The Islamists Among Us


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Freedom is memorialized in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. For most of us, it doesn’t end there. We expect to find freedom, in all of its forms, throughout our society.

2. Embattled today, our freedom of speech is attacked from both without and within….

3. “Many in our media claim to be self-censoring out of sensitivity to religious feelings, but that claim is repeatedly undercut by their willingness to mock and criticize religions other than Islam. As British comedian Ben Elton observed: “The BBC will let vicar gags pass, but they would not let imam gags pass.” Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

4. President OBAMA HAS SUPPORTED THIS SUBTLE ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH: “A first indication of this came in President Obama’s Cairo speech in 2009, when he declared that he has a responsibility to “fight against negative stereotypes of Islam whenever they appear.” Then in July of last year in Istanbul, Secretary of State Clinton co-chaired—with the OIC—a “High-Level Meeting on Combating Religious Intolerance.” There, Mrs. Clinton announced another conference with the OIC, this one in Washington, to “exchange ideas” and discuss “implementation” measures our government might take to combat negative stereotyping of Islam.” Ibid.

a. “The encroachment of de facto blasphemy restrictions in the West threatens free speech and the free exchange of ideas.” Ibid.

5. The same “Islamist” thinking and behavior is exhibited by the Left in our nation.

a. “On Friday morning, HuffPost blogger Krystal Ball called for a boycott of companies that sponsor the Limbaugh show. Participating Twitter users are rallying around the hashtag #BoycottRush, and two Facebook pages calling for a boycott had garnered more than 18,000 and 6,000 Likes by Saturday morning.” Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

b. “An advertising boycott against Fox News host Glenn Beck has succeeded in keeping most major sponsors from running commercials on his show even as the controversial commentator's viewership has grown.” UPDATED: As boycott continues, Glenn Beck's audience swells -

c. Van Jones’ organization engineered the firing of Pat Buchanan from MSNBC: “I'm writing to demand that you fire Pat Buchanan immediately. Buchanan has a long and consistent history of peddling white supremacist ideology as legitimate political commentary, on your network and elsewhere. He recently went on a white supremacist radio show to promote his new book -- which argues that increasing racial diversity is a threat to this country and will mean the "End of White America." | Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan

6. “The OIC’s charter commits it “to combat defamation of Islam.” Its current action plan calls for “deterrent punishments” to counter “Islamophobia.” In 2009, an official OIC organ, the “International Islamic Fiqh [Jurisprudence] Academy,” issued fatwas calling for speech bans, including “international legislation,” to protect “the interests and values of [Islamic] society.” Op.Cit.

a. How easily ‘the interests and value of a Progressive Society” fits the above.

b. "Nasr Abu-Zayd, a Muslim scholar driven out of Egypt: “Charges of apostasy and blasphemy are key weapons in the fundamentalists’ arsenal, strategically employed to prevent reform of Muslim societies, and instead confine the world’s Muslim population to a bleak, colourless prison of socio-cultural and political conformity.” Op. Cit.

This is the wish of the Left in America.
They do not wish a free and democratic society.

Don't be fooled: you are not standing up for Ms. Fluke- you are standing against freedom.
1. Freedom is memorialized in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. For most of us, it doesn’t end there. We expect to find freedom, in all of its forms, throughout our society.

2. Embattled today, our freedom of speech is attacked from both without and within….

3. “Many in our media claim to be self-censoring out of sensitivity to religious feelings, but that claim is repeatedly undercut by their willingness to mock and criticize religions other than Islam. As British comedian Ben Elton observed: “The BBC will let vicar gags pass, but they would not let imam gags pass.” Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

4. President OBAMA HAS SUPPORTED THIS SUBTLE ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH: “A first indication of this came in President Obama’s Cairo speech in 2009, when he declared that he has a responsibility to “fight against negative stereotypes of Islam whenever they appear.” Then in July of last year in Istanbul, Secretary of State Clinton co-chaired—with the OIC—a “High-Level Meeting on Combating Religious Intolerance.” There, Mrs. Clinton announced another conference with the OIC, this one in Washington, to “exchange ideas” and discuss “implementation” measures our government might take to combat negative stereotyping of Islam.” Ibid.

a. “The encroachment of de facto blasphemy restrictions in the West threatens free speech and the free exchange of ideas.” Ibid.

