The Laser Beam 1,000 Times as Powerful as the U.S.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2011
sw mizzouri
For all the heady talk about the misleadingly “deific,” recently confirmed quantum specks named after a Scottish physicist, another kind of historic event has transpired: in a shot fired on July 5, a record-shattering laser beam generated more power than the U.S. does at any single instant.

Read more: Powerful Laser Shot Offers Hope for Self-Sustaining Energy | Techland |

And while electricity produced by sustained, controlled fusion reactions may not be commercially viable, well, ever, depending on who you talk to — some say 30 to 40 years; others say indefinitely, given the technical challenges of putting star stuff in a container — the July 5 laser shot appears to be a major step forward.

“NIF is becoming everything scientists planned when it was conceived over two decades ago,” said NIF director Edward Moses of the July 5 shot. In January 2012, Moses predicted that fusion ignition would happen “in the next 6 to 18 months.”

Read more: Powerful Laser Shot Offers Hope for Self-Sustaining Energy | Techland |
Now dem Chinamens got ray guns...
China Has Started Shooting Drones Down with “Laser Beams”
November 3, 2014 ~ Something tells me that China may have put Dr. Evil in charge of drone control as the country has now started shooting drones down with lasers. And no, I’m not kidding.. China has today revealed its first anti-drone laser weapon which can bring down a drone in a matter of seconds after locating the target. Crikey.
Following close in the footsteps of the US Military, China has now revealed that they’ve created a system to accurately locate and eradicate drones using laser beams. How futuristic! According to state media, the system can bring down a drone within five seconds of locating the target and is operable within a 1.2 mile radius of the system.


The system is designed for drones flying at a particular altitude and speed (1600 feet and just over 100mpg), putting most military drones within the striking distance of the device. China showed off the system in its first public test where Chinese officials used the laser to shoot down around 30 drones.

I’m not overly familiar with drones and the way the military deal with them, but according to reports lasers are becoming the chosen tactic to bring down less manoeuvrable drones like the Predator. Using a concentrated laser on the target is a more accurate way to take down a drown taking any risk away from miss-fires or stray bullets going god knows where. Let’s just hope China doesn’t decide to strap them to sharks, eh?
For all the heady talk about the misleadingly “deific,” recently confirmed quantum specks named after a Scottish physicist, another kind of historic event has transpired: in a shot fired on July 5, a record-shattering laser beam generated more power than the U.S. does at any single instant.

Read more: Powerful Laser Shot Offers Hope for Self-Sustaining Energy | Techland |

And while electricity produced by sustained, controlled fusion reactions may not be commercially viable, well, ever, depending on who you talk to — some say 30 to 40 years; others say indefinitely, given the technical challenges of putting star stuff in a container — the July 5 laser shot appears to be a major step forward.

“NIF is becoming everything scientists planned when it was conceived over two decades ago,” said NIF director Edward Moses of the July 5 shot. In January 2012, Moses predicted that fusion ignition would happen “in the next 6 to 18 months.”

Read more: Powerful Laser Shot Offers Hope for Self-Sustaining Energy | Techland |

"If only to see a five gigawatt laser fire - just once!"

"That would be nice."

"Uh, what would ya use that for?"

"Making enormous swiss cheese?"

Our tax dollars as work. Making new devices for cutting the cheese. :)

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