of two Democrats to vote against Rice’s nomination in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Rice’s answers to her questions were “completely nonresponsive” and raised more issues about her credibility than they answered.
Rice, Condoleezza, reveived fewer favorable votes in her Secretary of State confirmation than any nominee in almost 25 years and more negative votes than any nominee in 180 years. Twelve of the thirteen votes against Rice were from White Males, including the aforementioned former Klansman.

Boxer accused Rice of lying about Sadaam Hussein’s WMD program, and Rice pushed back that they relied on the available intelligence, among other things.

This would become a theme in Boxer’s continuously demeaning conduct towards Rice, which included mocking the fact that Rice had no children during the Iraq Surge hearings in January 2007 (note, Boxer also used the term “dark cloud” which, had it been used by a Republican as to a black Democratic nominee, surely would have been called a dog whistle or worse)(full video here):

Barbara Boxer mocks Condi for "dark cloud" and being childless - YouTube

Boxer’s mocking of Rice, Condoleezza’s family status created a firestorm of controversy, but plenty of liberals defended the attack.

Rice, Condoleeza, also was physically attacked at the start of those hearings, by White Liberals:

Condoleezza Rice Attacked At Capitol Hill Hearing - YouTube

The Democrats’ often personal attacks on Rice, Condoleezza, continued unabated (Kerry Picket has more). Liberal cartoonists at major publications played on crude racial stereotypes in going after Rice, Condoleezza.

You get the point.

The criticisms of Rice, Condoleezza, on policy grounds were within the legitimate political realm, as are the criticisms of Rice, Susan.

In the criticisms of Rice, Susan, we have not seen from Republicans anything approaching the vitriol and crude racial and sexist comments directed at Rice, Condoleezza.

Does the Editorial Board of The Washington Post even belief what it writes? I doubt it. It’s all part of their race card game.

The test that liberals fail almost every time is use the words welfare, taker, poor, unemployed, unwed mother, etc and they will immedicatly call you a racist. They do that because it is inbred in the Democrat party they can't help themselves but to think that all of those who are on welfare, poor or unemployed are naturally black. Really sad and I don't really think they realize it.

Oh and by god don't ever be a black person and a conservative, the venom really comes out.

Their treatment of women isn't any different. Apparently they think so little of women they believe that the most important thing to the majority of women is abortion. That is how little they think of women.

What is fact about Rice is that she spread a lie. Whether she knew it or not she did. Usually people take a fall for their wrong doing but not in Democrat world. Then they wonder why the country is falling morally apart.
Yeah, that's why Obama won...

obama won because the free loaders out number the working class.
obama won because the media didn't do it's job.
That's how obama won.

Sorry, I am going with, Obama won because most people just vote for the person in office and most I talk to who voted for Obama are way uninformed. And an effective enough nasty campaign was run by Obama. He did nothing spectacular to win the fix was in, in my opinion.
Total Pubcrappe. The "facts" Pubs are using to character assassinate Rice (and other Dems) are just wrong.

OK, name one positive thing that qualifies Rice.

Then tell us she didn't repeat an administration lie about Benghazi.
If anyone wants an ongoing example of the BIG LIE this place is it.

On one hand we have ten or twelve people here whose sole mission is to promote WHITE supremacy on behalf of the GOP.

ON the other we have GOP apologists here telling us that the GOP is not essantially the political choice of White racists.

BOTH parties use RACE as an issue to motivate fearful racists to vote on their behalf.

Racism religiosity and sexism are TOOLS the masters use to manipulate the truly stupid.

And since there are so many fitting into that catagory, they can pretty much eschew the REAL issues that matter to this republic.

Could you like us to a quote by a conservative that uses race to motivate fearful racists? Please, I want to see a main stream conservative doing so. I want to see who on this board has done so. If race is brought up it is almost always from the left. The right is too politically correct to even mention race.
Typical commiecrat double standard. They love to accuse the right of doing crap they do on a regular basis. Their problem is that puny race card has been played so much it no longer trumps anything.

Actually, it works like a charm.

Those degenerates can say and do anything they want, knowing full well they will never be called on it. But if a rep or con says anything that can be edited.....

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