The Kind of America Democrats Want


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Orwell’s 1984 was meant to be a warning. The Left are using it as a playbook.

"The president needs to prove his innocence.

"Surprisingly, hearsay evidence is actually better than direct, first-hand evidence.

"The purpose of impeaching Trump is to make sure he does not get re-elected. The Democrats are openly admitting this. See also here.

"Also, President Trump is being impeached because he tried to 'wrest control' of U.S. foreign policy from 'seasoned diplomats.' (see the second item under the fold). Which is weird, you know, because diplomats, no matter how 'seasoned', are supposed to follow policy, not set it.

"The breath-taking arrogance of this last one is especially galling. The old common wisdom was that the 'Deep State' was just a kwazy konspiracy theory cooked up by kooky konservatives from their paranoid, delusional fantasies. But, upon further reflection, the Deep State is apparently the fourth branch of government, not mentioned in the US Constitution, but nevertheless real and necessary; a bulwark, if you will, that protects the perks, privileges and prerogatives of an unaccountable, bureaucratic elite against American citizens who have the insolence to believe that they're entitled to participate in constitutionally mandated elections."

Top Democrats Concede They're Losing The Impeachment Battle
Even while one Roman Emperor was deposed for another, the bureaucracy made sure the Empire was administered competently.

We're heading in that direction ourselves.

The Trump impeachment is the bureaucracy proving to the American people that they, not the American voters, have the right to decide our nation's policy.
The longer Trump is in office the happier I am that I voted for him. The "deep state" or "establishment" needs to be pushed back.
Hillary proved that she was above the law by not being prosecuted by the DOJ/FBI for her crimes.
The Bidens scammed $millions from Ukraine and Trump is a criminal for wanting to investigate BURISMA, WTF?
Since when is investigating a corrupt company like Burisma the same as investigating a political opponent?
2020 needs to be the "coup de gras" for the democrat's criminal enterprises.
Ya know . You can’t complain about hearsay when you prevent the actual witnesses from testifying and prevent the full transcripts release .

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