The Koran's "Mohammad" Must Be The Devil...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
With what is say's here, that "suicide" is not without the influence from the devil, then all these suicide bombers claiming they are commanded to kill themselves and others by "Mohammad", then Mohammad must be the devil. That also makes the Koran and EVIL book.

What Does the Bible Say About Suicide?

"Do not be a fool--why die before your time?" (Ecclesiastes 7:17b)

Almost everyone would agree that life is the most precious gift that human beings have been given. Just the chance to be alive on this earth and play a part in the grand scheme of God's eternal plan is a privilege indeed. Yet, despite this, there are times when life becomes so difficult or unbearable that many have, at one time or another, wished they were dead or had never been born. For some, these feelings linger--and if they linger long enough, suicide seems to be the only escape. In fact, in the United States (and stats are similar in countries around the world) the suicide rate has tripled among teen and young adults in the past 40 years.

What does the Bible say about suicide? How does God view it? Do all those who kill themselves go to Hell?

Very few would argue with the fact that suicide is a direct breaking of the Sixth Commandment which is, "You shall not murder." We are not to murder each other or ourselves. God created human beings in His image and each of us carries within us the potential to overcome the evil in this world, and to rule and reign with Christ in heavenly places. If we are Christians, we no longer belong to ourselves, but to God. We are overseers of our bodies and our lives (which belong to Him), and we are responsible to guard that which has been entrusted to us.

Suicide is a grievous sin that seriously hurts both the heart of God, and those who loved the deceased. The pain of losing a loved one who took their own life is not easily healed, and often isn't fully healed until Heaven. Whether you are contemplating suicide or know someone who killed themselves, God wants you to know there is hope and life for you. He is the great Healer and Restorer of what has been lost or stolen.

Many of the greatest saints and heroes of the Bible faced overwhelming depression and sometimes wrote that they wished they had never even been born. King David, (Psalm 13:2-4), the prophet Jeremiah, (Jeremiah 20:14-18), and Job, (Job 7:15-16) among others, all reached low points where they despaired of their very lives.

Job says, "So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than my life. I loathe it; I would not live alway: let me alone; for my days are vanity" (Job 7:15-16).

Yet, each one of these men were blessed of God, and persevered through their trials as an example to us. Though they faced great suffering and injustice, they kept their faith in God and His goodness, and in so doing, were sustained and led into abundant life.

Though we may get depressed from time to time, we believe that the act of suicide never takes place apart from demonic influences driving one to take their own life. Suicide is directly counter to the power of life that God has put so strongly into His creation. Everywhere we look we see life growing, even in the most hostile environments. This "survival instinct" is a gift from God. In fact, if He didn't bestow this gift upon His creation there probably wouldn't be any life on this planet at all! Suicide, then, is directly contrary to the will of God, and originated in the realm of the demonic host, who come only to "steal, and to kill, and to destroy" (John 10:10). Though demons may try to tempt us to kill ourselves, as Christians we have power over the devil and he cannot push us to do this if we sincerely call on the name of the Lord!

We are all in a spiritual battle. The problem is, many of us are not aware of it, and do not know how to protect ourselves against attack.

Do all those who kill themselves go to Hell?

Some people believe that all who commit suicide go immediately to Hell. However, the Bible never says if this is the case. The Bible is silent on this issue. God probably did not address it in black in white for a good reason. If we knew that we would still go to Heaven if we killed ourselves, there would probably be a lot more suicides taking place than there already are. However, if we knew that all who killed themselves were automatically banished to Hell, no matter what their situation, it may be too much for the grief-stricken family and friends to bear. Murder and suicide are not unpardonable sins. The only unforgivable sins are rejecting Christ (Mark 16:16) and blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

(Mark 3:28-29 KJV) Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

All other sins can be forgiven. However, anyone contemplating suicide may be in danger of going to Hell, as their relationship with the Lord is not intact at that point. Those who would consider suicide may have a severed relationship with Christ and therefore they would enter the real Hell--which is worse than the hellish feelings they are experiencing at the moment.

It is so important to remember that God judges each of us individually, weighing all the factors of our lives, our beliefs and our motives. Each one of us is so intricate and complex, only God could really judge us in total truth, wisdom, and without favoritism. The most important truth of all, is that each one of us will stand before His throne and give account of our lives. If we lived intimately with this sobering truth, much of the sin in the church and the world, would immediately be stopped.

