The last friend of Putin

The downfall from G8 chairman to a friend of the poorest African beggars is amazing

Crooked Donnie is still his BFF
Compared to Biden, Putin is a saint. Smarter; better leader; and able to put a complete sentence together.

Putin transformed Russia to a prison ( read for example here by usage of the Google Translator)

, destroyed Russian industry, transformed Russia to the colony of China, additionally is a secret member of extremist Lubavitch Kassisi sect. He started a war where brothers kill each other.
Putin transformed Russia to a prison ( read for example here by usage of the Google Translator)

, destroyed Russian industry, transformed Russia to the colony of China, additionally is a secret member of extremist Lubavitch Kassisi sect. He started a war where brothers kill each other.
right ….
Not ulus but Khazarians, like Putin almost anyone around him is a Khazarian Ashkenazi

Chinese academic Deng Xize : "No more Mongol-Muscovy style empire: Thoughts on the war in Ukraine, The global reaction to the war in Ukraine in fact shows that such empires will no longer be tolerated."​

The Mongol-Muscovy style empire could be defined as a dominating, rapacious empire upheld by violence, especially unruly violence, and exhibiting three prominent characteristics.
Putin transformed Russia to a prison ( read for example here by usage of the Google Translator)

, destroyed Russian industry, transformed Russia to the colony of China, additionally is a secret member of extremist Lubavitch Kassisi sect. He started a war where brothers kill each other.
Putin restored Russia from the basket case it was under Yeltsin who allowed the US Corporate jackals to rape the Country, and YOU can't stand it.

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