The Last Temptation - How American Evangelicals Sold Their Collective Souls For Politics

So, you make excuses for Trump's multiple adulterous choices, you speak as if it is something for a claimed Christian to be proud of, you give the evangelical vote a pass for putting a (known) habitual sinner in The White House yet you crucify the author of the article. That's pretty rich, brutha.
Blessed are the adulterers for they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven & the 72 virgins. LOFL ........

And you automatically consider a person guilty if you just don't like them. You summarily and arrogantly claim another person is a 'habitual sinner' with shit you make up out of whole cloth. I ain't your brutha.

And....You oughta check out your own signature......"The various attempts by Trump to obstruct the SC Mueller investigation are documented within Volume II, pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" There are no pages 227-368 in Volume II of the PDF you posted. It ends at 180.
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So, you make excuses for Trump's multiple adulterous choices, you speak as if it is something for a claimed Christian to be proud of, you give the evangelical vote a pass for putting a (known) habitual sinner in The White House yet you crucify the author of the article. That's pretty rich, brutha.
Blessed are the adulterers for they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven & the 72 virgins. LOFL ........

And you automatically consider a person guilty if you just don't like them. You summarily and arrogantly claim another person is a 'habitual sinner' with shit you make up out of whole cloth. I ain't your brutha.

And....You oughta check out your own signature......"The various attempts by Trump to obstruct the SC Mueller investigation are documented within Volume II, pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" There are no pages 227-368 in Volume II of the PDF you posted. It ends at 180.

So, how many attempts at a wedding vow does one require, that is as far as the scriptures contained within the Gospel? How many times does the Gospel direct humans to cheat on a wife, or husband? I would think that within the context of scripture Trump would most certainly qualify as a 'habitual adulterer' which is likely about as bad as a 'habitual sinner' may become. Just a thought.

My signature is a road map for lazy ass bastards that try & discuss the Mueller report without actually having read it. I thought I could offer the lazy bastards a road map to learn something about the subject. There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth, stuff a 'real' Christian does. Just kidding.
Another reason to get rid of the tax exemptions these religious organizations get.

So, you want more religions to have more of a say in our government? Because, believe me, if they have to pay taxes they will exact political influence.
So, you make excuses for Trump's multiple adulterous choices, you speak as if it is something for a claimed Christian to be proud of, you give the evangelical vote a pass for putting a (known) habitual sinner in The White House yet you crucify the author of the article. That's pretty rich, brutha.
Blessed are the adulterers for they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven & the 72 virgins. LOFL ........

And you automatically consider a person guilty if you just don't like them. You summarily and arrogantly claim another person is a 'habitual sinner' with shit you make up out of whole cloth. I ain't your brutha.

And....You oughta check out your own signature......"The various attempts by Trump to obstruct the SC Mueller investigation are documented within Volume II, pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" There are no pages 227-368 in Volume II of the PDF you posted. It ends at 180.

So, how many attempts at a wedding vow does one require, that is as far as the scriptures contained within the Gospel? How many times does the Gospel direct man to cheat on a wife, or husband? I would think that within the context of scripture Trump would most certainly qualify as a 'habitual adulterer' which is likely about as bad as a 'habitual sinner' may become. Just a thought.

My signature is a road map for lazy ass bastards that try & discuss the Mueller report without actually having read it. I thought I could offer the lazy bastards a road map to learn something about the subject. There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth, stuff a 'real' Christian does. Just kidding.

Part of your signature is a LIE. I already TOLD you....There is NO Volume II pages 227-368. Yet you continue to obfuscate with such idiotic responses like: "There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth" It really looks like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. BTW the claim is 'obstructing justice' not obstruction of the truth and, in any case, Mueller's report does not prove it.

And....Now we have CADDO's response.....a 'funny face' looks like I win again...:113:
They've made their priorities pretty clear, that's for sure, and the Big Fella doesn't appear to be #1.