If you are contemplating suicide and are relying on God's grace to get you to heaven, PLEASE stop for a moment....God's grace never means that we have a free license to sin! Those who willfully sin after knowing God's grace, are in far greater danger than those who know less. Though you may feel that God is far from you right now, He is much nearer than you think. He may even be speaking to you through these words! Please open your ears and hear Him tell you how valuable your life is. You are needed on this earth and the purpose for your life has not yet been fulfilled. God loves you, and so do many people around you! God would not be God if He could not work this situation (no matter how unbearable it may seem) for His glory and for the good in your own life.

Depression is often anger, and a host of other emotions that have turned inward and become frozen. If you are carrying anger, resentment, bitterness, unforgiveness, frustration, jealousy, despair, worthlessness, hopelessness, fearfulness, vengeance and/or self-pity in your heart, you can turn these things over to God and begin to receive your healing right now, in faith. If you don't know how to let them go, confess it to God and ask for His help in releasing it to Him. No one can overcome these things by themselves. We all need the power of God to set us free from sinful and hopeless ways of thinking. That is why the Bible tells us that we must be "transformed, by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2)." The Holy Spirit is the only One who can help us break free and be healed of these deadly emotions.

Just as ailments in our physical body need to be treated with medicine to be healed, the same is true of our emotions. One powerful way to fight against depression, is to apply and confess God's Word as a healing balm to the places where you have been wounded. For instance, if you have unforgiveness in your heart, begin to confess God's verses for love and forgiveness, even if they don't exactly feel true right at the moment. If you feel worthless, confess the Scriptures of God's great love for you. A rote, mechanical repeating of words may not do much, but if you deliberately take these living words and hold on to them for dear life, you will have the enemy on the run. The devil simply cannot stand against the Word of God spoken in faith. God's Words are like spiritual antibiotics, destroying every germ and unclean thing in their path.
In fairness to Mohammed, I believe his strictures
against suicide are as vehement as those in the Bible.

The modern-day terrorist suicide bombers must have
some scriptural citations and interpretations which
they feel absolves them. I do not know what these
mught be, though; perhaps someone else here can fill us in.
USViking said:
In fairness to Mohammed, I believe his strictures
against suicide are as vehement as those in the Bible.

You should really check into something before you make a claim that might expose you as someone who really doesn't know what you're talking about. Let me show you how wrong you are...

Fundamentalists are those who want to apply the more extreme verses of the Koran to the letter. These verses came to Muhammad after he was strong militarily and after he realized that the Christians and Jews were not becoming followers of his new religion. Muhammad's anger in the following Koranic verses, which abrogate the nice verses in the Koran, is the root of violence which saturates and captures the minds of these fundamentalist Muslims:

The Prophet Muhammad urges Muslims to fight in the cause of Allah "O prophet Muhammad urge the believers (Muslims) to fight" (Surat Al-Anfal 8:65).

"Jihad (holy fighting in Allah's cause) is ordained for you" (Surat Al-Baqarah 2:216).

The Koran commands Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians "O ye who believe (Muslims) take not the Jews or the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them" (Surat Al-Maidah 5:51).

The Koran commands Muslims to fight Jews and Christians' Fight against those who believe not in Allah, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued" (Surah At-Taubah 9:29).

Jizyah is a special high tax to be paid only by Jews or Christians who do not want to renounce their religion and convert to Islam.

The Koran commands Muslims to fight non-Muslims until they exterminate all other religions and Islam would be the only religion in the world. "And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against As-Zatimun (the polytheists and wrong doers)" (Surat Al-Baqarah 2:193).

This verse is mentioned also in Surat Al-Anfal 8:39. Because of the misunderstanding and ignorance of Christianity, Muslims believe that Christians are polytheists, because they believe in a Triune God. Fundamentalists look at Jews and Christians and all non-Muslims as infidels who must be killed because they have no value as human beings and must be exterminated from the face of the earth.

Fundamentalists divide the world into two camps, Dar Al-Harb (Camp of war) where Jews and Christians live, and Dar Al-Sallam (Camp of peace) where Muslims live. They believe that Holy war against those who live in the camp of war should continue until they are exterminated.

Fundamentalists dream of a global Islamic empire. They believe that if they destroy America and the western countries, that they will achieve this dream.