5. The same “Islamist” thinking and behavior is exhibited by the Left in our nation.

a. “On Friday morning, HuffPost blogger Krystal Ball called for a boycott of companies that sponsor the Limbaugh show. Participating Twitter users are rallying around the hashtag #BoycottRush, and two Facebook pages calling for a boycott had garnered more than 18,000 and 6,000 Likes by Saturday morning.” Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

b. “An advertising boycott against Fox News host Glenn Beck has succeeded in keeping most major sponsors from running commercials on his show even as the controversial commentator's viewership has grown.” UPDATED: As boycott continues, Glenn Beck's audience swells -

c. Van Jones’ organization engineered the firing of Pat Buchanan from MSNBC: “I'm writing to demand that you fire Pat Buchanan immediately. Buchanan has a long and consistent history of peddling white supremacist ideology as legitimate political commentary, on your network and elsewhere. He recently went on a white supremacist radio show to promote his new book -- which argues that increasing racial diversity is a threat to this country and will mean the "End of White America." | Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan

6. “The OIC’s charter commits it “to combat defamation of Islam.” Its current action plan calls for “deterrent punishments” to counter “Islamophobia.” In 2009, an official OIC organ, the “International Islamic Fiqh [Jurisprudence] Academy,” issued fatwas calling for speech bans, including “international legislation,” to protect “the interests and values of [Islamic] society.” Op.Cit.

a. How easily ‘the interests and value of a Progressive Society” fits the above.

b. "Nasr Abu-Zayd, a Muslim scholar driven out of Egypt: “Charges of apostasy and blasphemy are key weapons in the fundamentalists’ arsenal, strategically employed to prevent reform of Muslim societies, and instead confine the world’s Muslim population to a bleak, colourless prison of socio-cultural and political conformity.” Op. Cit.

This is the wish of the Left in America.
They do not wish a free and democratic society.

Don't be fooled: you are not standing up for Ms. Fluke- you are standing against freedom.

It does seem we have a pro-Islamic administration, according to Newt Gingrich and many voters, doesn't it?

Two quotes from Newt Gingrich on the campaign trail in recent weeks, latter from a Georgia appearance this week, via WSJ:
There’s something sick about an administration which is so pro-Islamic that it can’t even tell the truth about the people who are trying to kill us.
On the Obama apology to Karzai:
President Obama is very quick to apologize for Islam while he attacks the Catholic Church... You’ll notice he’s very sensitive about problems involving Islam.

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1. Freedom is memorialized in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. For most of us, it doesn’t end there. We expect to find freedom, in all of its forms, throughout our society.

2. Embattled today, our freedom of speech is attacked from both without and within….

3. “Many in our media claim to be self-censoring out of sensitivity to religious feelings, but that claim is repeatedly undercut by their willingness to mock and criticize religions other than Islam. As British comedian Ben Elton observed: “The BBC will let vicar gags pass, but they would not let imam gags pass.” Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

4. President OBAMA HAS SUPPORTED THIS SUBTLE ATTACK ON FREE SPEECH: “A first indication of this came in President Obama’s Cairo speech in 2009, when he declared that he has a responsibility to “fight against negative stereotypes of Islam whenever they appear.” Then in July of last year in Istanbul, Secretary of State Clinton co-chaired—with the OIC—a “High-Level Meeting on Combating Religious Intolerance.” There, Mrs. Clinton announced another conference with the OIC, this one in Washington, to “exchange ideas” and discuss “implementation” measures our government might take to combat negative stereotyping of Islam.” Ibid.

a. “The encroachment of de facto blasphemy restrictions in the West threatens free speech and the free exchange of ideas.” Ibid.

