The insurance is lapsing.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There’s something happening in America and it’s not pretty. After the delusional, unicorn presidency of Barack Obama, progressives were still in a kind of giddy seventh heaven as they were poised to enjoy the fairy tale election of the first female president. In addition, long term embedded Republicans prostituted to the National chamber of Commerce and global elitism were confident that they had successfully sold out the middle class.

Unfortunately the iron boot of reality kicked them in the face when Donald Trump ended up with the keys to the White House. The dumbing down of America had gotten ahead of itself. The plans of the political establishment to fool most of the people most of the time were stopped short by the election of a populist outsider who was able to connect to the shrinking percentage of Americans who still possess a full set of frontal lobes.

The problem today is that the political establishment had already invested all of its eggs in the basket of a stupefied population. Now the propaganda mills we call the fourth estate have partnered with US intelligence agencies in a wild, last-ditch effort to overthrow the election. Their hope is that there are enough de facto OJ Simpson jurors in the citizenry to swallow anything fed to them- especially something as absurd as Russian Collusion.

In desperation the FBI and the DOJ manipulated language -gross negligence to extremely careless-letting Hillary Clinton off the hook. They then resorted to tabloid national security with a dime novel from Fusion GPS. It was extracted from the pocketbook of Nellie Ohr, the wife of a high level FBI operative, Bruce Ohr. It is a work of fiction payed for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign. It may someday appear on supermarket shelves as “A Dossier for Dummies” “An insurance policy against Trump”.

Anyone who watched Rod Rosenstein, Deputy US Attorney General, shifting his eyes in defense of Robert Mueller would not be alone if they conjured up an image of a rat chewing on an electrical cord. They’re like hyenas backing into a hole protecting their back ends. If Mueller goes down Rosenstein knows he’s probably next.

The FBI and the DOJ have shifted from defenders of national security to community organizers. They along with mass media are a very effective antidote for the Flynn Effect and they want to take down the election.

The insurance is lapsing.
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Rough edges taken off. Sending it to my publisher now.

After the artificial-intelligence presidency of Barack Obama, progressives were still in a kind of giddy seventh heaven as they were poised to enjoy the fairy tale election of the first female president. In addition, long term embedded Republicans prostituted to the National chamber of Commerce and global elitism were confident that they had successfully sold out the middle class.

Reality came to town when Donald Trump ended up with the keys to the White House. The plans of the political establishment to fool most of the people most of the time were stopped short by the election of a populist outsider who was able to connect to the shrinking percentage of Americans who still possess a full set of frontal lobes.

The problem today is that the political establishment had already invested all of its eggs in the basket of the status quo. Now most of the fourth estate has partnered with US intelligence agencies in a wild, last-ditch effort to overthrow the election. Their hope is that they can concoct a witch’s brew of accusations centered on absurd Russian collusion to eventually impeach the president and get back on track with a centrally-planned, stagnant economy.

The FBI and the DOJ swung into emergency action by manipulating language -gross negligence to extremely careless-letting Hillary Clinton off the hook for violations of national security. Then in desperation they resorted to the quackery of tabloid smears from Fusion GPS- a work of fiction paid for by the Clinton campaign.

It was extracted from the pocketbook of Nellie Ohr, the wife of a high level FBI official, Bruce Ohr. This was almost certainly what Peter Strzok, was referring to in texts to paramour Lisa Page. Strzok is the disgraced agent removed from Robert Mueller’s investigation team-not for his nefarious activity but for getting caught.

The FBI and the DOJ have shifted from defenders of national security to community organizers. They, along with mass media, are now working overtime to take out a duly elected president. This is serious business because when national security agencies like the FBI and the DOJ have become so politically dirty that they cannot perform their functions all confidence is lost on the part of the people.

If this investigation charade continues the United States may find itself so polarized that it is unable to recover. This sinister ploy on the part of the losers could bring us to civil war.

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