The Koran declares that Muslims who fight and die in battle are promised forgiveness and a sensual luxurious life in Paradise. "And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that they amass (of worldly wealth)" (Surat Al-Imran 3:157). "Verily, Allah has purchased of the believers their lives and their properties for (the price) that theirs shall be the Paradise. They fight in Allah's Cause, so they kill (others) and are killed. It is a promise in truth which is binding on Him" (Surat At-Taubah 9:111).

What can martyrs expect in paradise? The Koran describes life in paradise in the following words: "Eat and drink with happiness because of what you used to do. They will recline (with ease) on thrones arranged in ranks. And We shall marry them to Hur (fair females) with wide lovely eyes. And We shall provide them with fruit and meat such as they desire" (Surat At-Tur 52:17-20,22).

"Water flowing constantly and fruit in plenty whose supply is not cut off and reclining on couches raised high, verily we have created them (women) of special creation and made them virgins of equal age" (Surat Al-Waqiah 56:31-37).

"Gardens and vineyards and young full-breasted virgins of equal age and a full cup of wine" (Surat An-Naba 78:32-34).

Some prominent Muslim clerics call the suicide bombers martyrs because in the Koran, a martyr is guaranteed total forgiveness of his sins and eternal life in paradise where he can drink wine and will be married to a great number of beautiful sensual virgins. While in fact, these martyrs are nothing more than murderers.

Nineteen educated Muslims committed suicide and killed thousands of innocent men, women and children in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and the four planes they flew on that black Tuesday. Those nineteen Muslims did that because of their deep conviction that they will go directly to paradise to enjoy sensual pleasures, and because of their terrible hatred for America; a country populated by a Christian majority.

Muhammad Atta, who flew the first plane into the World Trade Center, was a devout Muslim. He was born in Egypt to a lawyer and was a highly intelligent person who communicated with ease with children, old men, professors and people in government. As a student in Germany he was known to be quiet, and very religious. Atta regularly prayed on the floor of his office and founded an Islamic prayer and study group at the University in January 1999.

Atta lived and moved easily in Western society while secretly hating it. He was a man on a mission and on the front of his thesis, presented in October 1999, he wrote the following verse from the Koran: "My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death belong to Allah, the Lord of the worlds" (Washington Post 09/22/01). The West needs to know that many other Muhammad Attas may quietly be living amongst us.

The Koran commands Muslims to terrorize and torture and kill anyone who disobeys Allah and the Prophet Muhammad: "(Remember) when your Lord revealed to the angels, "Verily I am with you, so keep firm those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who have disbelieved, so strike them over the necks and smite over all their fingers and toes. This is because they defied and disobeyed Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad). And whoever defies and disobeys Allah and His Messenger, them verily, Allah is Severe in punishment. This is (the torment), so taste it; and surely, for the disbelievers is the torment of the Fire" (Surat Al-Anfal 8:12-14).

"The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter" (Surat Al-Maidah 5:33).

The Koran declares that Allah loves those who fight in His cause. "Verily, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in rows as if they were solid structures" (Surat As-Saff 61:4).

The Koran commands Muslims to convert non-Muslims to Islam by force. "Kill the Mushrikun (polytheists, Christians and non-Muslims), wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But, if they repent and perform As-salat (public prayer with Muslims) and give Zakat (Islamic alms), then leave their way free. Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful" (Surat At-Taubah 9:5).

Mathematician Blas Pascal who lived in 1670 said, "Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." The heart of man is naturally evil. You can ignite that evil with religious gasoline. The Koran's verses ignited that evil in the hearts of those terrorists and will ignite evil in many more Muslims' hearts.

While violence committed by militant Muslims is sanctioned and commanded by the Koran, any atrocities committed by Christians were never sanctioned by the New Testament commandments. For Jesus Christ commanded His apostle Peter, "Put your sword in its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword" (Matthew 26:52).
And here's what I think of the Koran. To bad the toilet isn't filled with PIG'S BLOOD.

I was reading an article on Islam for class today, and came upon the fact that when Mohammed recieved the instructions from the angel, he believed it was an angel of Hell. But eventually his wife convinced him otherwise, and they went on to spread Islam throughout the Middle East.

Just some food for thought.
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USViking said:
In fairness to Mohammed, I believe his strictures
against suicide are as vehement as those in the Bible.

The modern-day terrorist suicide bombers must have
some scriptural citations and interpretations which
they feel absolves them. I do not know what these
mught be, though; perhaps someone else here can fill us in.

