The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

So you can't deny CON$ervoFascists want to control others rather than leave them alone so the best you can do is tell me to eat shit like you do.
I believe abortion should be left to the States, as it should be. Leftist shitholes can continue to execute the innocent for being inconvenient all they like. Normal people in normal states can prohibit it.

Remind me again...why do you expect to be taken seriously?
Uh huh. Meanwhile, you want to tell people how much water they can use to flush, what kind of opinions are expressed in public, what kind of light bulbs people can buy, what kind of vehicles they can drive, if they can get medical care if they disagree with vaccine mandates.

And you're outraged that people want the most innocent human beings not be executed for the crime of being inconvenient.

Eat shit, Ed.

Well that’s a big bag if bullshit.

The government has ALWAYS told you what kind of light bulbs you could buy, and how much water can can use to flush. Nothing has changed.

What is being censored is not “opinions”, but proveable lies, many of which are dangerous and have resulted in people dying.

A fetus is not an “innocent human being”, it’s tissue. Having a baby is not something that should be of anyone’s concern but the mother’s. It is fascism in the extreme to strip women of their autonomy and free will in determining how many children to have. And to force them to carry and bear a child they cannot afford to raise.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
You don't know the meaning of the word dickhead.
Well that’s a big bag if bullshit.

The government has ALWAYS told you what kind of light bulbs you could buy, and how much water can can use to flush. Nothing has changed.

What is being censored is not “opinions”, but proveable lies, many of which are dangerous and have resulted in people dying.

A fetus is not an “innocent human being”, it’s tissue. Having a baby is not something that should be of anyone’s concern but the mother’s. It is fascism in the extreme to strip women of their autonomy and free will in determining how many children to have. And to force them to carry and bear a child they cannot afford to raise.
Everything you just said is horseshit. You believe it with all your shriveled little heart, but it's bullshit.
Uh huh. Meanwhile, you want to tell people how much water they can use to flush, what kind of opinions are expressed in public, what kind of light bulbs people can buy, what kind of vehicles they can drive, if they can get medical care if they disagree with vaccine mandates.

And you're outraged that people want the most innocent human beings not be executed for the crime of being inconvenient.

Eat shit, Ed.
a few rules for environmental responsibility isnt fascism, however here are some examples of actual fascism:

on the other subject of libertarianism;
American libertarians such as Kevin Carson,[23] Karl Hess,[79] and Roderick T. Long[80] have written about libertarianism's left wing opposition to authoritarian rule and argued that libertarianism is fundamentally a left-wing position. Rothbard himself previously made the same point.[81]
Wait. Wait. Wait. You’re seriously trying to argue now that libertarianism is “left-wing” once you realized you were fucked when I challenged you to explain how fascism could possibly be further right than libertarianism?!?

Why is it that so many on the right want to eliminate the left?
Because you’re all a bunch of sic fucking totalitarian fascists who want to eliminate all liberty.

If you would just learn to mind your own fuck’n business, we could easily get along. But as long as you’re not satisfied until you have total control over me, I’m going to fight you until my dying breath.
The actual political spectrum has authoritarian dictatorships at both ends of the spectrum
That’s literally impossible sweetie. The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until it ceases to exist at all.

Therefore, you cannot have right-wing “authoritarianism” or “dictatorships”.

Thanks for playing!
Bwahahaha!! I’ve seen some funny shit, but claiming elected representatives voting not to indict/impeach someone is “actual” fascism might be the funniest.
  1. Fascism doesn’t do voting. It does totalitarian dictator.
  2. Voting not to remove elected people from office is the polar opposite of fascism. It’s respecting the vote of the people.
The people trying to remove Trump through alternative means because they lost an election are the actual fascists.
however here are some examples of actual fascism:
Now that the entire board has had a good laugh at your faux examples of “fascism”, here are some real examples of fascism:
I never thought I would see the day in America where a candidate would be prevented from holding a political rally, but thanks to the left embracing fascism in its purest form - and employing the Brownshirt tactics of the Nazis - it happened.
however here are some examples of actual fascism:
Now that the entire board has had a good laugh at your faux examples of “fascism”, here are some real examples of fascism:
I never thought I would see the day in America where attendees of a campaign rally would be blocked, assaulted, and have their personal property destroyed, but thanks to the left embracing fascism in its purest form - and employing the Brownshirt tactics of the Nazis - it happened.
Imagine thinking that you have the power to tell others what to do. On top of that, imagine thinking that if they don’t comply with your illegitimate orders, you have the right/power to physically assault them.

Yep, the bat-shit crazy left has embraced fascism in its purest form.

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