Serving two masters & relegating #1 to the junk room is apparently a Republican family value.
So, how many attempts at a wedding vow does one require, that is as far as the scriptures contained within the Gospel? How many times does the Gospel direct humans to cheat on a wife, or husband? I would think that within the context of scripture Trump would most certainly qualify as a 'habitual adulterer' which is likely about as bad as a 'habitual sinner' may become. Just a thought.

My signature is a road map for lazy ass bastards that try & discuss the Mueller report without actually having read it. I thought I could offer the lazy bastards a road map to learn something about the subject. There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth, stuff a 'real' Christian does. Just kidding.

Our liberal friends have become such born again prudes. They weren't offended by the Clinton family and all of their rapes, sexual harassments, etc., but now the very thought of the D-word, "Divorce" , just gives them fainting spells.
So, you make excuses for Trump's multiple adulterous choices, you speak as if it is something for a claimed Christian to be proud of, you give the evangelical vote a pass for putting a (known) habitual sinner in The White House yet you crucify the author of the article. That's pretty rich, brutha.
Blessed are the adulterers for they shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven & the 72 virgins. LOFL ........

And you automatically consider a person guilty if you just don't like them. You summarily and arrogantly claim another person is a 'habitual sinner' with shit you make up out of whole cloth. I ain't your brutha.

And....You oughta check out your own signature......"The various attempts by Trump to obstruct the SC Mueller investigation are documented within Volume II, pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" There are no pages 227-368 in Volume II of the PDF you posted. It ends at 180.

So, how many attempts at a wedding vow does one require, that is as far as the scriptures contained within the Gospel? How many times does the Gospel direct man to cheat on a wife, or husband? I would think that within the context of scripture Trump would most certainly qualify as a 'habitual adulterer' which is likely about as bad as a 'habitual sinner' may become. Just a thought.

My signature is a road map for lazy ass bastards that try & discuss the Mueller report without actually having read it. I thought I could offer the lazy bastards a road map to learn something about the subject. There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth, stuff a 'real' Christian does. Just kidding.

Everyone sins. It's part of human nature......UNLESS people like YOU decide to lower moral standards. Morals and values are an ideal but some 'lazy ass' idiots do not want to put forth the effort and would rather make up their own set of morals and values.

Part of your signature is a LIE. I already TOLD you....There is NO Volume II pages 227-368. Yet you continue to obfuscate with such idiotic responses like: "There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth" It really looks like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. BTW the claim is 'obstructing justice' not obstruction of the truth and, in any case, Mueller's report does not prove it.

Like I stated, my signature in the context of the information provided concerning the Mueller report is a road map; apparently you suck at orienteering.
So, how many attempts at a wedding vow does one require, that is as far as the scriptures contained within the Gospel? How many times does the Gospel direct humans to cheat on a wife, or husband? I would think that within the context of scripture Trump would most certainly qualify as a 'habitual adulterer' which is likely about as bad as a 'habitual sinner' may become. Just a thought.

My signature is a road map for lazy ass bastards that try & discuss the Mueller report without actually having read it. I thought I could offer the lazy bastards a road map to learn something about the subject. There is the link, the pages that document Trump's multiple attempts to obstruct, the lies, the covering up of the truth, stuff a 'real' Christian does. Just kidding.

Our liberal friends have become such born again prudes. They weren't offended by the Clinton family and all of their rapes, sexual harassments, etc., but now the very thought of the D-word, "Divorce" , just gives them fainting spells.

You obviously missed the entire point of the article referenced in the OP, and any following conversation.
They've made their priorities pretty clear, that's for sure, and the Big Fella doesn't appear to be #1.

Serving two masters & relegating #1 to the junk room is apparently a Republican family value.

Apparently, you haven't heard what President Trump has said favorably about Almighty God.

I have heard more than I care to hear; Trump says he doesn't like to ask for forgiveness from God.
That sounds very Christian like; huh? LOFL ..................