It's called perverting "dying in the service of Allah."
theim said:
I was reading an article on Islam for class today, and came upon the fact that when Mohammed recieved the instructions from the angel, he believed it was an angel of Hell. But eventually his wife convinced him otherwise, and they went on to spread Islam throughout the Middle East.

Just some food for thought.

I didn't know that. Thanks theim. I must be on to something...
Pale Rider said:
I didn't know that. Thanks theim. I must be on to something...

It's always the woman's fault...:rolleyes: :laugh: even with the most evil parts of Islam...
"Fundamentalists divide the world into two camps, Dar Al-Harb (Camp of war) where Jews and Christians live, and Dar Al-Sallam (Camp of peace) where Muslims live. They believe that Holy war against those who live in the camp of war should continue until they are exterminated."

Yet it is their homeland that has been, is and will continue to be the land of war.

North America has not seen a war for some long time now. Christians, mostly live in relative peace with one another. Europe, since the 40's,

And the muslims are killing each other, as well as others.

They are so emotionally based, they cant see the truth if it crawled up their ass and bit them.

Fact is, Islam is a tool of satan. Their prophet is a joke. He only came up with his idea of creating the Koran to unite arabs, cuz the Jews and Christians, his enemies, both had a religion that had one God, and that theology united them. The arabs, untill mohamed came along, had many gods, and different arabs worshipped different gods, and that created disunity and warring between them, a sure recipe for losing to the Christians and Jews.
LuvRPgrl said:
"Fundamentalists divide the world into two camps, Dar Al-Harb (Camp of war) where Jews and Christians live, and Dar Al-Sallam (Camp of peace) where Muslims live. They believe that Holy war against those who live in the camp of war should continue until they are exterminated."

Yet it is their homeland that has been, is and will continue to be the land of war.

North America has not seen a war for some long time now. Christians, mostly live in relative peace with one another. Europe, since the 40's,
not sure how you get here. Did you miss Korea and Vietnam? Bay of Pigs? Iran Contra? Bosnia? Palestine?
And the muslims are killing each other, as well as others.

They are so emotionally based, they cant see the truth if it crawled up their ass and bit them.

Fact is, Islam is a tool of satan. Their prophet is a joke. He only came up with his idea of creating the Koran to unite arabs, cuz the Jews and Christians, his enemies, both had a religion that had one God, and that theology united them. The arabs, untill mohamed came along, had many gods, and different arabs worshipped different gods, and that created disunity and warring between them, a sure recipe for losing to the Christians and Jews.
Well until Abraham so did the 'Israelites' have more than one god. I'm not defending Islam, not by a long shot, but fail to see where this is an argument.
Pale Rider said:
You should really check into something before you make a claim that might expose you as someone who really doesn't know what you're talking about. Let me show you how wrong you are...

I do not make claims I am not confident I can back up,
and I am usually able to do so, and I can do so in this case:, neither the Judaic nor Christian parts

(from the link):
"And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you". (Surah An-Nisa Verse 29)

"And do not throw yourselves in destruction". (Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 195)
Martyrdom arising from death in battle is of course not suicide.

I am no friend of Islam, as anyone familiar with my posts
can tell you, and the main reason is that many observant
Muslims and Muslim scholars accept and somehow rationalize
the crime of suicide bombing.

How they can do so in view of the scripture I have cited
is something I would like to know.
Kathianne said:
not sure how you get here. Did you miss Korea and Vietnam? Bay of Pigs? Iran Contra? Bosnia? Palestine?]

Were those Christian countries attacking Christian countries? And most of those were quite some time ago, half a century. Saddam attacked Kuwait, when? I need more info on Iran Contra, but wasnt that a political struggle?

Isnt the palistinian issue based in the Middle east.

Kathianne said:
Kathianne said:
Well until Abraham so did the 'Israelites' have more than one god. I'm not defending Islam, not by a long shot, but fail to see where this is an argument.

Yea, but until Abraham, the Jews were not united, and were not a force to reckon with. After that, their having only one God, was seen by Mohammed, as an excellent tool for creating cohesion for the people.

So, simply follow the time line. Jews are not united or a strong force, they also worship many gods. Jews start worshipping one God, become united, and become a force to deal with

Christians worship one God, they are united, and a force to reckon with.