5. The same “Islamist” thinking and behavior is exhibited by the Left in our nation.

a. “On Friday morning, HuffPost blogger Krystal Ball called for a boycott of companies that sponsor the Limbaugh show. Participating Twitter users are rallying around the hashtag #BoycottRush, and two Facebook pages calling for a boycott had garnered more than 18,000 and 6,000 Likes by Saturday morning.” Hillsdale College - Imprimis Issue

b. “An advertising boycott against Fox News host Glenn Beck has succeeded in keeping most major sponsors from running commercials on his show even as the controversial commentator's viewership has grown.” UPDATED: As boycott continues, Glenn Beck's audience swells -

c. Van Jones’ organization engineered the firing of Pat Buchanan from MSNBC: “I'm writing to demand that you fire Pat Buchanan immediately. Buchanan has a long and consistent history of peddling white supremacist ideology as legitimate political commentary, on your network and elsewhere. He recently went on a white supremacist radio show to promote his new book -- which argues that increasing racial diversity is a threat to this country and will mean the "End of White America." | Tell MSNBC: Fire Pat Buchanan

6. “The OIC’s charter commits it “to combat defamation of Islam.” Its current action plan calls for “deterrent punishments” to counter “Islamophobia.” In 2009, an official OIC organ, the “International Islamic Fiqh [Jurisprudence] Academy,” issued fatwas calling for speech bans, including “international legislation,” to protect “the interests and values of [Islamic] society.” Op.Cit.

a. How easily ‘the interests and value of a Progressive Society” fits the above.

b. "Nasr Abu-Zayd, a Muslim scholar driven out of Egypt: “Charges of apostasy and blasphemy are key weapons in the fundamentalists’ arsenal, strategically employed to prevent reform of Muslim societies, and instead confine the world’s Muslim population to a bleak, colourless prison of socio-cultural and political conformity.” Op. Cit.

This is the wish of the Left in America.
They do not wish a free and democratic society.

The liberals accommodate and that's appeasement.

Don't be fooled: you are not standing up for Ms. Fluke- you are standing against freedom.

It does seem we have a pro-Islamic administration, according to Newt Gingrich and many voters, doesn't it?

Two quotes from Newt Gingrich on the campaign trail in recent weeks, latter from a Georgia appearance this week, via WSJ:
There’s something sick about an administration which is so pro-Islamic that it can’t even tell the truth about the people who are trying to kill us.
On the Obama apology to Karzai:
President Obama is very quick to apologize for Islam while he attacks the Catholic Church... You’ll notice he’s very sensitive about problems involving Islam.

Libertarian Republican: Gingrich accuses Obama of allegiance to Islam

[ame=]"We Must Fight" - President Reagan - YouTube[/ame]

The Western socialist left detests the United States and its capitalist economic structure, and seeks to facilitate that structure's downfall by any means necessary -- including the formation of whatever alliances will further that ultimate objective. One seemingly unlikely alliance that the socialist left has forged is its alliance with radical, fundamentalist Islam, which emphatically and unambiguously rejects virtually everything for which the socialist left claims to stand: the peaceful resolution of international conflict; respect and tolerance for other cultures and faiths; civil liberties; freedom of expression; freedom of thought; human rights; democracy; women's rights; gay rights; and the separation of church and state.

There could be no stranger bedfellows than Western leftists and Islamic extremists. Yet they have been brought together by the one overriding trait they do share -- their hatred for America; their belief that the U.S. is the very embodiment of evil on earth and must consequently be destroyed.

As Osama bin Laden told a CNN interviewer in 1997, "We declared jihad against America because America is unjust, criminal and tyrannical." This pronouncement does not differ at all, either in substance or tone, from the declarations of the West's radical left, whose ill will toward America is similarly detectable in the following excerpt from an al Qaeda manifesto:

"America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways . . . and punishes any country [that rebels against these laws] by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing [America] seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah's."

While Western leftists make no similar religious references, they do contend, like radical Islamists, that the United States is determined to overrun other nations and dominate the world.

Radical Islam seeks purification and "social justice" by means of jihad, or holy war, whose highest ideal is martyrdom achieved while attempting to conquer an evil worldly power such as the United States, the Great Satan (and Israel, the Little Satan). The radical Islamist's ultimate goal is to subdue the "infidel" nations and therein institute sharia, or Islamic law, so as to redeem the world for Allah.

The radical left, similarly, advocates revolution as the means of achieving its ends -- eliminating capitalism and creating a socialist paradise on earth.