Like I stated, my signature in the context of the information provided concerning the Mueller report is a road map; apparently you suck at orienteering.

Blub, Blub, Blah, Blah, "signature in context" just who the fuck do you think you're kidding "KID?" Post those exact pages you CLAIM are in volume II in the PDF YOU posted a link to. I looked and, as I already schooled you, volume II only goes to page 180. Where are the missing pages? Or did you just make that up out of nothing like your entire OP?
Like I stated, my signature in the context of the information provided concerning the Mueller report is a road map; apparently you suck at orienteering.

Blub, Blub, Blah, Blah, "signature in context" just who the fuck do you think you're kidding "KID?" Post those exact pages you CLAIM are in volume II in the PDF YOU posted a link to. I looked and, as I already schooled you, volume II only goes to page 180. Where are the missing pages? Or did you just make that up out of nothing like your entire OP?

"pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" means EXACTLY what it states.

There is a PDF page counter in the upper left corner of the PDF.

Do you need a first grade tutorial on how to use it?
We will never know, will we? Because hypocritical CRCs chose "grab 'em by the pussy" donnie. This was YOUR one else's.
Tell us who was going to get elected. Really! The minimal thing he has done is delay your takeover. You guys do not even know right from wrong. Which is why when you do, the killing and maiming and anarchy you are renowned for is going to bring happiness to me. You are the greatest vengeance people ever. But you must remove all of the power families of all political ways in all of the areas of our nation to achieve your goals. And you ain't started yet. Kicking Christians azzes in protesting and dragging old people out of cars is getting old. Other protesters against you need to up their game and they have not.
We will never know, will we? CRCs sold themselves to fat donnie. The choice was yours.....and we all see, out of all the Republicans...who you chose.
------------------------------------ lets just hope that we choose him again Bode !!
I'm sure you will welcome any cheating or Russian support.

President Trump has already made it clear with President Putin that he wants "no meddling" in 2020
---------------------------------------- yep , I saw and heard the TRUMP tell Putin to not meddle about a week ago on TV . They were at some kinda meeting , was it the G20 ??
Like I stated, my signature in the context of the information provided concerning the Mueller report is a road map; apparently you suck at orienteering.

Blub, Blub, Blah, Blah, "signature in context" just who the fuck do you think you're kidding "KID?" Post those exact pages you CLAIM are in volume II in the PDF YOU posted a link to. I looked and, as I already schooled you, volume II only goes to page 180. Where are the missing pages? Or did you just make that up out of nothing like your entire OP?

"pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" means EXACTLY what it states.

There is a PDF page counter in the upper left corner of the PDF.

Do you need a first grade tutorial on how to use it?
Still kicking that dead horse, huh? :auiqs.jpg:
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

They should have voted for Bitchlary?
Like I stated, my signature in the context of the information provided concerning the Mueller report is a road map; apparently you suck at orienteering.

Blub, Blub, Blah, Blah, "signature in context" just who the fuck do you think you're kidding "KID?" Post those exact pages you CLAIM are in volume II in the PDF YOU posted a link to. I looked and, as I already schooled you, volume II only goes to page 180. Where are the missing pages? Or did you just make that up out of nothing like your entire OP?

"pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" means EXACTLY what it states.

There is a PDF page counter in the upper left corner of the PDF.

Do you need a first grade tutorial on how to use it?

OK, you could have said that before instead of obfuscating where there was no need. I assume you didn't know the pages of the report were numbered separately. Page 227 of the numbered PDF pages is actually page 15 of the actual report. You could have told me that but instead you chose to insult. In any case, show me one place in those pages, that proves anything like obstruction because I can't find anything but speculation. Not even Mueller could find it which is why he said he could not find evidence that the President did not obstruct. That is tantamount to being guilty before being proven innocent. And Democrat butt-suckers just swallow that shit like mother's milk. Tell you what, now that we have the correct pages post just ONE instance that PROVES Trump guilty.
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The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

They should have voted for Bitchlary?