Some several hundred years later, Mohammed strolls onto the scene, he sees a united Jewish nation, and what it has done for them, a united Christian movement, and what it has done for them, and a disunited arab peoples, and he sees the need for a worshipping of ONE god for them to become united and stronger. Hence, he "creates" the Koran.

The Koran is a joke. It takes the Jewish and Christian Bible(s) and accepts them, except a few very convienent verses, which it changes so that arabs are in fact the superior race, and Jews and Christians are following a false religion. They claim the Jews falsified those verses, yet they have not ONE SHRED of proof that the Jews falsified them.

That accusation is as credible as any of the obviously false accusations they make today. And you can see the arabs believe the false accusations they make. Take the accidental bomb explosion in a crowd recently. The arabs accused either or the Jews and or the US for it. Turns out it was an Al quiada bomb, yet the arabs believed the lying version immediately without question.

They have film of a funeral, where the dead guy falls off what they are carrying him on, and he gets back up on it. hahhaha, a US drone plane caught that on film. They didnt realize they were being filmed. Yet the "death" of this person was used to enflame anti Israeli/US feelings among arabs.
USViking said:
I do not make claims I am not confident I can back up,
and I am usually able to do so, and I can do so in this case:, neither the Judaic nor Christian parts

(from the link):

Martyrdom arising from death in battle is of course not suicide.

I am no friend of Islam, as anyone familiar with my posts
can tell you, and the main reason is that many observant
Muslims and Muslim scholars accept and somehow rationalize
the crime of suicide bombing.

How they can do so in view of the scripture I have cited
is something I would like to know.

Hmmm.... the difference between martyrdom and suicide being exactly what?

Regardless, as I stated previously, you have a bunch of religious zealots twisting the words of the Koran to fit their actions.

Something is lost between "martyrdom arising from death in battle" and deliberately blowing yourself up at a wedding party in order to murder a bunch of noncombatants.
LuvRPgrl said:
Were those Christian countries attacking Christian countries? And most of those were quite some time ago, half a century. Saddam attacked Kuwait, when? I need more info on Iran Contra, but wasnt that a political struggle?

Isnt the palistinian issue based in the Middle east.
:wtf: What are you babbling about? How do you get there from here?
Yea, but until Abraham, the Jews were not united, and were not a force to reckon with. After that, their having only one God, was seen by Mohammed, as an excellent tool for creating cohesion for the people.

So, simply follow the time line. Jews are not united or a strong force, they also worship many gods. Jews start worshipping one God, become united, and become a force to deal with

Christians worship one God, they are united, and a force to reckon with.

Some several hundred years later, Mohammed strolls onto the scene, he sees a united Jewish nation, and what it has done for them, a united Christian movement, and what it has done for them, and a disunited arab peoples, and he sees the need for a worshipping of ONE god for them to become united and stronger. Hence, he "creates" the Koran.
So we have Mohammed to thank for Christianity? Judaism? What are you speaking of?
The Koran is a joke. It takes the Jewish and Christian Bible(s) and accepts them, except a few very convienent verses, which it changes so that arabs are in fact the superior race, and Jews and Christians are following a false religion. They claim the Jews falsified those verses, yet they have not ONE SHRED of proof that the Jews falsified them.

That accusation is as credible as any of the obviously false accusations they make today. And you can see the arabs believe the false accusations they make. Take the accidental bomb explosion in a crowd recently. The arabs accused either or the Jews and or the US for it. Turns out it was an Al quiada bomb, yet the arabs believed the lying version immediately without question.

They have film of a funeral, where the dead guy falls off what they are carrying him on, and he gets back up on it. hahhaha, a US drone plane caught that on film. They didnt realize they were being filmed. Yet the "death" of this person was used to enflame anti Israeli/US feelings among arabs.

Do you have some links to what you are posting of?
USViking said:
I do not make claims I am not confident I can back up,
and I am usually able to do so, and I can do so in this case:, neither the Judaic nor Christian parts

(from the link):

Martyrdom arising from death in battle is of course not suicide.

I am no friend of Islam, as anyone familiar with my posts
can tell you, and the main reason is that many observant
Muslims and Muslim scholars accept and somehow rationalize
the crime of suicide bombing.

How they can do so in view of the scripture I have cited
is something I would like to know.

I'm not speaking of Allah. I'm speaking of Mahammad, and how he closely resembles the devil. I think I've made my point.

And there is more than one way to become a "martyr". "Suicide" is surely NOT one of them, but only to a muslim.

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