The Israeli propaganda machine


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Jan 6, 2007
Jonathan Cook
The Electronic Intifada
It sees. has gone into high gear in panic over tuning of the tide..
definitely these people are getting lots of overtime lately

21 July 2009
The passionate support for Israel expressed on talkback and comment sections of websites, internet chat forums, blogs, Twitter and Facebook may not be all that it seems.

Israel’s foreign ministry is reported to be establishing a special undercover team of paid workers whose job it will be to surf the internet 24 hours a day spreading positive news about Israel.

Internet-savvy Israeli youngsters, mainly recent graduates and demobilized soldiers with language skills, are being recruited to pose as ordinary surfers while they provide the government’s line on the Middle East conflict.
Umm, why is Israel's propaganda so disturbing to alleged Americans? Does anybody give a damn that Al Gore sold his propaganda machine to Al-Jazzera and A.J. is part of the American left wing propaganda machine? Freaking Media Matters is a tax exempt propaganda arm of the American radical left.
A Stupid antisemite finds an article at a terrorist-support website and posts it here.

What else is new?

Who needs tricks when posters such as yourself have iQs under 80?

An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[1]), short for argumentum ad hominem, means responding to arguments by attacking a person's character, rather than to the content of their arguments

You have made no argument.

All you have done is post materials from a pro-terrorist website named after campaigns to kill as many Jews as possible.

Intelligent people consider the source. Stupid ones do not.
The Silicon Sentinels

Why do we care about sharing YouTube videos unless there's something significant going on about the media's distribution of politics colloquialization images?

Maybe capitalism and the Internet (i.e., eTrade) is making a new kind of 'social dialogue.' Otherwise, this could be offensive. You don't hear Germania sympathizers posting things like, "The Holocaust was a freedom-fighter movement."

The recent successes (and dramas) of BP (British Petroleum) offers the West an economic way to compete (and negotiate) with OPEC and the Middle East over the modern free market.

Isn't it possible that travel/tourism is the new negotiation vehicle? Terrorism-fraught areas such as Kashmir and Tel Aviv are hardly tourism hot-spots, but maybe Internet images can at least spread a word of 'generic optimism.'


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