I think the premise of the article attached in the OP is about how the GOP has perverted religion, or more specifically Christianity, to attain & maintain political power in the US.

I'm not so sure it has any other overriding message but hey ..........
Like I stated, my signature in the context of the information provided concerning the Mueller report is a road map; apparently you suck at orienteering.

Blub, Blub, Blah, Blah, "signature in context" just who the fuck do you think you're kidding "KID?" Post those exact pages you CLAIM are in volume II in the PDF YOU posted a link to. I looked and, as I already schooled you, volume II only goes to page 180. Where are the missing pages? Or did you just make that up out of nothing like your entire OP?

"pages 227 - 368 of the PDF" means EXACTLY what it states.

There is a PDF page counter in the upper left corner of the PDF.

Do you need a first grade tutorial on how to use it?

OK, you could have said that before instead of obfuscating where there was no need. Show me one place that proves anything like obstruction on those PDF page numbers because I can't find anything but speculation. Not even Mueller could find it which is why he said he could not find evidence that the President did not obstruct. That is tantamount to being guilty before being proven innocent. And Democrat butt-suckers just swallow that shit like mother's milk. Tell you what, now that we have the correct pages post just ONE instance that PROVES Trump guilty.

Words do have meaning but some folks don't get that.

When I spent years in the church I didn't ask everyone else to read scripture for me; I took the initiative to do it myself.

A similar lesson could be learned concerning any other text.

Try it some time.
The Last Temptation - The Atlantic - Pocket

One of the most extraordinary things about our current politics—really, one of the most extraordinary developments of recent political history—is the loyal adherence of religious conservatives to Donald Trump. The president won four-fifths of the votes of white evangelical Christians. This was a higher level of support than either Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush, an outspoken evangelical himself, ever received.

Trump’s background and beliefs could hardly be more incompatible with traditional Christian models of life and leadership. Trump’s past political stances (he once supported the right to partial-birth abortion), his character (he has bragged about sexually assaulting women), and even his language (he introduced the words pussy and shithole into presidential discourse) would more naturally lead religious conservatives toward exorcism than alliance. This is a man who has cruelly publicized his infidelities, made disturbing sexual comments about his elder daughter, and boasted about the size of his penis on the debate stage. His lawyer reportedly arranged a $130,000 payment to a porn star to dissuade her from disclosing an alleged affair. Yet religious conservatives who once blanched at PG-13 public standards now yawn at such NC-17 maneuvers. We are a long way from The Book of Virtues.

In January, following reports that Trump had referred to Haiti and African nations as “shithole countries,” Pastor Robert Jeffress came quickly to his defense. “Apart from the vocabulary attributed to him,” Jeffress wrote, “President Trump is right on target in his sentiment.” After reports emerged that Trump’s lawyer paid hush money to the porn star Stormy Daniels to cover up their alleged sexual encounter, Graham vouched for Trump’s “concern for Christian values.” Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, argued that Trump should be given a “mulligan” for his past infidelity. One can only imagine the explosion of outrage if President Barack Obama had been credibly accused of similar offenses.

The moral convictions of many evangelical leaders have become a function of their partisan identification. This is not mere gullibility; it is utter corruption. Blinded by political tribalism and hatred for their political opponents, these leaders can’t see how they are undermining the causes to which they once dedicated their lives. Little remains of a distinctly Christian public witness.


The GOP, the party that claimed Jesus for themselves & for a nation, have now ultimately defiled Christianity & Jesus, relegating their claimed 'savior' to nothing more than a political tool in their efforts to attain & retain political power.

And Jesus said to the evangelicals, "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

They should have voted for Bitchlary?

I think the premise of the article attached in the OP is about how the GOP has perverted religion, or more specifically Christianity, to attain & maintain political power in the US.

I'm not so sure it has any other overriding message but hey ..........

No, it is now and has always been an attempt to shame Christians into not voting at all.
It is now and has always been an illegitimate attack based on a complete lack of knowledge.

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