While Islamic radicals seek to purge the world of heresies and of the infidels who practice them, leftist radicals seek to purge society's collective "soul" of the vices allegedly spawned by capitalism -- those being racism, sexism, imperialism, and greed.

Just as Islamic radicals aim to impose their religion on the rest of the world in a totalitarian fashion requiring unwavering obedience, so do radical leftists strive to create an omnipotent socialist state that will control every aspect of daily life and will impose a universal brand of "social justice" on all mankind.

Central to both radical Islam and the radical Western left is an inclination to overthrow the existing order by any means necessary, so as to create a paradise on earth. Leftists may find the bigotry and intolerance of Islamic radicals repugnant, but their desire to rid the world of U.S. "imperialism" and capitalism overrides this revulsion and beckons them to forge the unholy alliance.

The Western socialist left detests the United States and its capitalist economic structure, and seeks to facilitate that structure's downfall by any means necessary -- including the formation of whatever alliances will further that ultimate objective. One seemingly unlikely alliance that the socialist left has forged is its alliance with radical, fundamentalist Islam, which emphatically and unambiguously rejects virtually everything for which the socialist left claims to stand: the peaceful resolution of international conflict; respect and tolerance for other cultures and faiths; civil liberties; freedom of expression; freedom of thought; human rights; democracy; women's rights; gay rights; and the separation of church and state.

There could be no stranger bedfellows than Western leftists and Islamic extremists. Yet they have been brought together by the one overriding trait they do share -- their hatred for America; their belief that the U.S. is the very embodiment of evil on earth and must consequently be destroyed.

As Osama bin Laden told a CNN interviewer in 1997, "We declared jihad against America because America is unjust, criminal and tyrannical." This pronouncement does not differ at all, either in substance or tone, from the declarations of the West's radical left, whose ill will toward America is similarly detectable in the following excerpt from an al Qaeda manifesto:

"America is the head of heresy in our modern world, and it leads an infidel democratic regime that is based upon separation of religion and state and on ruling the people by the people via legislating laws that contradict the way of Allah and permit what Allah has prohibited. This compels the other countries to act in accordance with the same laws in the same ways . . . and punishes any country [that rebels against these laws] by besieging it, and then by boycotting it. By so doing [America] seeks to impose on the world a religion that is not Allah's."

While Western leftists make no similar religious references, they do contend, like radical Islamists, that the United States is determined to overrun other nations and dominate the world.

Radical Islam seeks purification and "social justice" by means of jihad, or holy war, whose highest ideal is martyrdom achieved while attempting to conquer an evil worldly power such as the United States, the Great Satan (and Israel, the Little Satan). The radical Islamist's ultimate goal is to subdue the "infidel" nations and therein institute sharia, or Islamic law, so as to redeem the world for Allah.

The radical left, similarly, advocates revolution as the means of achieving its ends -- eliminating capitalism and creating a socialist paradise on earth.

While Islamic radicals seek to purge the world of heresies and of the infidels who practice them, leftist radicals seek to purge society's collective "soul" of the vices allegedly spawned by capitalism -- those being racism, sexism, imperialism, and greed.

Just as Islamic radicals aim to impose their religion on the rest of the world in a totalitarian fashion requiring unwavering obedience, so do radical leftists strive to create an omnipotent socialist state that will control every aspect of daily life and will impose a universal brand of "social justice" on all mankind.

Central to both radical Islam and the radical Western left is an inclination to overthrow the existing order by any means necessary, so as to create a paradise on earth. Leftists may find the bigotry and intolerance of Islamic radicals repugnant, but their desire to rid the world of U.S. "imperialism" and capitalism overrides this revulsion and beckons them to forge the unholy alliance.

Radical Islam's Alliance with the Socialist Left - Discover the Networks

Actually, I intended the OP to oppose boycotts and attempts to silence opposing voices by the Left....rather than focus on Islamists... bad...

...I'll try to be more direct in the future....
The only enemy of the US(you) and the only REAL terrorists in the world work and live in Washington DC (Devils Cathedral)
The meatheads you all love and wave flags at are all traitors. They swore......"foreign and domestic".
All they've managed to do is defend and steal for corporations and break every international law ever created.

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